Standard: An Implementation of the JSP™ Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

Release: 1.0

Thanks for downloading the Standard 1.0 release. We hope you find the tags, documents, and examples here of interest. We're curious to hear your feedback on this release. Please contact us at

with any comments you might have.

Included in this distibution:

Documentation ('doc/web' directory)

Examples ('examples' directory)

The standard-examples application included with this distribution demonstrates the current capabilities of JSTL, exploring idioms and usage patterns when appropriate.

Implementation of JSTL ('src' and 'conf' directories)

Every effort has been made to provide a functional, robust, and speedy implementation of JSTL. For developers, the code is commented thoroughly to help provide an understanding of design considerations and salient implementation details.

Classes in any of the subpackages of javax.servlet.jsp.jstl represent JSTL API classes. Classes under org.apache.* represent implementation classes. The implementation's package structure is organized as follows:

   .tag         tag handlers and routines related to them
      .common      handlers and support routines common for RT/EL attributes
          .core    core library (common)
          .fmt     i18n-capable formatting tags (common)
          .xml     XML manipulation library (common)
	  .sql	   SQL library (common)
      .el          handlers specific to expression language (EL) evaluation
          .core    core library (EL)
          .fmt     i18n-capable formatting tags (EL)
          .xml     XML manipulation library (EL)
	  .sql	   SQL library (EL)
      .rt          handlers specific to rtexprvalue (rt) evaluation
          .core    core library (rt)
          .fmt     i18n-capable formatting tags (rt)
          .xml     XML manipulation library (rt)
	  .sql	   SQL library (rt)
   .tei         TagExtraInfo classes (common to both libraries)
   .tlv         TagLibraryValidator classes (and associated helpers)
   .lang        expression-language support and implementation
      .dummy       dummy ExpressionEvaluator
      .support     ExpressionEvaluator, ExpressionEvaluatorManager
      .spel        SPEL
      .jpath       JPath
      .jxpath      JXPath


   -- JSR-052 (JSTL) Expert Group