How to do a mod_jk 1.2 release Check out a clean copy of tomcat/connectors from subversion to make sure you don't have any lingering configure or build files. This will make sure that the source distribution created is clean. We assume, that you check out to a directory tomcat-connectors. If you haven't already, add your public PGP key to tomcat-connectors/KEYS. Update version numbers as needed -------------------------------- Do a find for all the docs which include the previous version string and replace it with the new version. These are the docs I found which had to be updated: xdocs/howto/apache.xml xdocs/howto/quick.xml xdocs/howto/workers.xml Update the version in jk/native/ Update the version in jk/native/common/jk_version.h, here is a svn diff that shows what I changed: Index: native/common/jk_version.h =================================================================== --- native/common/jk_version.h (revision 417260) +++ native/common/jk_version.h (working copy) @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ #define JK_VERBETA 0 #define JK_BETASTRING "0" /* set JK_VERISRELEASE to 1 when release (do not forget to commit!) */ -#define JK_VERISRELEASE 0 +#define JK_VERISRELEASE 1 #define JK_VERRC 0 #define JK_RCSTRING "0" After updating revision numbers, commit your changes to subversion. Tag and branch tomcat-connectors in subversion ---------------------------------------------- Use the pattern below for branching and tagging the tomcat-connectors directory. TAG=JK_{MAJOR_REVISION}_{MINOR_REVISION}_{RELEASE} svn copy \ \ Here is an example for mod_jk 1.2.16 svn copy \ \ Build the mod_jk 1.2 documentation ---------------------------------- cd tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs ant Check the documentation carefully (produced in tomcat-connectors/jk/build/docs) and copy it to Create the new source distribution ---------------------------------- (A tool named in tomcat-connectors/jk/tools does the following steps). Create the directory tomcat-connectors-jk-{MAJOR_REVISION}-{MINOR_REVISION}-{RELEASE}-src For this example mkdir tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Copy the files KEYS and LICENSE from tomcat-conectors to the source distribution directory. cp tomcat-connectors/KEYS tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src cp tomcat-connectors/LICENSE tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/scandoc to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/scandoc tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/common to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/common tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Make the jk directory in the source distribution. mkdir tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk Copy the file BUILD.txt from tomcat-conectors/jk to the source distribution jk directory. cp -p tomcat-connectors/jk/BUILD.txt tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/README.txt Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/build/docs to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/jk/build/docs tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/tools to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/jk/tools tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk Make the jk conf directory in the source distribution. mkdir tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk/conf Copy the file to the jk/conf directory. cp -p tomcat-connectors/jk/conf/ tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk/conf Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/support to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/jk/support tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk Copy the directory tomcat-connectors/native to the source distribution directory. cp -pr tomcat-connectors/jk/native tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk Remove all the CVS and .svn directories from the new source distribution. find tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src -type d -name CVS | xargs rm -rf find tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src -type d -name .svn | xargs rm -rf cd to tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src/jk/native and run to create the configure script. Create a tar gzip'd archive tar zcf tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Create a zip archive zip -r tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src Sign the release using PGP. Here is an example using gpg: gpg -abs -o tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz.asc tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz Upload source distribution and documentation to ------------------------------------------------------------------- First update the KEYS on the server if you have added a new pgp key. scp tomcat-connectors/KEYS to the /www/ directory on the server. scp tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz* to /www/ scp* to /www/ ssh to and cd to the /www/ directory. Remove the symlinks for current and replace them with a soft link to the new source distribution files. ln -s source/tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz tomcat-connectors-jk-src-current.tar.gz ln -s source/tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.16-src.tar.gz.asc tomcat-connectors-jk-src-current.tar.gz.asc ln -s source/ ln -s source/ Make sure the group write bit is set on all files and directories in the jk directory. chmod -R g+w /www/ Build binaries and upload distributions to -------------------------------------------------------------- Build mod_jk for a specific web server and OS. Package it as appropriate for the OS and sign the archive using PGP. Please include the ASF License, the generated docs, and the tools. Please name the distribuiton as follows: tomcat-connectors-jk-{version}-{os-version-cpu}-{web server-version}.(tar.gz|zip) scp the binary distribution and pgp signature file to the appropriate binaries/{os} directory. Make sure the group write bit is on for all files you upload. Update source for next version ------------------------------ Reset JK_VERISRELEASE to 0 and update JK_VERSTRING, JK_VERMAJOR, JK_VERMINOR, and JK_VERFIX as needed. Commit your changes to subversion. Remove old release distributions from ---------------------------------------------------- Verify that the old versions of the source and binary distributions are available at /www/ . Copy old source distributions and binaries as needed, then remove the old source and binary distributions. Arrange the downloads_tomcat-connectors.cgi ------------------------------------------- Check tomcat-site out: svn co site-tomcat Arrange the file: xdocs/downloads/downloads.xml Use ant to regenerate the corresponding html file: docs/site/downloads/downloads_tomcat-connectors.html Commit it after checking carefully the changes. Connect to and update the site image, the site should reflect the change after a while. cd /x2/www/ svn update downloads_tomcat-connectors.html Announcements ------------- The release distribution directories are mirrored so that the releases can be downloaded from multiple sites. Please wait 24 hours before sending out the announcement so that the mirrors get a chance to get the new release distributions. Send an email announcement to,, and