# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. abstractConnectionHandler.connectionsGet=Found processor [{0}] for socket [{1}] abstractConnectionHandler.error=Error reading request, ignored abstractConnectionHandler.ioexception.debug=IOExceptions are normal, ignored abstractConnectionHandler.process=Processing socket [{0}] with status [{1}] abstractConnectionHandler.processorPop=Popped processor [{0}] from cache abstractConnectionHandler.protocolexception.debug=ProtocolExceptions are normal, ignored abstractConnectionHandler.socketexception.debug=SocketExceptions are normal, ignored abstractConnectionHandler.negotiatedProcessor.fail=Failed to create Processor for negotiated protocol [{0}] abstractConnectionHandler.upgradeCreate=Created upgrade processor [{0}] for socket wrapper [{1}] abstractProcessor.httpupgrade.notsupported=HTTP upgrade is not supported by this protocol abstractProcessor.nonContainerThreadError=An error occurred in processing while on a non-container thread. The connection will be closed immediately abstractProcessor.pushrequest.notsupported=Server push requests are not supported by this protocol abstractProcessor.socket.ssl=Exception getting SSL attributes abstractProtocol.mbeanDeregistrationFailed=Failed to deregister MBean named [{0}] from MBean server [{1}] abstractProtocolHandler.getAttribute=Get attribute [{0}] with value [{1}] abstractProtocolHandler.setAttribute=Set attribute [{0}] with value [{1}] abstractProtocolHandler.init=Initializing ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.initError=Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.mbeanRegistrationFailed=Failed to register MBean [{0}] for ProtocolHandler [{1}] abstractProtocolHandler.start=Starting ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.startError=Failed to start end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.pause=Pausing ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.pauseError=Failed to pause end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.resume=Resuming ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.resumeError=Failed to resume end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.stop=Stopping ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.stopError=Failed to stop end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.destroy=Destroying ProtocolHandler [{0}] abstractProtocolHandler.destroyError=Failed to destroy end point associated with ProtocolHandler [{0}] asyncStateMachine.invalidAsyncState=Calling [{0}] is not valid for a request with Async state [{1}] request.notAsync=It is only valid to switch to non-blocking IO within async processing or HTTP upgrade processing request.nullReadListener=The listener passed to setReadListener() may not be null request.readListenerSet=The non-blocking read listener has already been set response.encoding.invalid=The encoding [{0}] is not recognised by the JRE response.notAsync=It is only valid to switch to non-blocking IO within async processing or HTTP upgrade processing response.notNonBlocking=It is invalid to call isReady() when the response has not been put into non-blocking mode response.nullWriteListener=The listener passed to setWriteListener() may not be null response.writeListenerSet=The non-blocking write listener has already been set