AJP11 is implemented as part of JServ. It's probably the most stable connector, and has load balancing and all the nice stuff. 1. Download Apache 1.3.9 ( or any other recent version ). Binaries for almost anything can be found at: http://www.apache.org/dist/binaries/ 2. Install apache. Try to use a directory that is local, i.e. not in your NFS-mounted home ( or the speed will be verrry small). I did: ~/tmp $ /usr/dist/exe/gzip -dc apache_1.3.9-sun4u-sun-solaris2.270.tar.gz |tar xvf - ~/tmp $ cd apache_1.3.9 ~/tmp/apache_1.3.9 $ ./install-bindist.sh APACHE_HOME ( I use /opt/apache or $HOME/opt/apache, or /usr/local/apache for APACHE_HOME ) 3. Get the "connector": mod_jserv.so. You can get the source from java.apache.org, or binaries from http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/tomcat ( same module that comes from apache/jserv - nightly builds ) Install it as mod_jserv.so in APACHE_HOME/conf/libexec. 4. Configure. Edit $APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf, replace 80 with 8000 ( the Port ). ( for testing - you'll not have to use root to start apache ) Add at the end: Include $TOMCAT_HOME/etc/tomcat.conf You may also need to change ServerName your.desktop.name ( that means your DNS configuration is broken, but that happens ) 5. Get tomcat nightly build or checkout the latest tomcat and build. 6. Start apache ( /opt/apache/bin/apachectl start ) and tomcat ( tomcat.sh start ) You can see the apache logs in /opt/apache/logs - check for errors. 7. You can access tomcat examples as http://HOST/examples Costin