h1. OpenEJB dynamic datasource h2. Goal The openejb dynamic datasource api aims to allow to use multiple data sources as one. It can be useful for technical reasons (load balancing for example) or functionnal reasons (filtering, aggregation, enriching...). h2. The API The interface Router ({{org.apache.openejb.resource.jdbc.Router}}) have only one method to get the datasource to use: {code:java}Router.getDataSource(){code} The {{org.apache.openejb.resource.jdbc.RoutedDataSource}} wraps a classical data source. It has to be used to declare your datasource. You can implement all the policy you want in your Router implementation. A class called {{org.apache.openejb.resource.jdbc.AbstractRouter}} is available to ease router development. h2. Known limitation(s) You have to use the same kind of databases (same version, same configuration...). All database have to be created when you use the router. The way to do it automatically can depend of your JPA provider. h3. OpenJPA OpenJPA initializes its database when the entitymanager is called for the first time so you need to initialize all your proxied datasource before using the other one. It can be done using an Init EJB doing a find() on each proxied datasource. h3. Hibernate Hibernate initializes the database when it starts so if you declare a persistence unit by database all databases will be initialized at the start up. h2. Example h3. The story (the unit test example) You want to use only one datasource in the code but you have a criteria to set to choose the real database to use between three. So in your code you want something like: {code:java}@Stateless public class RoutedEJBBean { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "router") private EntityManager em; @Resource(name = "My Router", type = DeterminedRouter.class) private DeterminedRouter router; // this router is not automatic, we need it to select the database to use public void persist(int id, String name, String clientDatasource) { router.setDataSource(clientDatasource); em.persist(new Person(id, name)); } }{code} h2. The router implementation The router will simply manage a map to store proxied datasources and a field to store the datasource used in the current thread (ThreadLocal). {code:java}public class DeterminedRouter implements Router { private String dataSourceNames; // used to store configuration (openejb.xml) private String defaultDataSourceName; // defautl data source name private Map dataSources = null; // proxied data sources private ThreadLocal currentDataSource = new ThreadLocal(); // the datasource to use or null /** * @param datasourceList datasource resource name, separator is a space */ public void setDataSourceNames(String datasourceList) { dataSourceNames = datasourceList; } /** * lookup datasource in openejb resources */ private void init() { // looking up datasources declared as proxied dataSources = new ConcurrentHashMap(); for (String ds : dataSourceNames.split(" ")) { ContainerSystem containerSystem = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class); Object o = null; Context ctx = containerSystem.getJNDIContext(); try { o = ctx.lookup("openejb:Resource/" + ds); if (o instanceof DataSource) { dataSources.put(ds, (DataSource) o); } } catch (NamingException ignore) { } } } /** * @return the user selected data source if it is set * or the default one * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data source is not found */ public DataSource getDataSource() { // lazy init of routed datasources if (dataSources == null) { init(); } // if no datasource is selected use the default one if (currentDataSource.get() == null) { if (dataSources.containsKey(defaultDataSourceName)) { return dataSources.get(defaultDataSourceName); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("you have to specify at least one datasource"); } } // the developper set the datasource to use return currentDataSource.get(); } /** * * @param datasourceName data source name */ public void setDataSource(String datasourceName) { if (dataSources == null) { init(); } if (!dataSources.containsKey(datasourceName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("data source called " + datasourceName + " can't be found."); } DataSource ds = dataSources.get(datasourceName); currentDataSource.set(ds); } public void setDefaultDataSourceName(String name) { this.defaultDataSourceName = name; } }{code} h2. Creation of the service provider for the router To be able to use your router add a file called service-jar.xml under META-INF/. For example META-INF/org.router. This file will contain something like: {code:xml} Param defaultValue ParamWithNoDefaultValue {code} h2. openejb.xml In the openejb.xml file, you have to declare your dynamic database and in our example it needs the proxied datasources too: {code:xml} Param value Router router JdbcDriver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver JdbcUrl jdbc:hsqldb:mem:db1 UserName sa Password JtaManaged true JdbcDriver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver JdbcUrl jdbc:hsqldb:mem:db2 UserName sa Password JtaManaged true JdbcDriver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver JdbcUrl jdbc:hsqldb:mem:db3 UserName sa Password JtaManaged true {code}