Class Http11Processor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionHook, Processor

public class Http11Processor extends AbstractProcessor
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • service

      public AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState service(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessorLight
      Service a 'standard' HTTP request. This method is called for both new requests and for requests that have partially read the HTTP request line or HTTP headers. Once the headers have been fully read this method is not called again until there is a new HTTP request to process. Note that the request type may change during processing which may result in one or more calls to AbstractProcessorLight.dispatch(SocketEvent). Requests may be pipe-lined.
      Specified by:
      service in class AbstractProcessorLight
      socketWrapper - The connection to process
      The state the caller should put the socket in when this method returns
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs during the processing of the request
    • setSocketWrapper

      protected final void setSocketWrapper(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Set the socket wrapper being used.
      setSocketWrapper in class AbstractProcessor
      socketWrapper - The socket wrapper
    • prepareResponse

      protected final void prepareResponse() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      When committing the response, we have to validate the set of headers, as well as setup the response filters.
      Specified by:
      prepareResponse in class AbstractProcessor
      IOException - IO exception during commit
    • populatePort

      protected void populatePort()
      Called when a host header is not present or is empty in the request (e.g. HTTP/1.0). It populates the server port with appropriate information. The source is expected to vary by protocol.

      The default implementation is a NO-OP.

      This implementation provides the server port from the local port.

      populatePort in class AbstractProcessor
    • flushBufferedWrite

      protected boolean flushBufferedWrite() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Flush any pending writes. Used during non-blocking writes to flush any remaining data from a previous incomplete write.
      Specified by:
      flushBufferedWrite in class AbstractProcessor
      true if data remains to be flushed at the end of method
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs while attempting to flush the data
    • dispatchEndRequest

      protected AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState dispatchEndRequest()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Perform any necessary clean-up processing if the dispatch resulted in the completion of processing for the current request.
      Specified by:
      dispatchEndRequest in class AbstractProcessor
      The state to return for the socket once the clean-up for the current request has completed
    • getLog

      protected Log getLog()
      Specified by:
      getLog in class AbstractProcessorLight
      the logger associated with this processor type
    • finishResponse

      protected final void finishResponse() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Finish the current response.
      Specified by:
      finishResponse in class AbstractProcessor
      IOException - IO exception during the write
    • ack

      protected final void ack()
      ack in class AbstractProcessor
    • ack

      protected final void ack(ContinueResponseTiming continueResponseTiming)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Process acknowledgment of the request.
      Specified by:
      ack in class AbstractProcessor
      continueResponseTiming - specifies when an acknowledgment should be sent
    • earlyHints

      protected void earlyHints() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      earlyHints in class AbstractProcessor
    • flush

      protected final void flush() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Callback to write data from the buffer.
      Specified by:
      flush in class AbstractProcessor
      IOException - IO exception during the write
    • available

      protected final int available(boolean doRead)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Queries if bytes are available in buffers.
      Specified by:
      available in class AbstractProcessor
      doRead - true to perform a read when no bytes are availble
      the amount of bytes that are known to be available
    • setRequestBody

      protected final void setRequestBody(ByteChunk body)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Set the specified byte chunk as the request body that will be read. This allows saving and processing requests.
      Specified by:
      setRequestBody in class AbstractProcessor
      body - the byte chunk containing all the request bytes
    • setSwallowResponse

      protected final void setSwallowResponse()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      The response is finished and no additional bytes need to be sent to the client.
      Specified by:
      setSwallowResponse in class AbstractProcessor
    • disableSwallowRequest

      protected final void disableSwallowRequest()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Swallowing bytes is required for pipelining requests, so this allows to avoid doing extra operations in case an error occurs and the connection is to be closed instead.
      Specified by:
      disableSwallowRequest in class AbstractProcessor
    • sslReHandShake

      protected final void sslReHandShake() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Processors that can perform a TLS re-handshake (e.g. HTTP/1.1) should override this method and implement the re-handshake.
      sslReHandShake in class AbstractProcessor
      IOException - If authentication is required then there will be I/O with the client and this exception will be thrown if that goes wrong
    • isRequestBodyFullyRead

      protected final boolean isRequestBodyFullyRead()
      Specified by:
      isRequestBodyFullyRead in class AbstractProcessor
      true if it is known that the request body has been fully read
    • registerReadInterest

      protected final void registerReadInterest()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      When using non blocking IO, register to get a callback when polling determines that bytes are available for reading.
      Specified by:
      registerReadInterest in class AbstractProcessor
    • isReadyForWrite

      protected final boolean isReadyForWrite()
      Specified by:
      isReadyForWrite in class AbstractProcessor
      true if bytes can be written without blocking
    • getUpgradeToken

      public UpgradeToken getUpgradeToken()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Generate an upgrade token. Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method and provide the necessary token.
      Specified by:
      getUpgradeToken in interface Processor
      getUpgradeToken in class AbstractProcessor
      An upgrade token encapsulating the information required to process the upgrade request
    • doHttpUpgrade

      protected final void doHttpUpgrade(UpgradeToken upgradeToken)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Process an HTTP upgrade. Processors that support HTTP upgrade should override this method and process the provided token.
      doHttpUpgrade in class AbstractProcessor
      upgradeToken - Contains all the information necessary for the Processor to process the upgrade
    • getLeftoverInput

      public ByteBuffer getLeftoverInput()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Allows retrieving additional input during the upgrade process. Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method.
      Specified by:
      getLeftoverInput in interface Processor
      getLeftoverInput in class AbstractProcessor
      leftover bytes
    • isUpgrade

      public boolean isUpgrade()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method.
      Specified by:
      isUpgrade in interface Processor
      isUpgrade in class AbstractProcessor
      true if the Processor is currently processing an upgrade request, otherwise false
    • isTrailerFieldsReady

      protected boolean isTrailerFieldsReady()
      Specified by:
      isTrailerFieldsReady in class AbstractProcessor
    • isTrailerFieldsSupported

      protected boolean isTrailerFieldsSupported()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
      Protocols that support trailer fields should override this method and return true.
      isTrailerFieldsSupported in class AbstractProcessor
      true if trailer fields are supported by this processor, otherwise false.
    • recycle

      public final void recycle()
      Description copied from interface: Processor
      Recycle the processor, ready for the next request which may be on the same connection or a different connection.
      Specified by:
      recycle in interface Processor
      recycle in class AbstractProcessor
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Description copied from interface: Processor
      Informs the processor that the underlying I/O layer has stopped accepting new connections. This is primarily intended to enable processors that use multiplexed connections to prevent further 'streams' being added to an existing multiplexed connection.