FEATURE INTRODUCTION Feature name: traffic_shell Synopsis of Feature: traffic_shell is a true "command line interface." It accepts commands in a unix shell-like fashion. traffic_shell supports command completion, command history, man pages, and context sensitive help. Not only is this type of interface more familiar to network engineers everywhere, but it is also easier to document, maintain, and extend. traffic_shell is TCL-based which simplifies the development of new commands. It also supports scripting which means that a user can source and execute a file that contains traffic_shell commands. traffic_shell currently provides full configuration and monitoring functionality for Traffic Server. traffic_shell is built on the same Management API as the Traffic Server WebUI. The Management API (written in C code) handles updating config files and restarting TS or reloading config variables for changes to take effect. Configurations of Traffic Server affected: Platforms: Linux, Linux for OEMs, Solaris SPARC Configurations: All TS configurations References on Feature: Scroll down to the section of this document titled: COMPLETE COMMAND SET SPECIFICATION This section contains an exhaustive list of all traffic_shell commands, along with a description of syntax and sample output. ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION Modes of operation of Feature: No special records.config setup is required. The CLI supports the following operation modes. Note that a "user" can be a person, a script, or some other mechanism for remote control of network devices via command line interface. -- Interactive: "traffic_shell" Similar to unix shell, CLI can be the login shell for administrators. User types command at a prompt. CLI processes command and displays the result. User can execute a file which contains a list of commands. -- Execute file: "traffic_shell -f filename" where file contains a list of CLI commands. CLI runs commands and sends results to stdout. When entered at the Unix shell prompt, the "traffic_shell -f filename" command starts traffic_shell and runs a TCL script "filename" which typically contains traffic_shell commands. Since traffic_shell is a TCL interpreter, the script can also contain any valid combination of TCL constructs. If the TCL interpreter encounters the "exit" keyword, then control returns to the shell from which the user typed "traffic_shell -f ". If the interpreter reaches the end of script execution without encountering "exit", then the traffic_shell prompt appears and the user can continue to use traffic_shell interactively. Risk points of feature: Certain configuration changes force a reset of Traffic Server. These restarts are performed by functions in the Management API. Effect on SDK/API: None. In the future, traffic_shell may be enhanced to provide configurability of certain plugins. Module tests, diagnostic output, and statistics on feature None. Engineering description of Feature: The CLI is a standalone executable that is part of a Traffic Server installation. The CLI is implemented in a combination of TCL and C++. The shell and parsing functionality uses TCL. Commands themselves are typically written in C++. The CLI uses the traffic_manager Management API to make Traffic Server configuration changes. The overall CLI architecture is as follows: - traffic_shell --------------------------- | | | --------------------------------------- | | Shell and parser implemented in TCL/C++ | | --------------------------------------- | | ^ | | ----------------|------------------- | | CLI commands implemented in C++ (.a) | | ------------------------------------ | | ^ | | --------|---------- | | Management API (.a) | | ------------------- | | | ------------------------------------------- Notes and comments by developing engineer: None. TESTS DESCRIPTIONS Test description: QA developed expect scripts for each traffic_shell command to simulate commands from user level, and also to check the output of CLI. Each script covers one command along with all of its sub-commands and arguments. Each Config Command script has a flow as follows: - Valid test: . Send valid syntax command to CLI. . Check the value of affected variable from either the CLI or from traffic_line -r . . Set errors if the output of CLI does not match expected result. - Negative test: . Send commands with invalid arguments to CLI. . CLI should handled unregconized arguments gracefully. . Set error if CLI does not handle invalid arguments correctly. Same logic flow for Show commands. To run the test scripts: ---------------------------- There are two files: cli-config-tests.tar for config commands. cli-show-tests.tar for show commands. Copy these files into a "cli" subdirectory of the traffic_server "bin" directory, and untar them. Start traffic_server and run scripts within cli directory. - For Config, run cli-test.exp + For example: cli% ./cli-test.exp config-name This will test config:name command - For Show, run show-test.exp + Test development notes: - These scripts are by no means complete. Anyone can add more testcases in by copying/modifying existing testcases. These tests are pretty primitive for now. - When running tests, please make sure you enlarge your terminal as large as possible to accomodate the CLI output. The EOL character might affect string comparision in expect. - Some of variables are set to random values. So please be sure to save your config directory or install new traffic server after you complete CLI test :-) This will be make better in the future. ******************************************************* COMPLETE COMMAND SET SPECIFICATION ******************************************************* traffic_shell command set specification NOTE: This document does not distinguish phase-1 commands and functionality. There may be some inconsistencies between the command descriptions and the actual implementation. In particular, column alignment is not exactly specified in this document. Also, the values below are for example purposes only. ============== CLI Features ============== 1) CLI supports command completion i.e if the user types first one or two characters of a valid command and presses tab key it completes the command. 