JSTL Early Access Beware — API and Tags may/will change support   development   comments to JSR052 EG
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Expression Language Support Tags Examples


This example features <expr> used with default values using the default attribute as well as the tag's body content.


We set the value of an application scope attribute from the <set> tag body content. This application scope variable is then used in a second JSP page.


In order for JSTL tags to collaborate with custom tags that only accept rtexprvalues, the <declare> tag must be used to create a scripting variable. In this example, the page attribute created by the <forEach> tag is used in the <declare> tag to export a scripting variable that is then used in custom tag <customerFmt>.

JSTL Early Access Beware — API and Tags may/will change support    development   comments to JSR052 EG