# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. applicationContext.addFilter.ise=Filters can not be added to context {0} as the context has been initialised applicationContext.addListener.iae.cnfe=Unable to create an instance of type [{0}] applicationContext.addListener.iae.wrongType=The type specified [{0}] is not one of the expected listener types applicationContext.addListener.ise=Listeners can not be added to context {0} as the context has been initialised applicationContext.addRole.ise=Roles can not be added to context {0} as the context has been initialised applicationContext.addServlet.ise=Servlets can not be added to context {0} as the context has been initialised applicationContext.attributeEvent=Exception thrown by attributes event listener applicationContext.mapping.error=Error during mapping applicationContext.requestDispatcher.iae=Path {0} does not start with a "/" character applicationContext.resourcePaths.iae=Path {0} does not start with a "/" character applicationContext.role.iae=An individual role to declare for context [{0}] may not be null nor the empty string applicationContext.roles.iae=Array of roles to declare for context [{0}] cannot be null applicationContext.setAttribute.namenull=Name cannot be null applicationContext.addSessionCookieConfig.ise=Session Cookie configuration cannot be set for context {0} as the context has been initialised applicationContext.setSessionTracking.ise=The session tracking modes for context {0} cannot be set whilst the context is running applicationContext.setSessionTracking.iae.invalid=The session tracking mode {0} requested for context {1} is not supported by that context applicationContext.setSessionTracking.iae.ssl=The session tracking modes requested for context {1} included SSL and at least one other mode. SSL may not be configured with other modes. applicationContext.lookup.error=Failed to locate resource [{0}] in context [{1}] applicationDispatcher.allocateException=Allocate exception for servlet {0} applicationDispatcher.deallocateException=Deallocate exception for servlet {0} applicationDispatcher.forward.ise=Cannot forward after response has been committed applicationDispatcher.forward.throw=Forwarded resource threw an exception applicationDispatcher.include.throw=Included resource threw an exception applicationDispatcher.isUnavailable=Servlet {0} is currently unavailable applicationDispatcher.serviceException=Servlet.service() for servlet {0} threw exception applicationDispatcher.specViolation.request=Original SevletRequest or wrapped original ServletRequest not passed to RequestDispatcher in violation of SRV.8.2 and SRV. applicationDispatcher.specViolation.response=Original SevletResponse or wrapped original ServletResponse not passed to RequestDispatcher in violation of SRV.8.2 and SRV. applicationFilterConfig.jmxRegisterFail=JMX registration failed for filter of type [{0}] and name [{1}] applicationFilterConfig.jmxUnregister=JMX de-registration complete for filter of type [{0}] and name [{1}] applicationFilterConfig.jmxUnregisterFail=JMX de-registration failed for filter of type [{0}] and name [{1}] applicationFilterRegistration.nullInitParam=Unable to set initialisation parameter for filter due to null name and/or value. Name [{0}], Value [{1}] applicationFilterRegistration.nullInitParam=Unable to set initialisation parameters for filter due to null name and/or value. Name [{0}], Value [{1}] applicationRequest.badParent=Cannot locate parent Request implementation applicationRequest.badRequest=Request is not a javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper applicationResponse.badParent=Cannot locate parent Response implementation applicationResponse.badResponse=Response is not a javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper applicationServletRegistration.setServletSecurity.iae=Null constraint specified for servlet [{0}] deployed to context with path [{1}] applicationServletRegistration.setServletSecurity.ise=Security constraints can't be added to servlet [{0}] deployed to context with path [{1}] as the context has already been initialised aprListener.aprInit=The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: {0} aprListener.tcnInvalid=An incompatible version {0} of the APR based Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat requires version {1} aprListener.tcnVersion=An older version {0} of the APR based Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat recommends a minimum version of {1} aprListener.aprDestroy=Failed shutdown of APR based Apache Tomcat Native library aprListener.sslInit=Failed to initialize the SSLEngine. aprListener.tcnValid=Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library {0}. aprListener.flags=APR capabilities: IPv6 [{0}], sendfile [{1}], accept filters [{2}], random [{3}]. containerBase.addDefaultMapper=Exception configuring default mapper of class {0} containerBase.alreadyStarted=Container {0} has already been started containerBase.notConfigured=No basic Valve has been configured containerBase.notStarted=Container {0} has not been started containerBase.backgroundProcess.cluster=Exception processing cluster {0} background process containerBase.backgroundProcess.loader=Exception processing loader {0} background process containerBase.backgroundProcess.manager=Exception processing manager {0} background process containerBase.backgroundProcess.realm=Exception processing realm {0} background process containerBase.backgroundProcess.valve=Exception processing valve {0} background process fastEngineMapper.alreadyStarted=FastEngineMapper {0} has already been started fastEngineMapper.notStarted=FastEngineMapper {0} has not yet been started filterChain.filter=Filter execution threw an exception filterChain.servlet=Servlet execution threw an exception httpContextMapper.container=This container is not a StandardContext httpEngineMapper.container=This container is not a StandardEngine httpHostMapper.container=This container is not a StandardHost interceptorValve.alreadyStarted=InterceptorValve has already been started interceptorValve.notStarted=InterceptorValve has not yet been started jreLeakListener.keepAliveFail=Failed to trigger creation of the sun.net.www.http.HttpClient class during Tomcat start to prevent possible memory leaks. This is expected on non-Sun JVMs. jreLeakListener.gcDaemonFail=Failed to trigger creation of the GC Daemon thread during Tomcat start to prevent possible memory leaks. This is expected on non-Sun JVMs. jreLeakListener.jarUrlConnCacheFail=Failed to disable Jar URL connection caching by default jreLeakListener.xmlParseFail=Error whilst attempting to prevent memory leaks during XML parsing naming.wsdlFailed=Failed to find wsdl file: {0} naming.bindFailed=Failed to bind object: {0} naming.jmxRegistrationFailed=Failed to register in JMX: {0} naming.unbindFailed=Failed to unbind object: {0} naming.invalidEnvEntryType=Environment entry {0} has an invalid type naming.invalidEnvEntryValue=Environment entry {0} has an invalid value naming.namingContextCreationFailed=Creation of the naming context failed: {0} standardContext.invalidWrapperClass={0} is not a subclass of StandardWrapper standardContext.alreadyStarted=Context has already been started standardContext.applicationListener=Error configuring application listener of class {0} standardContext.applicationSkipped=Skipped installing application listeners due to previous error(s) standardContext.badRequest=Invalid request path ({0}). standardContext.cluster.noManager=No manager found. Checking if cluster manager should be used. Cluster configured: [{0}], Application distributable: [{1}] standardContext.crlfinurl=The URL pattern "{0}" contains a CR or LF and so can never be matched. standardContext.duplicateListener=The listener "{0}" is already configured for this context. The duplicate definition has been ignored. standardContext.errorPage.error=Error page location {0} must start with a ''/'' standardContext.errorPage.required=ErrorPage cannot be null standardContext.errorPage.warning=WARNING: Error page location {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 standardContext.filterMap.either=Filter mapping must specify either a or a standardContext.filterMap.name=Filter mapping specifies an unknown filter name {0} standardContext.filterMap.pattern=Invalid {0} in filter mapping standardContext.filterStart=Exception starting filter {0} standardContext.filterStartFailed=Failed to start application Filters successfully standardContext.requestListener.requestInit=Exception sending request initialized lifecycle event to listener instance of class {0} standardContext.requestListener.requestDestroy=Exception sending request destroyed lifecycle event to listener instance of class {0} standardContext.requestListenerStartFailed=Failed to start request listener valve successfully standardContext.requestListenerConfig.added=Added request listener Valve standardContext.requestListenerConfig.error=Exception adding request listener Valve: {0} standardContext.isUnavailable=This application is not currently available standardContext.listenerStart=Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class {0} standardContext.listenerStartFailed=Failed to start application Listeners successfully standardContext.listenerStop=Exception sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class {0} standardContext.loginConfig.errorPage=Form error page {0} must start with a ''/' standardContext.loginConfig.errorWarning=WARNING: Form error page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 standardContext.loginConfig.loginPage=Form login page {0} must start with a ''/' standardContext.loginConfig.loginWarning=WARNING: Form login page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 standardContext.loginConfig.required=LoginConfig cannot be null standardContext.manager=Configured a manager of class [{0}] standardContext.mappingError=MAPPING configuration error for relative URI {0} standardContext.noResourceJar=Resource JARs are not supported. The JAR found at [{0}] will no be used to provide static content for context with path [{1}] standardContext.notFound=The requested resource ({0}) is not available. standardContext.notReloadable=Reloading is disabled on this Context standardContext.notStarted=Context has not yet been started standardContext.notWrapper=Child of a Context must be a Wrapper standardContext.parameter.duplicate=Duplicate context initialization parameter {0} standardContext.parameter.required=Both parameter name and parameter value are required standardContext.reloadingCompleted=Reloading Context with path [{0}] is completed standardContext.reloadingFailed=Reloading this Context failed due to previous errors standardContext.reloadingStarted=Reloading Context with path [{0}] has started standardContext.resourcesStart=Error starting static Resources standardContext.securityConstraint.mixHttpMethod=It is not permitted to mix and in the same web resource collection standardContext.securityConstraint.pattern=Invalid {0} in security constraint standardContext.servletMap.name=Servlet mapping specifies an unknown servlet name {0} standardContext.servletMap.pattern=Invalid {0} in servlet mapping standardContext.startCleanup=Exception during cleanup after start failed standardContext.startFailed=Context [{0}] startup failed due to previous errors standardContext.startingLoader=Exception starting Loader standardContext.startingManager=Exception starting Manager standardContext.startingWrapper=Exception starting Wrapper for servlet {0} standardContext.stoppingContext=Exception stopping Context standardContext.stoppingLoader=Exception stopping Loader standardContext.stoppingManager=Exception stopping Manager standardContext.stoppingWrapper=Exception stopping Wrapper for servlet {0} standardContext.urlDecode=Cannot URL decode request path {0} standardContext.urlPattern.patternWarning=WARNING: URL pattern {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 standardContext.urlValidate=Cannot validate URL decoded request path {0} standardContext.wrapper.error=JSP file {0} must start with a ''/' standardContext.wrapper.warning=WARNING: JSP file {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4 standardEngine.alreadyStarted=Engine has already been started standardEngine.mappingError=MAPPING configuration error for server name {0} standardEngine.noHost=No Host matches server name {0} standardEngine.noHostHeader=HTTP/1.1 request with no Host: header standardEngine.notHost=Child of an Engine must be a Host standardEngine.notParent=Engine cannot have a parent Container standardEngine.notStarted=Engine has not yet been started standardEngine.unfoundHost=Virtual host {0} not found standardEngine.unknownHost=No server host specified in this request standardEngine.unregister.mbeans.failed=Error in destroy() for mbean file {0} standardHost.accessBase=Cannot access document base directory {0} standardHost.alreadyStarted=Host has already been started standardHost.appBase=Application base directory {0} does not exist standardHost.clientAbort=Remote Client Aborted Request, IOException: {0} standardHost.configRequired=URL to configuration file is required standardHost.configNotAllowed=Use of configuration file is not allowed standardHost.installBase=Only web applications in the Host web application directory can be installed standardHost.installing=Installing web application at context path {0} from URL {1} standardHost.installingWAR=Installing web application from URL {0} standardHost.installingXML=Processing Context configuration file URL {0} standardHost.installError=Error deploying application at context path {0} standardHost.invalidErrorReportValveClass=Couldn''t load specified error report valve class: {0} standardHost.docBase=Document base directory {0} already exists standardHost.mappingError=MAPPING configuration error for request URI {0} standardHost.noContext=No Context configured to process this request standardHost.noHost=No Host configured to process this