JSTL Early Access Beware — API and Tags may/will change support   development   comments to JSR052 EG
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Import Tags Examples

If you are using a Proxy server, you will need to set the following System Properties when starting the VM:



Using an Absolute URL to import a resource.


Using a Relative URL to import a resource.

Context Relative  

Importing a resource relative to a foreign context.

Absolute (FTP)  

Using an Absolute URL to import a resource using a different protocol other than HTTP.


URL encoding examples.

Encode Context Relative  

URL encoding examples using a relative context and nested param tags.

Encode Query String  

URL encoding examples using a relative context and query string.

String Exposure Absolute  

Exposing the content of the resource as a String Object.

String Exposure Relative  

Exposing the content of a relative URL's resource as a String Object.


Using element to specify request parameters. Also demonstrating how request parameters can be URL encoded (default). (NOTE: Returns error page that shows how request parameters are encoded)

Malformed URL  

A relative URL must start with a "/" in a foreign context. (NOTE: This example will result in a ServletException describing the error condition).

JSTL Early Access Beware — API and Tags may/will change support    development   comments to JSR052 EG