$Id$ Tomcat 3.0 All classes are written exclusively in the Java(tm) Programming Language and may be used with and JRE 1.1 conformant system, including Java2 conformant systems. You should read the License Agreement which applies to this software. At this time, the documentation for this release is primarily: This README document A FAQ on some Tomcat specifics The JavaDoc documentation API Examples RUNNING THE SERVER ------------------ In order to run the Server it is necessary to have installed a compliant JDK. You must also have the "java" program available in your path (set using the PATH environment variable). More information can be found at http://java.sun.com/products/jdk. If you are using JDK 1.2, tools.jar (which can be found in /path/to/jdk1.2/lib/tools.jar) needs to be in your CLASSPATH. tools.jar contains "javac" which is used by the JSP engine to compile the servlets generated from .jsp's. There is a Unix based Korn Shell Script and a Windows based Batch File provided in the installation directory. To start up the server on Unix: % startup.sh To start up the server on Windows C:\tomcat\> startup Once the server is running, you can use any web browser to browse http://localhost:8080 and you will be browsing pages served from the server. You can read the JavaDoc documentation for the javax.servlet packages as well as see some JSP and servlet examples. To stop the server, use the following commands: Unix: % shutdown.sh Windows: > shutdown KNOWN BUGS AND ISSUES --------------------- 1. Automatic servlet reloading is not implemented in Tomcat. 2. The web server crashes with a StackOverflowException if there is infinite recursion in RequestDispatcher.forward/include or . 3. The JSP container may generate invalid Java code from JSP pages if multiple pages are being accessed for the first time at roughly the same time. This results in a compilation error. A work-around is to access the JSP pages one at the time to get correct code generated. When the code is generated and compiled, there are no known multi-threading issues. TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- On a Windows 95/98 machine you may see an "Out of Environment Space" error message when starting the server. This is caused by Windows providing too small a space for environment variables. To work around this limitation: Close the DOS window (the error can corrupt its CLASSPATH variable) Open a new MS-DOS window Click on the MS-DOS icon at the top-left of the Window Select teh Properties option Click on the "Memory" tab Adjust the "Initial Environment" drop-down box from "Auto" to "2816" Click on OK Start the server