Class Http11OutputBuffer

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpOutputBuffer, OutputBuffer

public class Http11OutputBuffer extends Object implements HttpOutputBuffer
Provides buffering for the HTTP headers (allowing responses to be reset before they have been committed) and the link to the Socket for writing the headers (once committed) and the response body. Note that buffering of the response body happens at a higher level.
  • Field Details

    • sm

      protected static final StringManager sm
      The string manager for this package.
    • response

      protected final Response response
      Associated Coyote response.
    • responseFinished

      protected boolean responseFinished
      Finished flag.
    • headerBuffer

      protected final ByteBuffer headerBuffer
      The buffer used for header composition.
    • filterLibrary

      protected OutputFilter[] filterLibrary
      Filter library for processing the response body.
    • activeFilters

      protected OutputFilter[] activeFilters
      Active filters for the current request.
    • lastActiveFilter

      protected int lastActiveFilter
      Index of the last active filter.
    • outputStreamOutputBuffer

      protected HttpOutputBuffer outputStreamOutputBuffer
      Underlying output buffer.
    • socketWrapper

      protected SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper
      Wrapper for socket where data will be written to.
    • byteCount

      protected long byteCount
      Bytes written to client for the current request
  • Constructor Details

    • Http11OutputBuffer

      protected Http11OutputBuffer(Response response, int headerBufferSize)
  • Method Details

    • addFilter

      public void addFilter(OutputFilter filter)
      Add an output filter to the filter library. Note that calling this method resets the currently active filters to none.
      filter - The filter to add
    • getFilters

      public OutputFilter[] getFilters()
      Get filters.
      The current filter library containing all possible filters
    • addActiveFilter

      public void addActiveFilter(OutputFilter filter)
      Add an output filter to the active filters for the current response.

      The filter does not have to be present in getFilters().

      A filter can only be added to a response once. If the filter has already been added to this response then this method will be a NO-OP.

      filter - The filter to add
    • doWrite

      public int doWrite(ByteBuffer chunk) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: OutputBuffer
      Write the given data to the response. The caller owns the chunks.
      Specified by:
      doWrite in interface OutputBuffer
      chunk - data to write
      The number of bytes written which may be less than available in the input chunk
      IOException - an underlying I/O error occurred
    • getBytesWritten

      public long getBytesWritten()
      Description copied from interface: OutputBuffer
      Bytes written to the underlying socket. This includes the effects of chunking, compression, etc.
      Specified by:
      getBytesWritten in interface OutputBuffer
      Bytes written for the current request
    • flush

      public void flush() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: HttpOutputBuffer
      Flushes any unwritten data to the client.
      Specified by:
      flush in interface HttpOutputBuffer
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs while flushing
    • end

      public void end() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: HttpOutputBuffer
      Finish writing the current response. It is acceptable to write extra bytes using OutputBuffer.doWrite(java.nio.ByteBuffer) during the execution of this method.
      Specified by:
      end in interface HttpOutputBuffer
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs while writing to the client
    • recycle

      public void recycle()
      Recycle the output buffer. This should be called when closing the connection.
    • nextRequest

      public void nextRequest()
      End processing of current HTTP request. Note: All bytes of the current request should have been already consumed. This method only resets all the pointers so that we are ready to parse the next HTTP request.
    • init

      public void init(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper)
    • sendAck

      public void sendAck() throws IOException
    • commit

      protected void commit() throws IOException
      Commit the response.
      IOException - an underlying I/O error occurred
    • writeHeaders

      protected void writeHeaders() throws IOException
    • sendStatus

      @Deprecated public void sendStatus()
      Unused. Will be removed in Tomcat 11. Use sendStatus(int).
      Send the response status line.
    • sendStatus

      public void sendStatus(int status)
      Send the response status line.
      status - The HTTP status code to include in the status line
    • sendHeader

      public void sendHeader(MessageBytes name, MessageBytes value)
      Send a header.
      name - Header name
      value - Header value
    • endHeaders

      public void endHeaders()
      End the header block.
    • write

      public void write(byte[] b)
      This method will write the contents of the specified byte buffer to the output stream, without filtering. This method is meant to be used to write the response header.
      b - data to be written
    • flushBuffer

      protected boolean flushBuffer(boolean block) throws IOException
      Writes any remaining buffered data.
      block - Should this method block until the buffer is empty
      true if data remains in the buffer (which can only happen in non-blocking mode) else false.
      IOException - Error writing data
    • isBlocking

      protected final boolean isBlocking()
      Is standard Servlet blocking IO being used for output?
      true if this is blocking IO
    • isReady

      protected final boolean isReady()
    • hasDataToWrite

      public boolean hasDataToWrite()
    • registerWriteInterest

      public void registerWriteInterest()