2) CLI supports command abbreviation i.e if user types first one or two characters of a valid command and presses enter CLI will display all the commands whic start with the abbreviation typed by user If there is only one command matching the command abbreviation CLI directly executes the command. 3) CLI supports history command which shows the history of previously typed commands. 4) CLI supports up and down arrow keys to see through previous commands. 5) All CLI commands can be classified in two catogories Show commands and Config commands. Show Commands display system information. Show Commands can be executed in normal mode. A list of possible show commands described below can be seen by just typing show on command line. 6) Config commands let the user configure or set system information and settings Config commands can be executed in privileged mode enabled by admin password. A list of possible config commands described below can be seen by just typing config on command line. ================ Command Overview ================ Normal mode commands % prompt ---------------------------- enable Enable privileged commands Prompt for password. Password can be blank. syntax: enable args: none ts> enable Password: (no characters displayed) ts# exit Exit CLI syntax: exit args: none ts> exit help Help Display list of commands with one line description. Or display help for a particular subcommand. syntax: help [ subcommand ] args: subcommand (optional) show Show system information See "Show Command" below for list of subcommands. syntax: show:< show-sub-command > args: show-sub-command = optional subcommand behavior: If show-sub-command is ommitted, then display the list of possible show-sub-commands. Enable mode commands includes all Normal mode commands # prompt ---------------------------- config Enter configuration mode See "Configure Command" below for list of subcommands. syntax: config:< config-sub-command > args: config-sub-command = optional subcommand behavior: If config-sub-command is ommitted, then display the list of possible config-sub-commands. disable Disable privileged commands No parameters. Puts CLI back into Normal Mode. syntax: disable args: none behavior: Switch to Normal Mode. ts# disable ts> exit Exit CLI syntax: exit args: none help Help Same as Normal Mode but includes Configure Command. Display list of commands with one line description. Or display help for a particular subcommand. syntax: help [ subcommand ] args: subcommand (optional) show Show system information Same as Normal Mode but includes privileged commands. See "Show Command" below for list of subcommands. syntax: show:< show-sub-command > args: show-sub-command = optional subcommand behavior: If show-sub-command is ommitted, then display the list of possible show-sub-commands. Show command ------------ Parameter Description ----------------------------------- status Proxy status on/off syntax: show:status args: none behavior: Display status as follows: ts> show:status Proxy -- on ts> implementation: Determine whether proxy is up and running. version Traffic Server and Traffic Manager version syntax: show:version args: none behavior: Display Traffic_Server and Traffic Manager version number as follows: ts> show:version traffic_server version --- 5.0.0 traffic_manager version -- 5.0.0 ts> security Security Configuration (only in Enable Mode) (TS IP allow, MGMT allow, Login allow) syntax: show:security args: none behavior: Display IP address access lists for TS, MGMT, and login. ts> show:security Traffic Server Access (ip_allow.config contents) ts> implementation: Traffic Server Access specified in ip_allow.config (use MGMT API) cluster Cluster Configuration syntax: show:cluster args: none behavior: Display cluster port ts> show:cluster Cluster Port ----------- 14988 (proxy.config.cluster.cluster_port) Cluster RS Port -------- 14990 (proxy.config.cluster.rsport) Cluster MC Port -------- 14991 (proxy.config.cluster.mcport) http HTTP Configuration (timeout values, headers, authorization) syntax: show:http args: none behavior: Display HTTP Configuration ts> show:http HTTP Caching ------------------ on (proxy.config.http.cache.http) HTTP Server Port -------------- 14980 (proxy.config.http.server_port) HTTP Other Ports -------------- NULL (proxy.config.http.server_other_ports) Keep-Alive Timeout Inbound ---- 10 s (proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in) Keep-Alive Timeout Outbound --- 10 s (proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out) Inactivity Timeout Inbound ---- 120 s (proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_in) Inactivity Timeout Outbound --- 120 s (proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out) Activity Timeout Inbound ------ 7200 s (proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in) Activity Timeout Outbound ----- 7200 s (proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out) Maximum Number of Alternates -- 3 (proxy.config.cache.limits.http.max_alts) Remove the following common headers From (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_from) Referer (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_referer) User-Agent (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_user_agent) Cookie (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_cookie) Remove additional headers list (proxy.config.http.anonymize_other_header_list) Insert or Remove Client IP address Insert (proxy.config.http.anonymize_insert_client_ip) Remove (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_client_ip) ts> icp ICP Configuration (on/off, rules, port, timeouts) syntax: show:icp [ peers ] args: optional "peers" argument behavior: Display ICP Configuration ts> show:icp ICP Mode --------------- off (proxy.config.icp.enabled) ICP Port --------------- 3130 (proxy.config.icp.icp_port) ICP Multicast Enabled -- off (proxy.config.icp.multicast_enabled) ICP Query Timeout ------ 2 s (proxy.config.icp.query_timeout) ts> ts> show:icp peers icp.config rules ---------------- (Display rules from icp.config) ts> proxy Proxy Configuration syntax: show:proxy args: none behavior: Display basic proxy configuration ts> show:proxy Name -- foo (proxy.config.proxy_name) ts> cache Cache Configuration (active protocols, bypass, storage, freshness, expires, variable content, rules) syntax: show:cache [ rules | storage ] args: optional "rules" or "storage" ts> show:cache HTTP Caching ------------------- on (proxy.config.http.cache.http) Ignore User Requests To Bypass Cache --- off (proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_no_cache) Maximum HTTP Object Size --- NONE (proxy.config.cache.max_doc_size) Freshness Verify Freshness By Checking -- (proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_revalidate) When the object has expired Minimum freshness information for a document to be cacheable -- (proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers) Nothing If object has no expiration date: leave it in cache for at least ---- 3600 s (proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_min_lifetime) but no more than ------------------ 86400 s (proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_max_lifetime) Variable Content Do not cache responses to URLs that contain "?", ";", "cgi" or end in ".asp" (proxy.config.http.cache.cache_urls_that_look_dynamic value) Alternates ------------ on (proxy.config.http.cache.enable_default_vary_headers) Vary on HTTP Header Fields: Text ---------------- Cookie (proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_text) Images -------------- NULL (proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_images) Other --------------- NULL (proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_other) Cache responses to requests containing cookies for: (proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies) content-types which are not text ts> ts> show:cache rules Display rules from cache.config ts> ts> show:cache storage Display rules from storage.config ts> virtual-ip Virtual IP Address Configuration syntax: show:virtual-ip args: none behavior: Display virtual IP configuration ts_shell>show:virtual-ip 2 Elements in Record 0 23 23 1 23 24 ts> hostdb Host Database Configuration syntax: show:hostdb args: none behavior: Display Host DB Configuration ts> show:hostdb Lookup Timeout ----------- 120 s (proxy.config.hostdb.lookup_timeout) Foreground Timeout ------- 1440 s (proxy.config.hostdb.timeout) Background Timeout ------- 720 s (proxy.config.hostdb.verify_after) Invalid Host Timeout ----- 0 s (proxy.config.hostdb.fail.timeout) Re-DNS on Reload --------- off (proxy.config.hostdb.re_dns_on_reload) Resolve Attempt Timeout -- 20 s (proxy.config.dns.lookup_timeout) Number of Retries -------- 5 (proxy.config.dns.retries) ts> dns-resolver DNS Resolver Configuration syntax: show:dns-resolver args: none behavior: Display DNS Resolver Configuration ts> show:dns-resolver Local Domain Expansion -- on (proxy.config.dns.search_default_domains) .com Domain Expansion --- on (proxy.config.http.enable_url_expandomatic) ts> logging Logging Configuration syntax: show:logging args: none behavior: Display Logging Configuration ts> show:logging Logging Mode ------------- xxx (proxy.config.log.logging_enabled) Management Log Space Limit -------- 2000 MB (proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs) Log Space Headroom ----- 10 MB (proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom) Log Collation ------------ off (proxy.local.log.collation_mode) Host ------------------- NULL (proxy.config.log.collation_host) Port ------------------- 8085 (proxy.config.log.collation_port) Secret ----------------- foobar (proxy.config.log.collation_secret) Host Tagged ------------ off (proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged) Space Limit for Orphan Files -- 25 MB (proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_orphan_logs) Squid Format ---- on (proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled) File Type ----- ASCII (proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii) File Name ----- squid (proxy.config.log.squid_log_name) File Header --- NULL (proxy.config.log.squid_log_header) Netscape Common -- off (proxy.config.log.common_log_enabled) File Type ------ ASCII (proxy.config.log.common_log_is_ascii) File Name ------ common (proxy.config.log.common_log_name) File Header ---- NULL (proxy.config.log.common_log_header) Netscape Extended -- off (proxy.config.log.extended_log_enabled) File Type -------- ASCII (proxy.config.log.extended_log_is_ascii) File Name -------- extended (proxy.config.log.extended_log_name) File Header ------ NULL (proxy.config.log.extended_log_header) Netscape Extended2 -- off (proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled) File Type --------- ASCII (proxy.config.log.extended2_log_is_ascii) File Name --------- extended2 (proxy.config.log.extended2_log_name) File Header ------- NULL (proxy.config.log.extended2_log_header) Splitting ICP Log Splitting -- off (proxy.config.log.separate_icp_logs) HTTP Host Log Splitting -- off (proxy.config.log.separate_host_logs) Custom Logs -- off (proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled) Rolling -------- on (proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled) Roll Offset Hour --- 0 (proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr) Roll Interval ------ 86400 s (proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec) Auto-delete rolled files when space is low -- on (proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files) ts> ssl SSL Ports syntax: show:ssl args: none behavior: Display SSL Port related configuration. ts> show:ssl Restrict CONNECT connections to Ports -- 443 563 (proxy.config.http.connect_ports) ts> parent Parent Configuration (on/off, parents, rules) syntax: show:parent args: none behavior: Display Parent Configuration. ts> show:parent Parent Caching: OFF (proxy.config.http.parent_proxy_routing_enable) Parent Cache: NONE (proxy.config.http.parent_proxies) ts> syntax: show:parent rules behavior: Display Parent configuration rules file. ts> show:parent rules parent.config rules ------------------- Display rules from parent.config ts> remap Remap Rules syntax: show:remap args: none behavior: Display remap configuration. ts> show:remap remap.config rules ------------------ (Display rules from remap.config) ts> socks SOCKS Configuration (on/off, stats) syntax: show:socks [ rules ] args: none behavior: Display SOCKS Configuration. ts> show:socks SOCKS -------------------- off (proxy.config.socks.socks_needed) SOCKS Default Servers ---- x.x.x.x (proxy.config.socks.default_servers) SOCKS Accept Port -------- 1080 (proxy.config.socks.accept_port) SOCKS HTTP Port ---------- 80 (proxy.config.socks.http_port) SOCKS Timeout ------------ 100 s (proxy.config.socks.socks_timeout) ts> ts> show:socks rules socks.config rules ------------------ (Display socks.config rules) ts> port-tunnels Port Tunnelling Configuration syntax: show:port-tunnels ts# show:port-tunnels server-other-ports -- 7890 To view the corresponding rule of the remap.config file in the following format map tunnel://:/tunnel://: Use show:remap scheduled-update Scheduled Update Configuration syntax: show:scheduled-update [ rules ] args: show update.config file behavior: Display Scheduled Update Configuration. ts> show:scheduled-update Scheduled Update -------------- on (proxy.config.update.enabled) Update Error Retry Count ------ 10 (proxy.config.update.retry_count) Update Error Retry Interval --- 2 s (proxy.config.update.retry_interval) Maximum Concurrent Updates ---- 100 (proxy.config.update.concurrent_updates) Force Immediate Update -------- off (proxy.config.update.force) ts> ts> show:scheduled-update rules update.config rules ------------------- (Display list of rules from update.config) ts> Status subcommands ------------------ Parameter Description ----------------------------------- proxy-stats Proxy Vital Stats oldCLI->root->monitor->node (hit rate, bandwidth savings, open connections) syntax: show:proxy-stats args: none behavior: Display statistics related to the overall proxy. ts> show:proxy-stats Document Hit Rate ------------ 0% * (proxy.node.cache_hit_ratio) Bandwidth Savings ------------ 0% * (proxy.node.bandwidth_hit_ratio) Cache Percent Free ----------- 0% (proxy.node.cache.percent_free) Open Server Connections ------ 0 (proxy.node.current_server_connections) Open Client Connections ------ 0 (proxy.node.current_client_connections) Cache Transfers In Progress -- 0 (proxy.node.current_cache_connections) Client Throughput ------------ 0.00 MBit/Sec (proxy.node.client_throughput_out) Transactions Per Second ------ 0 (proxy.node.user_agent_xacts_per_second) * Value represents 10 second average. ts> http-trans-stats HTTP Transaction Summary (hits, misses, aborts, other) oldCLI->root->monitor->protocols->http-trans syntax: show:http-trans-state args: none behavior: Display statistics related to HTTP transactions. ts> show:http-trans-stats HTTP Transaction Frequency and Speeds (proxy.node.http.transaction_*) Transaction Type Frequency Speed (ms) --Hits-- Fresh ----------------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.hit_fresh, msec_avg_10s.hit_fresh) Stale Revalidated ----------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.hit_revalidated, msec_avg_10s.hit_revalidated) --Misses-- Now Cached ------------------ 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.miss_cold, msec_avg_10s.miss_cold) Server No Cache ------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.miss_not_cacheable, msec_avg_10s.miss_not_cacheable) Stale Reloaded -------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.miss_changed, msec_avg_10s.miss_changed) Client No Cache ------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.miss_client_no_cache, msec_avg_10s.miss_client_no_cache) --Errors-- Connection Failures --------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.connect_failed, msec_avg_10s.errors.connect_failed) Other Errors ---------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.other, msec_avg_10s.errors.other) --Aborted Transactions-- Client Aborts --------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.aborts, msec_avg_10s.errors.aborts) Questionable Client Aborts -- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.possible_aborts, msec_avg_10s.errors.possible_aborts) Partial Request Hangups ----- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.early_hangups, msec_avg_10s.errors.early_hangups) Pre-Request Hangups --------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.empty_hangups, msec_avg_10s.errors.empty_hangups) Pre-Connect Hangups --------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.errors.pre_accept_hangups, msec_avg_10s.errors.pre_accept_hangups) --Other Transactions-- Unclassified ---------------- 0% 0 (frac_avg_10s.other.unclassified, msec_avg_10s.other.unclassified) ts> http-stats HTTP Protocol Summary oldCLI->root->monitor->protocols->http syntax: show:http-stats args: none behavior: Display HTTP Protocol statistics. ts> show:http-stats --Client-- (proxy.process.http.*) Total Document Bytes ------ 150.5 MB (user_agent_response_document_total_size) Total Header Bytes -------- 23.5 MB (user_agent_response_header_total_size) Total Connections --------- 0 (current_client_connections) Transactions In Progress -- 0 (current_client_transactions) --Server-- Total Document Bytes ------ 150.4 MB (origin_server_response_document_total_size) Total Header Bytes -------- 16.3 MB (origin_server_response_header_total_size) Total Connections --------- 0 (current_server_connections) Transactions In Progress -- 0 (current_server_transactions) ts> icp-stats ICP Statistics syntax: show:icp-stats args: none behavior: Display ICP statistics. ts> show:icp-stats --Queries Originating From This Node-- (proxy.process.icp.*) Query Requests ------------------------------ 0 (icp_query_requests) Query Messages Sent ------------------------- 0 (total_udp_send_queries) Peer Hit Messages Received ------------------ 0 (icp_query_hits) Peer Miss Messages Received ----------------- 0 (icp_query_misses) Total Responses Received -------------------- 0 (icp_remote_responses) Average ICP Message Response Time ----------- 0.00 ms (total_icp_response_time) Average ICP Request Time -------------------- 0.00 ms (total_icp_request_time) --Queries Originating from ICP Peers-- Query Messages Received --------------------- 0 (icp_remote_query_requests) Remote Query Hits --------------------------- 0 (cache_lookup_success) Remote Query Misses ------------------------- 0 (cache_lookup_fail) Successful Response Messages Sent to Peers -- 0 (query_response_write) ts> cache-stats Overall Cache Statistics oldCLI->root->monitor->cache syntax: show:cache-stats args: none behavior: Display overall cache statistics. ts> show:cache-stats (proxy.process.cache.*) Bytes Used --- 42.3 GB (bytes_used) Cache Size --- 42.4 GB (bytes_total) --RAM Cache-- Bytes -------- 45443072 (ram_cache.bytes) Hits --------- 31339939 (ram_cache.hits) Misses ------- 18382137 (ram_cache.misses) --Lookups-- In Progress -- 0 (lookup.active) Hits --------- 0 (lookup.success) Misses ------- 0 (lookup.failure) --Reads-- In Progress -- 0 (read.active) Hits --------- 30116923 (read.success) Misses ------- 26817128 (read.failure) --Writes-- In Progress -- 1 (write.active) Successes ---- 25354918 (write.success) Failures ----- 75520 (write.failure) --Updates-- In Progress -- 0 (update.active) Successes ---- 101888 (update.success) Failures ----- 1753 (update.failure) --Removes-- In Progress -- 0 (remove.active) Successes ---- 0 (remove.success) Failures ----- 0 (remove.failure) ts> hostdb-stats Host Database Statistics syntax: show:hostdb-stats args: none behavior: Display Host Database statistics. ts> show:hostdb-stats Host Database Hit Rate -- 100% * (proxy.node.hostdb.hit_ratio) DNS Lookups Per Second -- 0.00 (proxy.node.dns.lookups_per_second) *Value represents 10 second average. ts> dns-stats DNS Statistics syntax: show:dns-stats args: none behavior: Display DNS statistics. ts> show:dns-stats DNS Lookups Per Second -- 0.00 (proxy.node.dns.lookups_per_second) ts> logging-stats Logging Statistics syntax: show:logging-stats args: none behavior: Display Logging statistics. ts> show:logging-stats Currently Open Log Files --------- 0 (proxy.process.log.log_files_open) Space Used For Log Files --------- 0 (proxy.process.log.log_files_space_used) Number of Access Events Logged --- 0 (proxy.process.log.event_log_access) Number of Access Events Skipped -- 0 (proxy.process.log.event_log_access_skip) Number of Error Events Logged ---- 0 (proxy.process.log.event_log_error) ts> network Network Settings syntax: show:network args: none behavior: Display information about different Network Parameters traffic_shell> show:network Hostname ---------------- foo.example.com Default Gateway --------- Search Domain ----------- example.com DNS IP Addresses--------- NIC eth0 Status ---------------- up Start on Boot --------- onboot Start Protocol -------- none IP Address ------------ Netmask --------------- Gateway --------------- default NIC eth1 Status ---------------- up Start on Boot --------- onboot Start Protocol -------- none