<%! void listOptions(String[] opts, String sel, JspWriter out) throws java.io.IOException { for ( int i=0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { if ( sel.equals(opts[i]) ) out.println(" "); else out.println(" "); } } String [] targets = new String [] { "file","params","dispatch","get","requestMap","post", "wrong_request","restricted","jsp","unavailable", "headers","enc","security_chk_url","security_chk", "dos_devices","aaa","special","client"}; String [] protocols = new String [] { "HTTP/1.0","HTTP/1.1"}; String [] webservers = new String [] { "Tomcat","Apache","IIS","Netscape" }; %> <% String curTarget = request.getParameter("target"); if (curTarget == null) curTarget = "client"; String curPort = request.getParameter("port"); if (curPort == null) curPort = String.valueOf(request.getServerPort()); String curProto = request.getParameter("server.proto"); if ( curProto == null ) curProto = "HTTP/1.1"; String webServer = request.getParameter("web.server"); if ( webServer == null ) webServer = "Tomcat"; String staticServer = request.getParameter("static.server"); if ( staticServer == null ) staticServer = "Tomcat"; %>

Target: "client" is the target for the main test suite.


Parameter Value Description
Host Web Server: The host web server to test.
Host HTTP Port: HTTP port being used by the host web server.
Specify 8080 for Tomcat and 80 for others.
Expected protocol: Specify HTTP/1.0 for Tomcat when using deprecated HTTP 1.0 connector.
Specify HTTP/1.1 for Tomcat with new HTTP 1.1 connector and for other servers.
Static Page Server: Server that serves static pages.
Specify Tomcat if using a generated configuration file with forwardAll="true".
Specify the host web server if forwardAll="false".
