# Sample build.properties bundled with a standalone (i.e. without all the # other jakarta-taglibs taglibs) source distribution of the # standard tag library. If building from a full source distribution # of jakarta-taglibs, properties mus be set in jakarta-taglibs/build.properties. # The base directory of your jakarta-taglibs-standard distribution base.dir=${user.home}/jakarta-taglibs-standard build.dir = ${base.dir}/build build.classes=${build.dir}/standard/standard/classes dist.dir = ${base.dir}/dist # Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 servlet24.jar= jsp20.jar= # Standard (JSTL RI) and dbtags require the # JDBC 2.0 Standard Extensions # {No need to specify if using J2SE 1.4.2 or higher) #jdbc2_0-stdext.jar= # JAXP 1.2 # {No need to specify if using J2SE 1.4.2 or higher) # {NOTE: J2SE 5.0 uses JAXP 1.3 so you will need to specify} #jaxp-api.jar= #dom.jar= #sax.jar= #xercesImpl.jar= # Xalan # {No need to specify if using J2SE 1.4.2 or higher) # {NOTE: J2SE 5.0 uses JAXP 1.3 so you will need to specify} #xalan.jar= # ----- Run Control Flags ----- # Define the arguments to give to the jvm to enable debugging # If this is commented out, no debugging arguments will be passed. # Make sure to uncomment the proper arguments for your platform. # ----- Unix #debug.jvm.args = -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n # ----- Windows #debug.jvm.args = -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_shmem,address=jdbconn,server=y,suspend=n # ----- Compile Control Flags ----- compile.deprecation = true compile.debug = true compile.optimize = false # -------------------------------------------------- # REQUIRED LIBRARIES FOR UNIT TESTS # -------------------------------------------------- jstl.jar=${build.dir}/standard/standard/lib/jstl.jar standard.jar=${build.dir}/standard/standard/lib/standard.jar junit.jar= cactus.home= cactus.jar=${cactus.home}/lib/cactus-1.6.1.jar cactus.ant.jar=${cactus.home}/lib/cactus-ant-1.6.1.jar aspectjrt.jar=${cactus.home}/lib/aspectjrt-1.1.1.jar httpclient.jar=${cactus.home}/lib/commons-httpclient-2.0.jar commons-logging.jar=${cactus.home}/lib/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar # -------------------------------------------------- # RUN-TIME COMPONENTS FOR UNIT TESTS # -------------------------------------------------- tomcat.home= tomcat.webapps=${tomcat.home}/webapps username=tomcat password=tomcat web.server.host=localhost web.server.port=8080