IP Address ------------ Netmask --------------- Gateway --------------- default traffic_shell> Configure submodes (from Enable mode) Some config commands require hard restart or restart for changes to take effect. In these cases, one of the following messages will appear onscreen. Restart required. Change will take effect after next Restart. Use the "config:restart" command to restart now. Hard Restart required. Change will take effect after next Hard Restart. Use the "config:hard-restart" command to restart now. ------------------------------------- Parameter Description ----------------------------------- get Get records.config variable value syntax: config:get args: = variable from records.config behavior: Retrieve and display the variable from records.config. ts# config:get proxy.config.http.server_port proxy.config.http.server_port = 8080 ts# set Set records.config variable value syntax: config:set args: = variable from records.config = value of variable behavior: Set the variable from records.config to the specified value. ts# config:set proxy.config.http.server_port 8080 +OK ts# name Proxy Name syntax: config:name args: = name of proxy behavior: Set proxyname to ts# config:name config1 +OK ts# ts# config:name config1 ts# start Start Proxy Software syntax: config:start args: none behavior: Run start_traffic_server. ts# config:start +OK ts# stop Stop Proxy Software syntax: config:stop args: none behavior: Run stop_traffic_server. ts# config:stop +OK ts# write Write Upgrade File (IFC file) syntax: config:write ifc-head ts-version build-date platform nodes config:write feature config:write tar config:write tar-info filelist config:write tar-common config:write bin-dir config:write bin-group config:write bin-common config:write lib-dir config:write lib-group config:write lib-common config:write config-dir config:write config-group config:write config-common config:write common args: = .. = :
: = = -1 (default) | 0 (single node) | n (n+1 nodes) = = list of files, separated by , = list of subdirectory, followed by filelists in each subdirectory. Subdirectories are separated by ; and file lists are separated by , behavior: Write the text IFC file according to the current install status. read Read Update File syntax: config:read path file args: = = behavior: Read the upgrade file and display it. For debugging purpose only. reset-stats Reset Statistics syntax: config:reset-stats args: none behavior: Reset all statistics. ts# config:reset-stats +OK ts# http HTTP Configuration (timeout values, headers, authorization) syntax: config:http status record: (proxy.config.http.cache.http) ts# config:http status on ts# syntax: config:http args: can be one of the following keep-alive-timeout-in (proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in) keep-alive-timeout-out (proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out) inactive-timeout-in (proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_in) inactive-timeout-out (proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out) active-timeout-in (proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in) active-timeout-out (proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out) ts# config:http keep-alive-timeout-in 10 ts# syntax: config:http behavior: remove the specified header args: (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_from) (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_referer) (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_user_agent) (remove-cookie> (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_cookie) ts# config:http remove-from on ts# syntax: config:http remove-header behavior: remove headers specified in list of headers args: (proxy.config.http.anonymize_other_header_list) ts# config:http remove-header "field1 field2" ts# syntax: config:http behavior: insert or remove client IP from header args: (proxy.config.http.anonymize_insert_client_ip) (proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_client_ip) syntax: config:http proxy behavior: enable http proxying in fwd/rev/fwd-rev modes ts# config:http proxy fwd ts# config:http proxy rev ts# ssl SSL Configuration (on,off,port) syntax: config:ssl status record: (proxy.config.ssl.enabled) ts# config:ssl status on ts# config:ssl status off syntax: config:ssl port record: (proxy.config.ssl.server_port) ts# config:ssl port 1234 ts# icp ICP Configuration (on/off, rules, port, timeouts) syntax: config:icp mode record: (proxy.config.icp.enabled value) receive = 1, send-receive = 2, disabled = 0 ts# config:icp mode receive ts# syntax: config:icp port record: (proxy.config.icp.icp_port) ts# config:icp port 3130 ts# syntax: config:icp multicast record: (proxy.config.icp.multicast_enabled) ts# config:icp multicast on ts# syntax: config:icp query-timeout record: (proxy.config.icp.query_timeout) ts# config:icp query-timeout 2 ts# syntax: config:icp peers behavior: Retrieve icp.config file from URL. ts# config:icp peers http://example.com/icp.config ts# cache Cache Configuration (active protocols, bypass, storage, freshness, expires, variable content, rules, clear) syntax: config:cache args: = specifies the given protocol is cached behavior: Enable/Disable caching of various protocols. ts# config:cache http on (proxy.config.http.cache.http) +OK ts# ts# config:cache http on ts# syntax: config:cache ignore-bypass args: turn ignore-bypass on/off. ts# config:cache ignore-bypass on (proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_no_cache) +OK