jsp.error.bad.servlet.engine=Incorrect servlet engine version! jsp.error.no.scratch.dir=The JSP engine is not configured with a scratch dir.\ \n Please add \"jsp.initparams=scratchdir=\" \ \n in the servlets.properties file for this context. jsp.error.bad.scratch.dir=The scratchDir you specified: {0} is unusable. jsp.message.scratch.dir.is=Scratch dir for the JSP engine is: {0} jsp.message.parent_class_loader_is=Parent class loader is: {0} jsp.message.dont.modify.servlets=IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets jsp.error.not.impl.comments=Internal error: Comments not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.directives=Internal error: Directives not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.declarations=Internal error: Declarations not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.expressions=Internal error: Expressions not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.scriptlets=Internal error: Scriptlets not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.usebean=Internal error: useBean not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.getp=Internal error: getProperty not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.setp=Internal error: setProperty not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.plugin=Internal error: plugin not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.forward=Internal error: forward not implemented jsp.error.not.impl.include=Internal error: include not implemented jsp.error.usebean.missing.attribute=useBean: id attribute missing or misspelled jsp.error.usebean.missing.type=useBean ({0}): Either class or type attribute must be \ specified: jsp.error.usebean.duplicate=useBean: Duplicate bean name: {0} jsp.error.usebean.prohibited.as.session=Can't use as session bean {0} since it is prohibited \ by jsp directive defined earlier: jsp.error.usebean.not.both=useBean: Can't specify both class and beanName attribute: jsp.error.usebean.bad.type.cast=useBean ({0}): Type ({1}) is not assignable from class ({2}) jsp.error.usebean.invalid.scope=Invalid scope ({1}) in useBean: ({0}). jsp.error.classname=Can't determine classname from .class file jsp.warning.bad.type=Warning: bad type in .class file jsp.error.data.file.write=Error while writing data file jsp.error.page.multiple.contenttypes=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of contentType jsp.error.page.invalid.contenttype=Page directive: invalid value for contentType jsp.error.page.multiple.session=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of session jsp.error.page.invalid.session=Page directive: invalid value for session jsp.error.page.multiple.buffer=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of buffer jsp.error.page.invalid.buffer=Page directive: invalid value for buffer jsp.error.page.multiple.autoflush=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of autoFlush jsp.error.page.invalid.autoflush==Page directive: invalid value for autoFlush jsp.error.page.multiple.threadsafe=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of isThreadSafe jsp.error.page.invalid.threadsafe==Page directive: invalid value for isThreadSafe jsp.error.page.multiple.info=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of info jsp.error.page.invalid.info==Page directive: invalid value for info jsp.error.page.multiple.iserrorpage=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of isErrorPage jsp.error.page.invalid.iserrorpage==Page directive: invalid value for isErrorPage jsp.error.page.multiple.errorpage=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of errorPage jsp.error.page.multiple.language=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of language jsp.error.page.defafteruse.language=Page directive: can't define language after a scriptlet jsp.error.page.nomapping.language=Page directive: No mapping for language: jsp.error.page.multiple.extends=Page directive: can't have multiple occurrences of extends jsp.error.page.bad_b_and_a_combo=Page directive: Illegal combination of buffer=\"none\" && autoFlush=\"false\" jsp.error.not.impl.taglib=Internal error: Tag extensions not implemented jsp.error.include.missing.file=Missing file argument to include jsp.error.include.bad.file=Bad file argument to include jsp.error.include.exception=Unable to include {0} jsp.error.stream.closed=Stream closed jsp.error.invalid.forward=Invalid forward tag jsp.error.unknownException=Unhandled error! You might want to consider having an error page \ to report such errors more gracefully jsp.error.invalid.directive=Invalid directive jsp.error.unterminated=Unterminated {0} tag jsp.error.usebean.notinsamefile=useBean tag must begin and end in the same physical file jsp.error.unable.loadclass=Unable to load class {0} jsp.error.unable.compile=Unable to compile class for JSP jsp.error.unable.load=Unable to compile class for JSP jsp.error.unable.rename=Unable to rename class