# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. catalina.configFail=Unable to load server configuration from [{0}] catalina.noCluster=Cluster RuleSet not found due to [{0}]. Cluster configuration disabled. catalina.shutdownHookFail=The shutdown hook experienced an error while trying to stop the server catalina.stopServer=No shutdown port configured. Shut down server through OS signal. Server not shut down. contextConfig.altDDNotFound=alt-dd file {0} not found contextConfig.applicationUrl=Unable to determine URL for application web.xml contextConfig.applicationMissing=Missing application web.xml, using defaults only contextConfig.applicationParse=Parse error in application web.xml file at {0} contextConfig.applicationPosition=Occurred at line {0} column {1} contextConfig.applicationStart=Parsing application web.xml file at {0} contextConfig.authenticatorConfigured=Configured an authenticator for method {0} contextConfig.authenticatorInstantiate=Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class {0} contextConfig.authenticatorMissing=Cannot configure an authenticator for method {0} contextConfig.authenticatorResources=Cannot load authenticators mapping list contextConfig.badUrl=Unable to process context descriptor [{0}] contextConfig.baseError=Unable to determine location of global configuration (usually $CATALINA_BASE/conf) contextConfig.cce=Lifecycle event data object {0} is not a Context contextConfig.contextClose=Error closing context.xml contextConfig.contextMissing=Missing context.xml: {0} contextConfig.contextParse=Parse error in context.xml for {0} contextConfig.defaultError=Error processed default web.xml named {0} at {1} contextConfig.defaultMissing=No global web.xml found contextConfig.defaultPosition=Occurred at line {0} column {1} contextConfig.destroy=ContextConfig: Destroying contextConfig.fileUrl=Unable to create a File object from the URL [{0}] contextConfig.fixDocBase=Exception fixing docBase for context [{0}] contextConfig.init=ContextConfig: Initializing contextConfig.inputStreamFile=Unable to process file [{0}] for annotations contextConfig.inputStreamJar=Unable to process Jar entry [{0}] from Jar [{1}] for annotations contextConfig.inputStreamJndi=Unable to process resource element [{0}] for annotations contextConfig.invalidSci=The ServletContentInitializer [{0}] could not be created contextConfig.jarUrl=The connection created for URL [{0}] was not a JarUrlConnection contextConfig.jar=Unable to process resource [{0}] for annotations contextConfig.jndiUrl=Unable to process JNDI URL [{0}] for annotations contextConfig.jndiUrlNotDirContextConn=The connection created for URL [{0}] was not a DirContextURLConnection contextConfig.jspFile.error=JSP file {0} must start with a ''/' contextConfig.jspFile.warning=WARNING: JSP file {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 contextConfig.missingRealm=No Realm has been configured to authenticate against contextConfig.resourceJarFail=Failed to processes JAR found at URL [{0}] for static resources to be included in context with name [{0}] contextConfig.role.auth=WARNING: Security role name {0} used in an without being defined in a contextConfig.role.link=WARNING: Security role name {0} used in a without being defined in a contextConfig.role.runas=WARNING: Security role name {0} used in a without being defined in a contextConfig.sci.debug=Unable to process ServletContainerInitializer for [{0}]. This is most likely due to a class defined in the @HandlesTypes annotation being missing contextConfig.sci.info=Unable to process ServletContainerInitializer for [{0}]. This is most likely due to a class defined in the @HandlesTypes annotation being missing. Enable DEBUG level logging for the full stack trace. contextConfig.servletContainerInitializerFail=Failed to process JAR found at URL [{0}] for ServletContainerInitializers for context with name [{1}] contextConfig.start=ContextConfig: Processing START contextConfig.stop=ContextConfig: Processing STOP contextConfig.unavailable=Marking this application unavailable due to previous error(s) contextConfig.unknownUrlProtocol=The URL protocol [{0}] was not recognised during annotation processing. URL [{1}] was ignored. contextConfig.urlPatternValue=Both the UrlPattern and value attribute were set for the WebServlet annotation on class [{0}] contextConfig.webinfClassesUrl=Unable to determine URL for [{0}] contextConfig.xmlSettings=Context [{0}] will parse web.xml and web-fragment.xml files with validation:{1} and namespaceAware:{2} embedded.noEngines=No engines have been defined yet embedded.notmp=Cannot find specified temporary folder at {0} embedded.authenticatorNotInstanceOfValve=Specified Authenticator is not a Valve engineConfig.cce=Lifecycle event data object {0} is not an Engine engineConfig.start=EngineConfig: Processing START engineConfig.stop=EngineConfig: Processing STOP expandWar.copy=Error copying {0} to {1} expandWar.createFailed=Unable to create the directory [{0}] expandWar.deleteFailed=[{0}] could not be completely deleted. The presence of the remaining files may cause problems expandWar.illegalPath=The archive [{0}] is malformed and will be ignored: an entry contains an illegal path [{1}] which was not expanded to [{2}] since that is outside of the defined docBase [{3}] expandWar.missingJarEntry=Cannot get input stream for JarEntry "{0}" - broken WAR file? failedContext.start=Failed to process either the global, per-host or context-specific context.xml file therefore the [{0}] Context cannot be started. hostConfig.appBase=Application base [{1}] for host [{0}] does not exist or is not a directory. deployOnStartUp and autoDeploy have been set to false to prevent deployment errors. Other errors may still occur. hostConfig.canonicalizing=Error delete redeploy resources from context [{0}] hostConfig.cce=Lifecycle event data object {0} is not a Host hostConfig.context.remove=Error while removing context [{0}] hostConfig.context.restart=Error during context [{0}] restart hostConfig.createDirs=Unable to create directory for deployment: {0} hostConfig.deploy=Deploying web application directory {0} hostConfig.deployDescriptor=Deploying configuration descriptor {0} hostConfig.deployDescriptor.error=Error deploying configuration descriptor {0} hostConfig.deployDescriptor.threaded.error=Error waiting for multi-thread deployment of context descriptors to complete hostConfig.deployDescriptor.localDocBaseSpecified=A docBase {0} inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored hostConfig.deployDir=Deploying web application directory {0} hostConfig.deployDir.error=Error deploying web application directory {0} hostConfig.deployDir.threaded.error=Error waiting for multi-thread deployment of directories to completehostConfig.deployWar=Deploying web application archive {0} hostConfig.deployWar=Deploying web application archive {0} hostConfig.deployWar.error=Error deploying web application archive {0} hostConfig.deployWar.threaded.error=Error waiting for multi-thread deployment of WAR files to complete hostConfig.deploy.error=Exception while deploying web application directory {0} hostConfig.deploying=Deploying discovered web applications hostConfig.expand=Expanding web application archive {0} hostConfig.expand.error=Exception while expanding web application archive {0} hostConfig.expanding=Expanding discovered web application archives hostConfig.ignorePath=Ignoring path [{0}] in appBase for automatic deployment hostConfig.illegalWarName=The war name [{0}] is invalid. The archive will be ignored. hostConfig.jmx.register=Register context [{0}] failed hostConfig.jmx.unregister=Unregister context [{0}] failed hostConfig.reload=Reloading context [{0}] hostConfig.removeXML=Context [{0}] is undeployed hostConfig.removeDIR=Directory {0} is undeployed hostConfig.removeWAR=War {0} is undeployed hostConfig.start=HostConfig: Processing START hostConfig.stop=HostConfig: Processing STOP hostConfig.undeploy=Undeploying context [{0}] hostConfig.undeploy.error=Error undeploying web application at context path {0} hostConfig.undeployVersion=Undeploying old version of context [{0}] which has no active session tldConfig.addListeners=Adding {0} listeners from TLD files tldConfig.cce=Lifecycle event data object {0} is not a Context tldConfig.dirFail=Failed to process directory [{0}] for TLD files tldConfig.dirScan=Scanning for TLD files in directory [{0}] tldConfig.execute=Error processing TLD files for context with name [{0}] tldConfig.jarFail=Failed to process JAR [{0}] for TLD files tldConfig.webinfFail=Failed to process TLD found at [{0}] tldConfig.webinfScan=Scanning WEB-INF for TLD files in [{0}] tldConfig.webxmlAdd=Adding path [{0}] for URI [{1}] tldConfig.webxmlFail=Failed to process TLD with path [{1}] and URI [{0}] tldConfig.webxmlSkip=Path [{1}] skipped since URI [{0}] is a duplicate tldConfig.webxmlStart=Scanning elements in web.xml userConfig.database=Exception loading user database userConfig.deploy=Deploying web application for user {0} userConfig.deploying=Deploying user web applications userConfig.error=Error deploying web application for user {0} userConfig.start=UserConfig: Processing START userConfig.stop=UserConfig: Processing STOP userConfig.deploy.threaded.error=Error waiting for multi-thread deployment of user directories to complete webAnnotationSet.invalidInjection=Invalid method resource injection annotation. webRuleSet.absoluteOrdering= element not valid in web-fragment.xml and will be ignored webRuleSet.absoluteOrderingCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence webRuleSet.nameCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence webRuleSet.relativeOrdering= element not valid in web.xml and will be ignored webRuleSet.relativeOrderingCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence xmlErrorHandler.error=Non-fatal error [{0}] reported processing [{1}]. xmlErrorHandler.warning=Warning [{0}] reported processing [{1}].