ts# ts# config:cache ignore-bypass on ts# syntax: config:cache max-object-size args: if bytes=0 then there is no maximum ts# config:cache max-object-size 0 (proxy.config.cache.max_doc_size) +OK ts# ts# config:cache max-object-size 0 ts# syntax: config:cache max-alternates args: if num=0 then there is no maximum ts# config:cache max-alternates 0 +OK ts# ts# config:cache max-alternates 0 ts# syntax: config:cache file [url] args: [url] = location of remote cache.config file behavior: Retrieve and install cache.config file from URL. ts# config:cache file http://example.com/cache.config +OK ts# syntax: config:cache freshness verify records.config: proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_revalidate args: when-expired = 0, no-date=1, always=2, never=3 ts# config:cache freshness verify when-expired +OK ts# syntax: config:cache freshness minimum records.config: proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers args: explicit = 2, last-modified = 1, nothing = 0 ts# config:cache freshness minimum explicit +OK ts# syntax: config:cache freshness no-expire-limit greater-than less-than records.config: proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_min_lifetime, heuristic_max_lifetime args: is an integer ts# config:cache freshness no-expire-limit greater-than 900 less-than 7200 +OK ts# syntax: config:cache dynamic records: proxy.config.http.cache.cache_urls_that_look_dynamic ts# config:cache dynamic on +OK ts# syntax: config:cache alternates records: proxy.config.http.cache.enable_default_vary_headers ts# config:cache alternates on +OK ts# syntax: config:cache vary records: proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_(text,images,other) args: is a string ts# config:cache vary text Cookie +OK ts# syntax: config:cache cookies records: proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies args: none = 0, all = 1, images = 2, non-text = 3 ts# config:cache cookies none +OK ts# syntax: config:cache clear (clear cache and start traffic server) args: none ts# config:cache clear Traffic Server is running. Clear Cache failed. ts# config:cache clear +OK hostdb Host Database Configuration syntax: config:hostdb lookup-timeout records: proxy.config.hostdb.lookup_timeout ts# config:hostdb lookup-timeout 30 +OK ts# syntax: config:hostdb foreground-timeout records: proxy.config.hostdb.timeout (seconds) ts# config:hostdb foreground-timeout 12 +OK ts# syntax: config:hostdb background-timeout records: proxy.config.hostdb.verify_after 24 ts# config:hostdb background-timeout 24 +OK ts# syntax: config:hostdb invalid-host-timeout records: proxy.config.hostdb.fail.timeout ts# config:hostdb invalid-host-timeout 30 +OK ts# syntax: config:hostdb re-dns-on-reload records: proxy.config.hostdb.re_dns_on_reload ts# config:hostdb re-dns-on-reload on +OK ts# syntax: config:hostdb clear (clear hostdb and start traffic server) args: none ts# config:hostdb clear Traffic Server is running. Clear HostDB failed. ts# config:hostdb clear +OK ts# dns DNS Configuration syntax: config:dns resolve-timeout records: proxy.config.dns.lookup_timeout ts# config:dns resolve-timeout 10 +OK ts# syntax: config:dns retries records: proxy.config.dns.retries ts# config:dns retries 3 +OK ts# logging Logging Configuration syntax: config:logging event records: proxy.config.log.logging_enabled ts# config:logging event enabled +OK ts# ts# config:logging event enabled ts# syntax: config:logging mgmt-directory records: proxy.config.log.logfile_dir ts# config:logging mgmt-directory /usr/local/var/log/trafficserver +OK ts# syntax: config:logging space-limit args: = log space limit (MB) records: proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs ts# config:logging space-limit 10 +OK ts# syntax: config:logging space-headroom args: = log space headroom (MB) records: proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom ts# config:logging space-headroom 100 +OK ts# syntax: config:logging collation-status args: inactive = 0, host = 1, send-standard = 2, send-custom = 3, send-all = 4 records: proxy.local.log.collation_mode ts# config:logging collation-status inactive +OK ts# ts# config:log collation-status send-custom +OK ts# syntax: config:logging collation-host args: is a remote collation host records: proxy.config.log.collation_host ts# config:log collation-host config1 +OK ts# syntax: config:logging collation secret tagged orphan-limit args: = string = size in MB records: = proxy.config.log.collation_port tagged = proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged = proxy.config.log.collation_secret ts# config:logging collation secret foobar tagged on orphan-limit 10 +OK ts# syntax: config:logging format type file header
