Title: Running a standalone OpenEJB server # Configuring the OpenEJB Runtime The OpenEJB Eclipse plugin provides support for running OpenEJB as a standalone server in Eclipse using WTP. To setup a server, first of all, you will need to have a copy of OpenEJB extracted on your machine. Once you have that, the next step is to set up a runtime. To set up a new runtime, click on Window, Preferences, and select Installed Runtimes under the Server category. Click the Add button. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_4.jpg! Select OpenEJB 3.0.0 from the Apache category, and click next. If you choose to 'also create a new server' on this panel, you can add a server straight after configuring the runtime. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_5.jpg! Browse to, or enter the path to your copy of OpenEJB. Click on Finish. # Configuring the OpenEJB Server Open the Servers view (if it isn't already), and right click and select New->Server. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_8.jpg! Select OpenEJB 3.0.0 from the Apache category, ensure you have the OpenEJB runtime selected, and click Next. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_9.jpg! Select the EJB port for the server, and select Finish. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_10.jpg! # Deploying a project In order to deploy your project to an OpenEJB server in Eclipse, your project must be a Java EE project, with the EJB facet enabled. If your project doesn't have the Faceted nature, you can use the OpenEJB plugin to add it. Simply select OpenEJB->Add Faceted Nature from the menu bar. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_1.jpg! To add the EJB facet, right click on the project in the navigator, and select Properties. Select Project Facets on the left hand side. Click on the Modify Project button. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_2.jpg! Select the EJB Module facet, and the Java Facet. Remember to select your OpenEJB runtime too. Click Next. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_6.jpg! Enter the source folder for the EJBs in your project and click Finish. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_7.jpg! Now right click on your OpenEJB server in the servers view, and select Add and Remove Projects. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_11.jpg! Add your project to the server, and click Finish. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_12.jpg! To start the server, Right click on your OpenEJB server, and select Start. !http://people.apache.org/~jgallimore/images/server_step_13.jpg!