/* * Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Author: Jacob Hookom Email: jacob at hookom.net */ /* == Option Declaration == */ options { STATIC=false; NODE_PREFIX="Ast"; VISITOR_EXCEPTION="javax.el.ELException"; VISITOR=false; MULTI=true; NODE_DEFAULT_VOID=true; JAVA_UNICODE_ESCAPE=false; UNICODE_INPUT=true; BUILD_NODE_FILES=true; } /* == Parser Declaration == */ PARSER_BEGIN( ELParser ) package com.sun.el.parser; import java.io.StringReader; import javax.el.ELException; public class ELParser { public static Node parse(String ref) throws ELException { try { return (new ELParser(new StringReader(ref))).CompositeExpression(); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new ELException(pe.getMessage()); } } } PARSER_END( ELParser ) /* * CompositeExpression * Allow most flexible parsing, restrict by examining * type of returned node */ AstCompositeExpression CompositeExpression() #CompositeExpression : {} { (DeferredExpression() | DynamicExpression() | LiteralExpression())* { return jjtThis; } } /* * LiteralExpression * Non-EL Expression blocks */ void LiteralExpression() #LiteralExpression : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * DeferredExpression * #{..} Expressions */ void DeferredExpression() #DeferredExpression : {} { Expression() } /* * DynamicExpression * ${..} Expressions */ void DynamicExpression() #DynamicExpression : {} { Expression() } /* * Expression * EL Expression Language Root, goes to Choice */ void Expression() : {} { Choice() } /* * Choice * For Choice markup a ? b : c, then Or */ void Choice() : {} { Or() ( Or() Choice() #Choice(3))* } /* * Or * For 'or' '||', then And */ void Or() : {} { And() ((|) And() #Or(2))* } /* * And * For 'and' '&&', then Equality */ void And() : {} { Equality() ((|) Equality() #And(2))* } /* * Equality * For '==' 'eq' '!=' 'ne', then Compare */ void Equality() : {} { Compare() ( ((|) Compare() #Equal(2)) | ((|) Compare() #NotEqual(2)) )* } /* * Compare * For a bunch of them, then Math */ void Compare() : {} { Math() ( ((|) Math() #LessThan(2)) | ((|) Math() #GreaterThan(2)) | ((|) Math() #LessThanEqual(2)) | ((|) Math() #GreaterThanEqual(2)) )* } /* * Math * For '+' '-', then Multiplication */ void Math() : {} { Multiplication() ( ( Multiplication() #Plus(2)) | ( Multiplication() #Minus(2)) )* } /* * Multiplication * For a bunch of them, then Unary */ void Multiplication() : {} { Unary() ( ( Unary() #Mult(2)) | ((|) Unary() #Div(2)) | ((|) Unary() #Mod(2)) )* } /* * Unary * For '-' '!' 'not' 'empty', then Value */ void Unary() : {} { Unary() #Negative | (|) Unary() #Not | Unary() #Empty | Value() } /* * Value * Defines Prefix plus zero or more Suffixes */ void Value() : {} { (ValuePrefix() (ValueSuffix())*) #Value(>1) } /* * ValuePrefix * For Literals, Variables, and Functions */ void ValuePrefix() : {} { Literal() | NonLiteral() } /* * ValueSuffix * Either dot or bracket notation */ void ValueSuffix() : {} { DotSuffix() | BracketSuffix() } /* * DotSuffix * Dot Property */ void DotSuffix() #DotSuffix : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * BracketSuffix * Sub Expression Suffix */ void BracketSuffix() #BracketSuffix : {} { Expression() } /* * NonLiteral * For Grouped Operations, Identifiers, and Functions */ void NonLiteral() : {} { Expression() | LOOKAHEAD(2) Function() | Identifier() } /* * Identifier * Java Language