fileClassLoader.canRead=Repository {0} cannot be read fileClassLoader.exists=Repository {0} does not exist fileClassLoader.jarFile=Cannot read JAR file {0} fileClassLoader.restricted=Cannot load restricted class {0} standardLoader.addRepository=Adding repository {0} standardLoader.alreadyStarted=Loader has already been started standardLoader.checkInterval=Cannot set reload check interval to {0} seconds standardLoader.notContext=Cannot auto-reload unless our Container is a Context standardLoader.notReloadabe=Reloadable property is set to false standardLoader.notStarted=Loader has not yet been started standardLoader.reloadable=Cannot set reloadable property to {0} standardLoader.reloading=Reloading checks are enabled for this Context standardLoader.removeRepository=Removing repository {0} standardLoader.starting=Starting this Loader standardLoader.stopping=Stopping this Loader webappClassLoader.stopped=Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load {0}. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact. webappLoader.addRepository=Adding repository {0} webappLoader.deploy=Deploying class repositories to work directory {0} webappLoader.jarDeploy=Deploy JAR {0} to {1} webappLoader.classDeploy=Deploy class files {0} to {1} webappLoader.alreadyStarted=Loader has already been started webappLoader.checkInterval=Cannot set reload check interval to {0} seconds webappLoader.notContext=Cannot auto-reload unless our Container is a Context webappLoader.notReloadabe=Reloadable property is set to false webappLoader.notStarted=Loader has not yet been started webappLoader.reloadable=Cannot set reloadable property to {0} webappLoader.reloading=Reloading checks are enabled for this Context webappLoader.removeRepository=Removing repository {0} webappLoader.starting=Starting this Loader webappLoader.stopping=Stopping this Loader webappLoader.failModifiedCheck=Error tracking modifications