Tomcat Self-test

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="adm" %> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ant" %> This page will show the result of executing the sanity test suite. You can see the context log here


<% // Test completed, display the results ( outType=none means // Gtest doesn't generate any output ( but we have to wait untill // it's done ), use 'html' for "interactive" results %> <% // -------------------- Failures -------------------- %>


<% // Need more tags - if, etc %> FAIL ( <%= failures.getHttpClient().getComment() %> ) <%= failures.getHttpRequest().getRequestLine() %>
TEST: <%= failures.getTestDescription() %>
  <%= failures.getHttpRequest().getFullRequest() %>
  <%= failures.getMessage() %>
Response status: <%= failures.getHttpResponse().getResponseLine() %>
Response headers: (I'm not sure how to do embeded iterations, need JSP expert )
Response body:
<%= failures.getHttpResponse().getResponseBody() %>