Class ExternalEmbedder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Embedder

public class ExternalEmbedder extends Object implements Embedder
Embedder that uses an external program (like sed or exiftool) to embed text content and metadata into a given document.
Apache Tika 1.3
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String METADATA_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS_TOKEN
      Token to be replaced with a String array of metadata assignment command arguments
      See Also:

      Token to be replaced with a String array of metadata assignment command arguments
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalEmbedder

      public ExternalEmbedder()
  • Method Details

    • serializeMetadata

      protected static String serializeMetadata(List<String> metadataCommandArguments)
      Serializes a collection of metadata command line arguments into a single string.
      metadataCommandArguments -
      the serialized metadata arguments string
    • check

      public static boolean check(String checkCmd, int... errorValue)
      Checks to see if the command can be run. Typically used with something like "myapp --version" to check to see if "myapp" is installed and on the path.
      checkCmd - the check command to run
      errorValue - what is considered an error value?
      whether or not the check completed without error
    • check

      public static boolean check(String[] checkCmd, int... errorValue)
      Checks to see if the command can be run. Typically used with something like "myapp --version" to check to see if "myapp" is installed and on the path.
      checkCmd - the check command to run
      errorValue - what is considered an error value?
      whether or not the check completed without error
    • getSupportedEmbedTypes

      public Set<MediaType> getSupportedEmbedTypes(ParseContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Embedder
      Returns the set of media types supported by this embedder when used with the given parse context.

      The name differs from the precedence of Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext) so that parser implementations may also choose to implement this interface.

      Specified by:
      getSupportedEmbedTypes in interface Embedder
      context - parse context
      immutable set of media types
    • getSupportedEmbedTypes

      public Set<MediaType> getSupportedEmbedTypes()
    • setSupportedEmbedTypes

      public void setSupportedEmbedTypes(Set<MediaType> supportedEmbedTypes)
    • getCommand

      public String[] getCommand()
      Gets the command to be run. This can include either of ExternalParser.INPUT_FILE_TOKEN or ExternalParser.OUTPUT_FILE_TOKEN if the command needs filenames.
    • setCommand

      public void setCommand(String... command)
      Sets the command to be run. This can include either of ExternalParser.INPUT_FILE_TOKEN or ExternalParser.OUTPUT_FILE_TOKEN if the command needs filenames.
      See Also:
    • getCommandAssignmentOperator

      public String getCommandAssignmentOperator()
      Gets the assignment operator for the command line tool, i.e. "=".
      the assignment operator
    • setCommandAssignmentOperator

      public void setCommandAssignmentOperator(String commandAssignmentOperator)
      Sets the assignment operator for the command line tool, i.e. "=".
      commandAssignmentOperator -
    • getCommandAssignmentDelimeter

      public String getCommandAssignmentDelimeter()
      Gets the delimiter for multiple assignments for the command line tool, i.e. ", ".
      the assignment delimiter
    • setCommandAssignmentDelimeter

      public void setCommandAssignmentDelimeter(String commandAssignmentDelimeter)
      Sets the delimiter for multiple assignments for the command line tool, i.e. ", ".
      commandAssignmentDelimeter -
    • getCommandAppendOperator

      public String getCommandAppendOperator()
      Gets the operator to append rather than replace a value for the command line tool, i.e. "+=".
      the append operator
    • setCommandAppendOperator

      public void setCommandAppendOperator(String commandAppendOperator)
      Sets the operator to append rather than replace a value for the command line tool, i.e. "+=".
      commandAppendOperator -
    • isQuoteAssignmentValues

      public boolean isQuoteAssignmentValues()
      Gets whether or not to quote assignment values, i.e. tag='value'. The default is false.
      whether or not to quote assignment values
    • setQuoteAssignmentValues

      public void setQuoteAssignmentValues(boolean quoteAssignmentValues)
      Sets whether or not to quote assignment values, i.e. tag='value'.
      quoteAssignmentValues -
    • getMetadataCommandArguments

      public Map<Property,String[]> getMetadataCommandArguments()
      Gets the map of Metadata keys to command line parameters.
      the metadata to CLI param map
    • setMetadataCommandArguments

      public void setMetadataCommandArguments(Map<Property,String[]> arguments)
      Sets the map of Metadata keys to command line parameters. Set this to null to disable Metadata embedding.
      arguments -
    • getCommandMetadataSegments

      protected List<String> getCommandMetadataSegments(Metadata metadata)
      Constructs a collection of command line arguments responsible for setting individual metadata fields based on the given metadata.
      metadata - the metadata to embed
      the metadata-related command line arguments
    • embed

      public void embed(Metadata metadata, InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, ParseContext context) throws IOException, TikaException
      Executes the configured external command and passes the given document stream as a simple XHTML document to the given SAX content handler. Metadata is only extracted if setMetadataCommandArguments(Map) has been called to set arguments.
      Specified by:
      embed in interface Embedder
      metadata - document metadata (input and output)
      inputStream - the document stream (input)
      outputStream - the output stream to write the metadata embedded data to
      context - parse context
      IOException - if the document stream could not be read
      TikaException - if the document could not be parsed