Title: Getting Support {row {span-one-third ## Mailing Lists * [Users](mailto:users@openejb.apache.org) ([Subscribe](mailto:users-subscribe@openejb.apache.org), [Unsubscribe](mailto:users-unsubscribe@openejb.apache.org)) * [Developers](mailto:dev@openejb.apache.org) ([Subscribe](mailto:dev-subscribe@openejb.apache.org), [Unsubscribe](mailto:dev-unsubscribe@openejb.apache.org)) * [Commits](mailto:commits@openejb.apache.org) ([Subscribe](mailto:commits-subscribe@openejb.apache.org), [Unsubscribe](mailto:commits-unsubscribe@openejb.apache.org)) } {span-one-third ## Forums * [User Forum](http://openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/OpenEJB-User-f979441.html) * [Dev Forum](http://openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/OpenEJB-Dev-f982480.html) } {span-one-third ## JIRA * [TOMEE](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE) * [OPENEJB](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB) } } ## Contributing Contributing to the project is a great way to support the community. Some great links for getting involved - [Source Code](dev/source-code.html) - [Contribution Tips](dev/contribution-tips.html) - [Developer Documentation](dev/index.html) - [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=openejb) Contributing doesn't always mean code. If you love the project and want to see it grow, follow it on Facebook and Twitter. - [http://twitter.com/ApacheTomEE](http://twitter.com/ApacheTomEE) - [http://facebook.com/ApacheTomEE](http://facebook.com/ApacheTomEE) The more people we reach the more the project grows. - Become an active retweeter - Share Facebook posts Doing these two small things as often as possible are simple and powerful ways to help. Do your part and watch the project grow grow grow! ## Committers
Alan Cabrera Committer, PMC adc map
Aaron Mulder Committer ammulder map
Andrew Gumbrecht Committer andygumbrecht map
Dain Sundstrom Committer, PMC dain map
David Blevins Founder, Chair dblevins map
David Jencks Committer, PMC djencks map
Daniel Stefan Haischt Committer dsh map
Jarek Gawor Committer gawor map
Gianny Damour Committer gdamour map
Lin Quan Jiang Committer genspring map
Matt Richard Hogstrom Committer hogstrom map
Jonathan Gallimore Committer, PMC jgallimore map
Jeff Genender Committer jgenender map
Jacek Laskowski Committer, PMC jlaskowski map
Jean-Louis Monteiro Committer, PMC jlmonteiro map
Jason van Zyl Committer jvanzyl map
Jeremy Whitlock Committer jwhitlock map
Kevan Lee Miller Committer, PMC kevan map
Karan Singh Malhi Committer kmalhi map
Lajos Moczar Committer lajos map
Manu George Committer manugeorge map
Mohammad Nour El-Din Committer mnour map
Richard McGuire Committer rickmcguire map
Romain Manni-Bucau Committer rmannibucau map
Thiago Veronezi Committer tveronezi map
Haihong Xu Committer xuhaihong map