<%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/ea/core" %> JSTL: EcmaScript EL Support -- Simple String Operator Example

String Operators

EcmaScript has several operators that produce special effects when used with Strings. For instance, the + operator concatenates strings. The comparison operators compare two strings using alphabetical order. Note that all capitol letters come before all lowercase letters.

Here are some examples:

<% request.setAttribute("strArray", new String[] {"Harrison", "Ford", "abc", "ABC", "1", "2"}); %> <%--
Name Value

Operator: +

Operation Result
+ " " +

Operator: <

Operation Result

Operator: <=

Operation Result

Operator: >

Operation Result

Operator: >=

Operation Result

Operator: ==

Operation Result

Operator: !=

Operation Result