{% extends "basic.html" %} {% block title %}Apache TomEE & OpenEJB{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Apache TomEE, pronounced "Tommy", is an all-Apache Java EE 6 Web Profile certified stack where Tomcat is top dog. Apache TomEE is assembled from a vanilla Apache Tomcat zip file. We start with Tomcat, add our jars and zip up the rest. The result is Tomcat with added EE features - TomEE.

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Apache TomEE Plus has all the features of TomEE with the addition of JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JMS and the Java Connector Architecture. The additional functionality is delivered via Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ and the Geronimo Connector library

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Don't be mislead by the name, Apache OpenEJB contains a lot more than EJB. A better description might be "headless TomEE+" as it contains everything TomEE+ contains minus Servlets, JSP and JSF.

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See the extensive list of examples being developed for Java EE 6. All are functional and tested before publishing. Some are documented. These also stream from the continuous integration system.

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{% for e in blog.list %}

{{ e.title }}

{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:50 }}
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