Apache BVal - CHANGES.txt Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content ======= * Overview * Disclaimer * Prerequisites * Documentation * Getting Involved * Release Notes Overview ======== This is an implementation of the Java Bean Validation (JSRs 303, 349, 380) specification for Java EE and Java SE. The technical objective is to provide a class level constraint declaration and validation facility for the Java application developer, as well as a constraint metadata repository and query API. Prerequisites ============= You need a platform that supports Java SE 8 or later. Documentation ============= Please refer to the project page at: http://bval.apache.org/ Getting Involved ================ The Apache BVal project is being built by the open source community for the open source community - we welcome your input and contributions! What are we looking for? * Source code and fixes contributions * Documentation assistance * Project and feature suggestions * Integration and testing with other projects * Detailed and constructive feedback * Articles and whitepapers How do I Contribute? * To discuss BVal topics, check out the mailing lists. * Bugs and other issues can be posted on the project JIRA. Release Notes - BVal - Version 2.0.0 ========================================== ** Bug * [BVAL-108] - Prefer Thread context classloader or framework-relative as appropriate to task - addresses resource loading complaints with OSGI * [BVAL-154] - avoid storing metamodel for unconstrained types using "negative cache" * [BVAL-157] - method named get() blows up with illegal param name * [BVAL-158] - ExecutableValidator invokes method if it looks like a getter ** Improvement * [BVAL-118] - improve efficiency by associating bean metadata with the factory rather than the context * [BVAL-159] - Drop commons dependencies * [BVAL-160] - Implement Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) ** Task * [BVAL-161] - Redesign bean metadata model * [BVAL-162] - Convert remaining JUnit 3 tests to JUnit 4 * [BVAL-163] - Remove Agimatech extensions * [BVAL-164] - Merge core code into jsr module Release Notes - BVal - Version 1.1.2 ========================================== Bug ----------- * [BVAL-105] - Multiple use of @ReportAsSingleViolation composing constraints on one bean leads to internal RuntimeError * [BVAL-117] - EMailValidationUtils matches not at circumflex * [BVAL-137] - Apache Bean Validation fails on CDI proxies when integrated with Weld CDI 1.2 * [BVAL-142] - bval-xstream Failed to execute goal org.apache.commons:commons-weaver-maven-plugin * [BVAL-147] - TraversableResolver, ConstraintValidatorFactory and MessageInterpolator shouldnt invalidate the metadata cache * [BVAL-148] - Incorrect double-checked locking * [BVAL-149] - ConstraintViolation contains wrong property * [BVAL-150] - improve performance of empty Annotations Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-151] - remove dependency on commons-lang Release Notes - BVal - Version 1.1.1 ========================================== Bug ----------- * [BVAL-144] - wrong encoding for ValidationMessages_es.properties * [BVAL-143] - meta cache not shared accross validator instances * [BVAL-141] - Wrong method interceptor signature * [BVAL-138] - OSGi bundle maven dependencies are too big and also too small * [BVAL-136] - fix artifactId of our bundle module Release Notes - BVal - Version 1.1.0 ========================================== New Feature ----------- * [BVAL-122] - Implement Bean Validation 1.1 Task ----------- * [BVAL-120] - Add bval-tck11 tck runner for future work on Bean Validation 1.1 Release Notes - BVal - Version 0.5 ================================== Bug --- * [BVAL-106] - FeaturesCapable compilation fails on JDK7 * [BVAL-111] - ValidatorFactory-bound ConstraintValidatorFactory used instead of ValidatorContext-bound instance Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-112] - Reduced log level of ignoreXmlConfiguration message from INFO to CONFIG Release Notes - BVal - Version 0.4 ================================== Bug --- * [BVAL-54] - Handle Java security policies and managers * [BVAL-63] - use java.util.ServiceLoader in DefaultValidationProviderResolver#getValidationProviders() * [BVAL-89] - Application specific constraints and artifacts not visible by provider in OSGI-based app server * [BVAL-90] - Inconsistent fraction handling of @Digits when target is a BigDecimal * [BVAL-91] - Security hole in org.apache.bval.util.MethodAccess.get() * [BVAL-92] - Security holes in org.apache.bval.util.PrivilegedActions * [BVAL-94] - Missing SVN EOL properties * [BVAL-95] - Beanvalidation with Generic-DataTypes * [BVAL-96] - Use correct encoding for localization messages * [BVAL-97] - More than one META-INF/validation.xml in tomcat webapp * [BVAL-100] - Java2 Security AccessControlException after moving to use common-lang3 * [BVAL-104] - german validation messages properties are broken Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-68] - Use FindBugs to reduce coding errors Task ---- * [BVAL-99] - upgrade to apache parent pom 10 * [BVAL-103] - switch BVal from slf4j to java.util.logging Release Notes for 0.3-incubating ================================ Bug --- * [BVAL-84] - CNFEX org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder building xstream and guice * [BVAL-86] - Missing DecimalMax/DecimalMin constraint messages in ValidationMessages.properties * [BVAL-87] - Java 2 security violations in ClassValidator.validate * [BVAL-88] - Cascaded validation adds a constraint violation for valid child property Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-60] - Use SLF4J API for logging * [BVAL-85] - bval-core has no dependency on slf4j-jcl* Release Notes for 0.2-incubating ================================ Bug --- * [BVAL-47] - Correctly follow GroupSequence definitions when validating * [BVAL-70] - Remove @Override annotations from methods implementing interfaces * [BVAL-71] - Compile errors with Java SE 5 * [BVAL-72] - NPE when doing methodvalidation * [BVAL-77] - Recent changes made the bval-xstream module required, instead of optional Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-59] - Write or reuse an scm-plugin mojo to capture the svn revision * [BVAL-69] - make dependency to com.thoughtworks.xstream of bval-core optional or obsolete * [BVAL-73] - Alternative way of addressing code reuse issue between the validators * [BVAL-74] - Remove redundant method call from ClassValidator.validateProperty() * [BVAL-75] - javadocs, compiler (generics) warnings, etc. * [BVAL-76] - Correct spelling error in API: ConstraintValidationListener.getConstaintViolations() * [BVAL-78] - Avoid unsafe casting and object swapping when processing @ReportAsSingleViolation composed constraints * [BVAL-79] - email validation can easily work for any CharSequence rather than String only Release Notes for 0.1-incubating ================================ Sub-task -------- * [BVAL-3] - Move all copyrights to NOTICE files * [BVAL-4] - Rename java packages * [BVAL-5] - Update builds for incubator * [BVAL-7] - Setup initial structure/navigation/content in the wiki * [BVAL-8] - Setup confluence autoexport template * [BVAL-9] - Setup rsync cron job to copy autoexport content over to www staging area Bug --- * [BVAL-11] - After moved java packages tests don't work * [BVAL-13] - ConstraintViolationImpl must be Serialziable according to JSR303 spec * [BVAL-15] - @Min and @Max fail with very high values of long * [BVAL-17] - PathImpl keeps a null-named first node on unindexed property paths * [BVAL-18] - DefaultMessageInterpolator substitutes unexistant variables with the whole message * [BVAL-19] - Several changes to pass 12 more tests * [BVAL-20] - When building a MetaBean, the full tree of subclasses/interfaces must be considered * [BVAL-21] - ConstraintViolations set should not have duplicates and should store ElementType and use it in equals() * [BVAL-22] - Incorrect output or IOBException when interpolating messages when annotation values have $ or \ * [BVAL-23] - Circular dependency check produces false positives * [BVAL-24] - IllegalArgumentException should be thrown when calling Validator.getConstraintsForClass() with a null class * [BVAL-26] - IllegalAccessException is thrown when accesing annotation values * [BVAL-27] - IllegalArgumentException should be thrown when calling BeanDescriptor.getConstraintsForProperty(null) * [BVAL-28] - Property path for nodes inside iterables that do not implement List should not contain the index * [BVAL-29] - Defer node creation in implementation of ConstraintViolationBuilder API * [BVAL-30] - Groups from the main constraint annotation must be inherited by the composing annotations * [BVAL-31] - A ConstraintDefinitionException should be thrown when the resolved validator is not compatible with the annotation type * [BVAL-32] - Annotations associated with composited contraints must reflect inherited groups * [BVAL-33] - Payload value must also be inherited in compositing constraints * [BVAL-34] - Parameter for @Pattern message should be {regexp} * [BVAL-35] - Improved support of @OverridesAttribute * [BVAL-36] - Improve @ReportAsSingleValidation implementation * [BVAL-37] - Ensure constraint definitions are valid * [BVAL-38] - Groups and payload values must be part of the ConstraintDescriptor attributes * [BVAL-39] - Implicit groups should be correctly set in constraint descriptors * [BVAL-41] - Package bval artifacts as bundles * [BVAL-42] - Stop group sequence validation when at least 1 violation is already reported * [BVAL-43] - GroupDefinitionException must be thrown on cyclic group detection * [BVAL-45] - ValidationException must be thrown when validating a bean with an annotated method which isn't a valid getter * [BVAL-48] - jUnit failure during build on Windows - trunk rev 945800 * [BVAL-49] - ValidationException must be thrown in case ConstraintValidatorFactory returns null for a valid getInstance call * [BVAL-50] - Fix TraversableResolver usage * [BVAL-51] - Several fixes in ElementDescriptor and subinterfaces impls * [BVAL-53] - Several fixes for XML metadata processing impl * [BVAL-55] - Fix remaining TCK tests * [BVAL-58] - Clean up build before release * [BVAL-62] - add missing ASL headers * [BVAL-64] - org.apache.bval.bundle needs a custom NOTICE file * [BVAL-65] - Incubator required DISCLAIMER missing from jars * [BVAL-67] - Resolve NOTICE file issues fond during RC2 vote Improvement ----------- * [BVAL-12] - Current implementation of method validation (appendix C of JSR-303) doesn't work with some constraints * [BVAL-16] - Maven project to launch TCK suite * [BVAL-44] - Move optional JSON code out of bval-core to a bval-json module * [BVAL-46] - Create project source assembly * [BVAL-52] - ValidationParser.getInputStream() should call getResourceAsStream() for TCK suite to work * [BVAL-57] - Create a single apache-bval jar/bundle * [BVAL-66] - Method validation parameter processing problems New Feature ----------- * [BVAL-40] - Provide a way to display the BVal version being used * [BVAL-56] - make bval work with geronimo spec osgi service locator Task ---- * [BVAL-2] - Initial codebase donation tasks * [BVAL-6] - Setup project website Test ---- * [BVAL-10] - Setup continuous builds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------