file {0} to {1} jsp.error.invalid.attribute={0}: Invalid attribute, {1} jsp.engine.info=JSP 1.1 Engine EA jsp.error.invalid.attribute={0}: Invalid attribute, {1} jsp.error.usebean.class.notfound=Class: {0} not found jsp.error.file.cannot.read=Cannot read file: {0} jsp.error.quotes.unterminated=Unterminated quotes jsp.error.attr.quoted=Attribute value should be quoted jsp.error.attr.novalue=Attribute {0} has no value jsp.error.tag.attr.unterminated=Unterminated tag attribute list jsp.error.param.noname=No name in PARAM tag jsp.error.param.novalue=No value in PARAM tag jsp.error.beans.introspection=getProperty({0}): exception occured while introspecting the read method for {1} jsp.error.beans.introspection.setproperty=setProperty: exception occured while introspecting the method for {0} jsp.error.beans.noMethod=getProperty({0}): can't find method to read {1} jsp.error.beans.nomethod.setproperty=setProperty({0}): Can't Find the method for setting {1} jsp.error.include.tag=Invalid jsp:include tag jsp.error.include.noflush=jsp:include needs to have \"flush=true\" jsp.error.include.badflush=jsp:include page=\"...\" flush=\"true\" is the only valid combination in JSP 1.0 jsp.error.attempt_to_clear_flushed_buffer=Error: Attempt to clear a buffer that's already been flushed jsp.error.overflow=Error: JSP Buffer overflow jsp.error.paramexpected=Expected \"param\" tag with \"name\" and \"value\" attributes after the \"params\" tag. jsp.error.closeindividualparam=param tag needs to be closed with \"/>\" jsp.error.closeparams=param tag needs to be closed with /params jsp.error.plugin.notype=type not declared in jsp:plugin jsp.error.plugin.nocode=code not declared in jsp:plugin jsp.error.plugin.notclosed=jsp:plugin not closed jsp.error.ise_on_clear=Illegal to clear() when buffer size == 0 jsp.error.setproperty.beanNotFound=setProperty: Bean {0} not found jsp.error.getproperty.beanNotFound=getProperty: Bean {0} not found jsp.error.setproperty.ClassNotFound=setProperty: Class {0} not found jsp.error.setproperty.invalidSyantax=setProperty: can't have non-null value when property=* jsp.error.setproperty.beanInfoNotFound=setproperty: beanInfo for bean {0} not found jsp.error.setproperty.paramOrValue=setProperty: either param or value can be present jsp.error.setproperty.arrayVal=setProperty: can't set array property {0} through a string constant value jsp.warning.keepgen=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam keepgenerated. Will use the default value of \"false\" jsp.warning.largeFile=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam largeFile. Will use the default value of \"true\" jsp.warning.sendErrToClient=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam sendErrToClient. Will use the default value of \"false\" jsp.error.badtaglib=Unable to open taglibrary {0} : {1} jsp.error.badGetReader=Cannot create a reader when the stream is not buffered jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.TLD=Warning: Unknown element {0} in TLD jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.tag=Warning: Unknown element {0} in tag jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.attribute=Warning: Unknown element {0} in attribute jsp.error.more.than.one.taglib=More than one taglib in the TLD jsp.warning.teiclass.is.null=Could not load TagExtraInfo class {0}: {1} jsp.error.parse.error.in.TLD=Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: {0} jsp.error.unable.to.open.TLD=Unable to open the tag library descriptor: {0} jsp.buffer.size.zero=Buffer size <= 0 jsp.error.file.not.found=JSP file \"{0}\" not found jsp.message.copyinguri=Copying {0} into {1} jsp.message.htmlcomment=\nStripping Comment: \t{0} jsp.message.handling_directive=\nHandling Directive: {0}\t{1} jsp.message.handling_plugin=\nPlugin: {0} jsp.message.package_name_is=Package name is: {0} jsp.message.class_name_is=Class name is: {0} jsp.message.java_file_name_is=Java file name is: {0} jsp.message.class_file_name_is=Class file name is: {0} jsp.message.accepted=Accepted {0} at {1} jsp.message.adding_jar=Adding jar {0} to my classpath jsp.message.compiling_with=Compiling with: {0} jsp.error.missing_attribute=According to the TLD attribute {0} is mandatory for tag {1} jsp.error.bad_attribute=Attribute {0} invalid according to the specified TLD jsp.error.tld_not_found=Could not locate TLD {0} jsp.error.webxml_not_found=Could not locate web.xml jsp.cmd_line.usage=Usage: jsptoservlet [-o ] [-keepgenerated] \ <.jsp files> jsp.message.cp_is=Classpath {0} is: {1} jsp.error.unable.to_load_taghandler_class=Unable to load tag handler class {0} because of {1} jsp.error.unable.to_find_method=Unable to find setter method for attribute: {0} jsp.error.unable.to_introspect=Unable to introspect on tag handler class: {0} because of {1} jsp.error.invalid_attributes=Attributes are invalid according to TagInfo jsp.error.bad_tag=No such tag {0} in the tag library imported with prefix {1}