Title: Comparison Apache OpenEJB and Apache TomEE are born from the same project and community. They differ in two major ways, only one of them technical: - TomEE incorporates two additional projects; Tomcat and MyFaces - TomEE, as a name, more easily implies the breadth of technologies included Effectively, TomEE is a superset of OpenEJB. They share the same code and TomEE grew out of OpenEJB. Note: this table is for TomEE 1.x, TomEE 7 comments are under it.
Tomcat TomEE TomEE JAX-RS (~ Microprofile) TomEE+ TomEE PluME OpenEJB
Java Servlets (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java ServerPages (JSP) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java ServerFaces (JSF) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Transaction API (JTA) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Persistence API (JPA) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
JavaMail API (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Bean Validation (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Enterprise JavaBeans (/) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) (/) (/) (/)
Java EE Connector Architecture (/) (/) (/)
Java Messaging Service (JMS) (/) (/) (/)
EclipseLink (/)
Mojarra (/)
TomEE 7 targets JavaEE 7 and implements these specifications (in parenthesis the distibution(s) containing it if not part of the basic packages): * WebSocket JSR 356 * JSON-P JSR 353 * Servlet 3.1 JSR 340 * JSF 2.2 JSR 344 * EL 3.0 JSR 341 * JSP 2.3 JSR 245 * JSTL 1.2 JSR 52 * JBatch (plus) JSR 352 * Concurrency utilities for EE JSR 236 * CDI 1.2, DI, Interceptors 1.2, Common Annotations JSR 346 + JSR 330 + JSR 318 + JSR 250 * Bean Validation 1.1 JSR 349 * EJB 3.2 JSR 345 * JavaEE Connector JSR 322 * JPA 2.1 JSR 338 (WARNING: openjpa based distributions provide a JPA 2.0 runtime) * JMS 2.0 JSR 343 (layer based on ActiveMQ 5 / JMS 1.1 for default distributions) * JTA 1.2 JSR 907 * Javamail 1.4 (NOTE: EE 7 requires 1.5) * JAX-RS 2.0 JSR 339 * JAX-WS 2.2 JSR 224 * JAXB 2.2 JSR 222 * and more inherited from TomEE 1/JavaEE 6