'Standard' taglib (JSTL RI): Release Notes

The JSTL 1.0 Beta 2 RI builds on the 1.0 Beta 1 release, which introduced a variety of new features and rounded out some of the support initially provided in 1.0 EA3.

19 Apr 2002
JSTL 1.0 Beta2 RI, version 1.0, introduced. See Appendix B of the Proposed Final Draft for a list of changes since Beta1.

12 Mar 2002
JSTL 1.0 Beta1 RI, version 1.0, introduced.

12 Dec 2001
JSTL 1.0 EA3 RI, version 1.0, introduced. Version includes the following changes and additions:
21 Nov 2001
JSTL 1.0 EA2 RI, version 1.0, introduced. Version includes the following major changes and additions:

09 Oct 2001
JSTL 1.0 EA1 RI, version 1.2, introduced. This version includes support for ECMAScript.

23 Jul 2001
JSTL 1.0 EA1 RI, version 1.1, is released. This version is compatible with Tomcat 4.0 B6 and Tomcat 4.0 release.

10 Jul 2001
JSTL 1.0 EA1 RI first made available for download.

08 Jul 2001
Initial version of JSTL RI contributed by JSR-052 Expert Group and imported into Jakarta CVS archive.