squid args: = proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled type = proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii file = proxy.config.log.squid_log_name header = proxy.config.log.squid_log_header netscape-common args: = proxy.config.log.common_log_enabled type = proxy.config.log.common_log_is_ascii file = proxy.config.log.common_log_name header = proxy.config.log.common_log_header netscape-ext args: = proxy.config.log.extended_log_enabled type = proxy.config.log.extended_log_is_ascii file = proxy.config.log.extended_log_name header = proxy.config.log.extended_log_header netscape-ext2 args: = proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled type = proxy.config.log.extended2_log_is_ascii file = proxy.config.log.extended2_log_name header = proxy.config.log.extended2_log_header ts# config:log format squid on type ascii file squid.log +OK ts# syntax: config:logging splitting records: proxy.config.log.separate_icp_logs proxy.config.log.separate_host_logs ts# config:log split icp on +OK ts# syntax: config:logging custom format records: proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled ts# config:logging custom on format xml +OK ts# syntax: config:logging rolling offset interval auto-delete records: proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr (24hour format) proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec (seconds) ts# config:logging rolling on offset 0 interval 1 auto-delete off +OK ts# ssl SSL Ports security Security Configuration (TS IP allow, MGMT allow, Admin Access) syntax: config:security ip-allow ts# config:security ip-allow http://example.com/ip_allow.config ts# syntax: config:security admin ts# config:parent status on ts# ts# config:parent name parent.example.com ts# ts# config:parent rules http://example.com/parent.config ts# remap Remap Rules syntax: config:remap args: = retrieve file and use as remap.config ts# config:remap http://example.com/remap.config ts# ports Ports used by Traffic Server *** config:ports command is not implemented or supported *** (including mgmt port) syntax: config:ports args: some variables are single-port while other can be a list of ports (proxy.config.http.server_port) single (proxy.config.http.server_other_ports) list (proxy.config.cluster_port) single (proxy.config.cluster.rsport) single (proxy.config.cluster.mcport) single (proxy.config.http.connect_ports) list (proxy.config.socks.socks_server_port) single (proxy.config.icp.icp_port) single socks SOCKS Configuration syntax: config:socks status version default-servers accept accept-port args: socks (proxy.config.socks_socks_needed) version (proxy.config.socks.socks_version) default-servers (proxy.config.socks.default_servers) accept (proxy.config.socks.accept_enabled) accept-port (proxy.config.socks.accept_port) ts# config:socks status on ts# ts# config:socks version 4 ts# ts# config:socks default-servers "s1.example.com:1080;socks2:4080" ts# ts# config:socks accept on ts# ts# config:socks accept-port 1080 ts# port-tunnels Port Tunnelling Configuration syntax: config:port-tunnels server-other-ports args: other-ports (proxy.config.http.server_other_ports) ts# config:port-tunnels ts# NULL ts# config:port-tunnels other-ports 5678 ts# scheduled-update Scheduled Update Configuration syntax: config:scheduled-update status retry-count retry-interval max-concurrent force-immediate rules args: config update.config file behavior: Scheduled Update Configuration. ts> config:scheduled-update on ts> ts> config:scheduled-update retry-count 10 ts> ts> config:scheduled-update retry-interval 2 ts> config:scheduled-update force-immediate off ts> ts> config:scheduled-update rules http://example.com ts> config:scheduled-update rules update.config rules ------------------- (Display list of rules from update.config) ts> Appliance-Specific commands (Linux only) ======================================== Normal Mode ----------- ping Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to host. syntax: ping args: hostname ts> ping foo foo is alive ts> traceroute Display the route packets take to host. syntax: traceroute args: hostname ts> traceroute foo Traceroute output appears here... ts> Configure Mode -------------- config:network Make System Network configuration changes traffic_shell> config:network Command Syntax: config:network hostname config:network defaultrouter config:network search-domain config:network dns [a.a.a.a] [b.b.b.b] [c.c.c.c] config:network int config:network int down config:network int up config:network int config:network int config:network int ip config:network int netmask config:network int gateway traffic_shell> hostname Specify appliance hostname syntax: config:network hostname ts# config:network hostname xxxx ts# config:network hostname xxxx ts# defaultrouter Specify default router syntax: config:network defaultrouter ts# config:network defaultrouter x.x.x.x ts# config:network defaultrouter x.x.x.x ts# search-domain Specify DNS search domain syntax: config:network search-domain ts# config:network search-domain example.com ts# config:network search-domain example.com ts# dns Specify one or more DNS servers syntax: config:network dns ts# config:network dns "" ts# config:network dns ts# int Configure Network Interface Card config:network int List network interface cards by name. config:network int Display NIC configuration. config:network int down Bring down the specified interface. config:network int up Bring up a NIC with the specified parameters. config:network int Change the boot start status of a NIC that is already up. config:network int Change the static/dhcp status of a NIC that is already up. config:network int ip Change the IP address of a NIC that is already up. config:network int netmask Change the netmask of a NIC that is already up. config:network int gateway Change the gateway of a NIC that is already up. traffic_shell> config:network int eth0 eth1 traffic_shell> config:network int eth0 NIC eth0 Status -------------- up Start on Boot ------- onboot Start Protocol ------ none IP Address ---------- Netmask ------------- Gateway ------------- default traffic_shell> date Specify system date. syntax: config:clock date args: = mm/dd/yyyy ts# config:clock date 01/01/2001 ts# config:clock date 01/01/2001 ts# time Specify system time. syntax: config time