Tika Mailing Lists

Mailing lists are the primary communication channel of the Tika project. See the Apache mailing list and email contribution pages for general information about the use of our mailing list and the expected list behaviour.

The user mailing list at user@tika.apache.org is for discussing the use of Tika and any problems you may face with it.

The development mailing list at dev@tika.apache.org is for discussing the development of Tika. Use this list if you're interested in contributing to Tika development. This list also receives notifications about all updates and new comments in the issue tracker.

The commits mailing list at commits@tika.apache.org is a read-only list where automatic notifications about all code changes and wiki updates get sent.

Subscribing and unsubscribing

See the Apache mailing list page for instructions on how to subscribe and unsubscribe Tika mailing lists.

If you have problems, please contact dev-owner@tika.apache.org for assistance.

List archives

List archives are available on the official Apache list archive site as well as on many external sites like Markmail and GMane. In addition our site search (see the upper right corner) provided by Lucid Imagination covers also the archives of Tika mailing lists.