request standardHost.notContext=Child of a Host must be a Context standardHost.notStarted=Host has not yet been started standardHost.nullName=Host name is required standardHost.pathFormat=Invalid context path: {0} standardHost.pathMatch=Context path {0} must match the directory or WAR file name: {1} standardHost.pathMissing=Context path {0} is not currently in use standardHost.pathRequired=Context path is required standardHost.pathUsed=Context path {0} is already in use standardHost.removing=Removing web application at context path {0} standardHost.removeError=Error removing application at context path {0} standardHost.start=Starting web application at context path {0} standardHost.stop=Stopping web application at context path {0} standardHost.unfoundContext=Cannot find context for request URI {0} standardHost.warRequired=URL to web application archive is required standardHost.warURL=Invalid URL for web application archive: {0} standardServer.onameFail=MBean name specified for Server [{0}] is not valid standardServer.shutdownViaPort=A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping the Server instance. standardService.connector.initFailed=Failed to initialize connector [{0}] standardService.connector.destroyFailed=Failed to destroy connector [{0}] standardService.connector.pauseFailed=Failed to pause connector [{0}] standardService.connector.startFailed=Failed to start connector [{0}] standardService.connector.stopFailed=Failed to stop connector [{0}] standardService.initialize.failed=Service initializing at {0} failed standardService.onameFail=MBean name specified for Service [{0}] is not valid standardService.register.failed=Error registering Service at domain {0} standardService.start.name=Starting service {0} standardService.stop.name=Stopping service {0} standardThreadExecutor.onameFail=MBean name specified for Thread Executor [{0}] is not valid standardWrapper.allocate=Error allocating a servlet instance standardWrapper.allocateException=Allocate exception for servlet {0} standardWrapper.containerServlet=Loading container servlet {0} standardWrapper.createFilters=Create filters exception for servlet {0} standardWrapper.deallocateException=Deallocate exception for servlet {0} standardWrapper.destroyException=Servlet.destroy() for servlet {0} threw exception standardWrapper.exception0=Tomcat Exception Report standardWrapper.exception1=A Servlet Exception Has Occurred standardWrapper.exception2=Exception Report: standardWrapper.exception3=Root Cause: standardWrapper.initException=Servlet.init() for servlet {0} threw exception standardWrapper.instantiate=Error instantiating servlet class {0} standardWrapper.isUnavailable=Servlet {0} is currently unavailable standardWrapper.jasperLoader=Using Jasper classloader for servlet {0} standardWrapper.jspFile.format=JSP file {0} does not start with a ''/'' character standardWrapper.loadException=Servlet {0} threw load() exception standardWrapper.missingClass=Wrapper cannot find servlet class {0} or a class it depends on standardWrapper.missingLoader=Wrapper cannot find Loader for servlet {0} standardWrapper.notChild=Wrapper container may not have child containers standardWrapper.notClass=No servlet class has been specified for servlet {0} standardWrapper.notContext=Parent container of a Wrapper must be a Context standardWrapper.notFound=Servlet {0} is not available standardWrapper.notServlet=Class {0} is not a Servlet standardWrapper.releaseFilters=Release filters exception for servlet {0} standardWrapper.serviceException=Servlet.service() for servlet [{0}] in context with path [{1}] threw exception standardWrapper.serviceExceptionRoot=Servlet.service() for servlet [{0}] in context with path [{1}] threw exception [{2}] with root cause standardWrapper.statusHeader=HTTP Status {0} - {1} standardWrapper.statusTitle=Tomcat Error Report standardWrapper.unavailable=Marking servlet {0} as unavailable standardWrapper.unloadException=Servlet {0} threw unload() exception standardWrapper.unloading=Cannot allocate servlet {0} because it is being unloaded standardWrapper.waiting=Waiting for {0} instance(s) to be deallocated defaultInstanceManager.restrictedServletsResource=Restricted servlets property file not found defaultInstanceManager.privilegedServlet=Servlet of class {0} is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application defaultInstanceManager.restrictedFiltersResource=Restricted filters property file not found defaultInstanceManager.privilegedFilter=Filter of class {0} is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application defaultInstanceManager.restrictedListenersResources="Restricted listeners property file not found