Identifier */ void Identifier() #Identifier : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * Function * Namespace:Name(a,b,c) */ void Function() #Function : { Token t0 = null; Token t1 = null; } { t0= (t1=)? { if (t1 != null) { jjtThis.setPrefix(t0.image); jjtThis.setLocalName(t1.image.substring(1)); } else { jjtThis.setLocalName(t0.image); } } (Expression() ( Expression())*)? } /* * Literal * Reserved Keywords */ void Literal() : {} { Boolean() | FloatingPoint() | Integer() | String() | Null() } /* * Boolean * For 'true' 'false' */ void Boolean() : {} { #True | #False } /* * FloatinPoint * For Decimal and Floating Point Literals */ void FloatingPoint() #FloatingPoint : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * Integer * For Simple Numeric Literals */ void Integer() #Integer : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * String * For Quoted Literals */ void String() #String : { Token t = null; } { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } /* * Null * For 'null' */ void Null() #Null : {} { } /* ==================================================================================== */ TOKEN : { < LITERAL_EXPRESSION: ((~["\\", "$", "#"]) | ("\\" ("\\" | "$" | "#")) | ("$" ~["{", "$"]) | ("#" ~["{", "#"]) )+ | "$" | "#" > | < START_DYNAMIC_EXPRESSION: "${" > : IN_EXPRESSION | < START_DEFERRED_EXPRESSION: "#{" > : IN_EXPRESSION } SKIP : { "\\" } SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" } TOKEN : { < INTEGER_LITERAL: ["0"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* > | < FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* ()? | "." (["0"-"9"])+ ()? | (["0"-"9"])+ > | < #EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ > | < STRING_LITERAL: ("\"" ((~["\"","\\"]) | ("\\" ( ["\\","\""] )))* "\"") | ("\'" ((~["\'","\\"]) | ("\\" ( ["\\","\'"] )))* "\'") > | < BADLY_ESCAPED_STRING_LITERAL: ("\"" (~["\"","\\"])* ("\\" ( ~["\\","\""] ))) | ("\'" (~["\'","\\"])* ("\\" ( ~["\\","\'"] ))) > | < TRUE : "true" > | < FALSE : "false" > | < NULL : "null" > | < END_EXPRESSION : "}" > : DEFAULT | < DOT : "." > | < LPAREN : "(" > | < RPAREN : ")" > | < LBRACK : "[" > | < RBRACK : "]" > | < COLON : ":" > | < COMMA : "," > | < GT0 : ">" > | < GT1 : "gt" > | < LT0 : "<" > | < LT1 : "lt" > | < GE0 : ">=" > | < GE1 : "ge" > | < LE0 : "<=" > | < LE1 : "le" > | < EQ0 : "==" > | < EQ1 : "eq" > | < NE0 : "!=" > | < NE1 : "ne" > | < NOT0 : "!" > | < NOT1 : "not" > | < AND0 : "&&" > | < AND1 : "and" > | < OR0 : "||" > | < OR1 : "or" > | < EMPTY : "empty" > | < INSTANCEOF : "instanceof" > | < MULT : "*" > | < PLUS : "+" > | < MINUS : "-" > | < QUESTIONMARK : "?" > | < DIV0 : "/" > | < DIV1 : "div" > | < MOD0 : "%" > | < MOD1 : "mod" > | < IDENTIFIER : (|) (|)* > | < FUNCTIONSUFFIX : ( ) > | < #IMPL_OBJ_START: "#" > | < #LETTER: [ "\u0024", "\u0041"-"\u005a", "\u005f", "\u0061"-"\u007a", "\u00c0"-"\u00d6", "\u00d8"-"\u00f6", "\u00f8"-"\u00ff", "\u0100"-"\u1fff", "\u3040"-"\u318f", "\u3300"-"\u337f", "\u3400"-"\u3d2d", "\u4e00"-"\u9fff", "\uf900"-"\ufaff" ] > | < #DIGIT: [ "\u0030"-"\u0039", "\u0660"-"\u0669", "\u06f0"-"\u06f9", "\u0966"-"\u096f", "\u09e6"-"\u09ef", "\u0a66"-"\u0a6f", "\u0ae6"-"\u0aef", "\u0b66"-"\u0b6f", "\u0be7"-"\u0bef", "\u0c66"-"\u0c6f", "\u0ce6"-"\u0cef", "\u0d66"-"\u0d6f", "\u0e50"-"\u0e59", "\u0ed0"-"\u0ed9", "\u1040"-"\u1049" ] > | < ILLEGAL_CHARACTER: (~[]) > }