h1. What is it? The *OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin* will be a suite of tools made available via Eclipse to make EJB development with OpenEJB easier. The initial offering will probably provide basic functionality by taking advantage of [WebTools|http://www.eclipse.org/webtools] to allow for OpenEJB to be an available container/runtime within Eclipse. This means full debugging and Eclipse project integration. From there, the sky is the limit so feel free to suggest features on the [OpenEJB Dev list|Mailing Lists#MailingLists-DeveloperMailingList]. h1. How to get involved? Just the same as getting involved with any part of OpenEJB -- send a mail to the [OpenEJB Dev list|Mailing Lists#MailingLists-DeveloperMailingList] and say "Hi!" We're a very relaxed group so no need to be perfect or overly prepared. Just dive right in, we're always happy to have more. h1. Where do I get it? The initiative is just launching, but you can grab what we have right here and start hacking. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/openejb/trunk/openejb-eclipse h1. What do I need to help? [Eclipse|http://www.eclipse.org] [Eclipse Web Tools|http://www.eclipse.org/webtools] h1. Resources [EclipseCon Presentation for Extending WTP|http://eclipsezilla.eclipsecon.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3581]