$Id$ This is the living To-Do list for Tomcat * Tomcat core * Reduce garbage. We need to recycle objects wherever possible. Right now Tomcat is pretty lax about this and there's lots of low hanging fruit. * Better factor out parsing and processing modules to make clearly seperated lines between servers and containers. * Work with J2EE team and other server vendors to better define the interfaces that allow Tomcat to be embedded into their products. * Improve error reporting. Avoid raw stack traces where possible. * The JSP engine generates coordinate information into the servlet to provide a mapping from the generated code to the source JSP file. This is useful for debuggers. This is broken for HTML. Need to fix it. * Implement command line compilation of JSP to servlets. Make this an Ant task. * Plug in support for other Java compilers in the JSP engine. * Implement and ensure 100% compliance with the Servlet and JSP specs as they evolve. * Configuration system for Tomcat Standalone and Tomcat+Apache. * The messages.properties file for the JSP engine is all messed up. At some point we need to figure out a uniform nomenclature for all the resource (errors, warnings) names and clean things up in the code too. (The earlier the better... its already too late :) * Integration with Apache * Merge mod_jserv into tomcat cvs, work is underway to split it into mod_ajp, mod_wrapper, and mod_ballance. * Possibly experiment with XDR to replace AJP as a TCP connector protocol. * Implement mod_unixsock, mod_pipes, and mod_doors watching for integration issues with APR. * Experiment with mod_corba for direct integration into J2EE compliant servers. * Smooth build with Apache httpd 1.3.x * Work on build issues with Apache httpd 2.x * Tests * Add stress tests * Add some JSP product tests -- there are none right now * Add performance tests -- maybe work with JMeter on this