$Id$ Running The Watchdog 4.0 Validation Test Suite ========================================== This subproject contains a set of tests to assist you in validating whether your servlet container conforms to the requirements of the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications. In order to run these tests from a binary distribution, you must do the following: (0) Download and Install a Java Development Kit * Download a Java Development Kit (JDK) release (version 1.3 or later) from: http://java.sun.com/j2se/ * Install the JDK according to the instructions included with the release. * Set an environment variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory into which you installed the JDK release. (1) Download and Install the Ant Binary Distribution NOTE: These instructions assume that you are using the Ant 1.4 or later. * Download a binary distribution of Ant 1.4 from: http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-ant/release/v1.4/bin/ On a Windows platform, you will need: jakarta-ant-1.4-bin.zip jakarta-ant-1.4-optional.jar On a Unix platform, you will need: jakarta-ant-1.4-bin.tar.gz jakarta-ant-1.4-optional.jar * Unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location so that the Ant release resides in its own directory (conventionally named "jakarta-ant-1.4"). For the purposes of the remainder of this document, the symbolic name "${ant.home}" is used to refer to the full pathname of the release directory. * Copy the file "jakarta-ant-1.4-optional.jar", downloaded above, into the directory "${ant.home}/lib". This makes available several Ant extension commands that are commonly required when building Jakarta based projects. * Modify the PATH environment variable to include directory "${ant.home}/bin" in its list. This makes the "ant" command line script available, which will be used to actually perform the build. (2) Download and Install the Java XML Pack Binary Distribution NOTE: Although this step is not required to build this particular subproject, it is commonly required to build other Jakarta projects. Hence, the steps required are documented here. * Download a binary distribution of Java XML Pack: http://java.sun.com/xml/downloads/javaxmlpack.html * Unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location so that the Java XML Pack release resides in its own directory (the JAXP libraries reside in the jaxp-1.1.3 subdirectory). For the purposes of the remainder of this document, the symbolic name "${jaxp.home}" is used to refer to the full pathname to the jaxp-1.1.3 subdirectory of the Java XML Pack release directory. * Make the "xalan.jar" file of this distribution available to Ant (so that it can be used with the