Apache Tomcat 3.3.2 =================== Release Notes ============= $Id$ This document describes the changes that have been made since the release of Tomcat 3.3.1 Final. ========= Bug Fixes ========= The release in which the fix appears is indicated in brackets. Feature Additions: Bug No. Description 8099 Preserve the query string when redirecting to the welcome page. Removed '.sh' extension from Unix shell scripts. (Re-) Open the log files with "append", so that log rotation can be configured to be other than daily. Package an Ant compiler adapter that compiles JSPs with the correct naming convention and an Ant task which creates .ver files. These tasks allow the Tomcat work directory to be pre-populated with compiled JSPs. 13285 Added improvements to the admin web-app to include support for vhosts. Server: Bug No. Description Bug fixed in SimpleSessionStore in session attribute reloading during context reloads. 7770 Fixed thread race problem in accessing the Hooks. 8092 Fixed JSP source exposure proplem. 9165 Fix auto-detection of tomcat.install for certain 1.1.x JDKs. 7654 Make certain that the Context Classloader is set before a servlet class is loaded. This allows JAXP and log4j classes to be created in the constructor of the servlet, instead of in init. Fix problem with multiple Context adds on Context reload under high traffic. Preserve sessions across session reloadings. Fix Cookie case name problem under Windows for Session Cookie. Fix problems with URL normalization when the URL attempts to access a file above the ROOT. Prevent session sharing when switching from HTTPS to HTTP. This removes a way to hijack sensitive sessions. The old behavior can be restored by setting the secureCookie="false" attribute on the SessionId element in server.xml. Fix the handling of response.encodeURL("") to conform to the w3 spec. 15894 Fix race condition on reusing Sessions. Updated DecodeInterceptor to treat URL paths containing null characters as unsafe. Fix problem where the AccessLog was printing the content-length of the Request instead of the Response. 24123 Fix problem where the AccessLog wasn't logging request that produce no output. Also log the Request's content length for PUT requests. Jasper: Bug No. Description 11463 Fix PageContext.removeAttribute(String) to work for a page with session=false. 13378 Fix dependency on GenericServlet in the generated .java file. 23101 Fix case dependency problem on Windows platforms. Configuration: Bug No. Description Connectors: Bug No. Description Documentation: Bug No. Description