<%@ page import=" org.acme.movie.JndiContext, java.sql.Connection, javax.naming.Context, java.sql.Statement, java.util.Date, org.acme.movie.MovieEntity, java.text.SimpleDateFormat, javax.sql.DataSource, java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, org.acme.movie.Movie"%>


<% //Looking up the DataSource from JNDI Context context = JndiContext.LOCAL; DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/moviedb"); //Opening a connection to the moviedb database
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); //Dropping old MOVIE table statement.execute("DROP TABLE movie"); //Creating a new MOVIE table statement.execute(" CREATE TABLE movie (\n"+ " movieId int PRIMARY KEY,\n" + " title varchar(200) not null,\n" + " director varchar(200) not null,\n" + " genre varchar(200) not null,\n" + " rating int not null,\n" + " release_date date not null\n" + ")"); //Closing connections statement.close(); connection.close(); //Creating an initial set of records using CMP Entities SimpleDateFormat date = MovieEntity.DATE_FORMAT; MovieEntity.Home.create("Wedding Crashers", "David Dobkin", "Comedy", 7 , date.parse("2005.07.15")); MovieEntity.Home.create("Starsky & Hutch", "Todd Phillips", "Action", 6 , date.parse("2004.03.05")); MovieEntity.Home.create("Shanghai Knights", "David Dobkin", "Action", 6 , date.parse("2003.07.13")); MovieEntity.Home.create("I-Spy", "Betty Thomas", "Adventure", 5 , date.parse("2002.11.01")); MovieEntity.Home.create("The Royal Tenenbaums", "Wes Anderson", "Comedy", 8 , date.parse("2001.12.14")); MovieEntity.Home.create("Zoolander", "Ben Stiller", "Comedy", 6 , date.parse("2001.09.28")); MovieEntity.Home.create("Shanghai Noon", "Tom Dey", "Comedy", 7 , date.parse("2000.05.26")); //Done! %> Done!

Seeded Database with the Following movies

<% Collection movies = MovieEntity.Home.findAllMovies(); for (Iterator iterator = movies.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Movie movie = (Movie) iterator.next(); %> <% } %>
Title Director Genre
<%=movie.getTitle()%> <%=movie.getDirector()%> <%=movie.getGenre()%>


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