text_extensions: [ 'erb', 'html', 'less', 'md', 'txt', 'xml' ] output_dir: publish index_filenames: [ 'index.html' ] enable_output_diff: false data_sources: - type: filesystem_unified items_root: / layouts_root: / watcher: dirs_to_watch: [ 'content', 'layouts', 'lib' ] files_to_watch: [ 'config.yaml', 'Rules' ] notify_on_compilation_success: true notify_on_compilation_failure: true # Thrift Site Variables title: "Apache Thrift" base_url: "http://thrift.apache.org" svn_repo: "http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/thrift" release_url: "https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/thrift" jira_url: "http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT" current_release: "0.9.0" current_release_date: "2012-10-15" # Apache ID, Name, Specialities, Timezone committers: [ [ "mcslee", "Mark Slee", "General vision and implementation", "-8" ], [ "dreiss", "David Reiss", "Everything, GIT configuration, performance", "-8" ], [ "aditya", "Aditya Agarwal", "C++ servers", "-8" ], [ "marck", "Marc Kwiatkowski", "C++ concurrency", "-8" ], [ "jwang", "James Wang", "C++ transports and processors", "-8" ], [ "cpiro", "Chris Piro", "Erlang", "-8" ], [ "bmaurer", "Ben Maurer", "Python data serialization", "-5" ], [ "kclark", "Kevin Clark", "Ruby implementation", "-8" ], [ "jake", "Jake Luciani", "Perl, JavaScript", "-5" ], [ "bryanduxbury", "Bryan Duxbury", "Release Manager, Compact Protocol, Java, Ruby", "-8" ], [ "esteve", "Esteve Fernandez", "Python, Twisted, async transports", "1" ], [ "todd", "Todd Lipcon", "Erlang, Java", "-8" ], [ "geechorama", "Andrew McGeachie", "Cocoa", "?" ], [ "molinaro", "Anthony Molinaro", "Erlang, Perl, autotools", "-8" ], [ "roger", "Roger Meier", "Continuous Integration, C++, C#, JavaScript", "2" ], [ "jfarrell", "Jake Farrell", "Build, Client Publishing, Java, PHP, Ruby", "-5" ] ] # Powered by: Company name, website powered_by: [ [ "Cloudera", "http://www.cloudera.com" ], [ "Evernote", "http://evernote.com" ], [ "Facebook", "http://www.facebook.com" ], [ "last.fm", "http://www.last.fm" ], [ "Mendeley", "http://www.mendeley.com" ], [ "ONEsite", "http://www.onesite.com" ], [ "OpenX", "http://www.openx.org" ], [ "RapLeaf", "http://www.rapleaf.com" ], [ "reCaptcha", "http://www.recaptcha.com" ], [ "Aereo", "http://www.aereo.com" ] ] # Item, Automated via configure, Location of versioning file versioning: [ [ "thrift-compiler", "yes", "configure.ac" ], [ "as3", "no", "based on java lib build.properties" ], [ "cocoa", "no", ""], [ "cpp", "yes", ""], [ "csharp", "no", "lib/csharp/src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs"], [ "" , "", "lib/csharp/ThriftMSBuildTask/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs"], [ "delphi", "no", "/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.pas"], [ "erl", "yes", "lib/erl/src/thrift.app.src"], [ "go", "no", ""], [ "hs", "no", "lib/hs/Thrift.cabal"], [ "java", "no", "lib/java/build.properties"], [ "javame", "no", ""], [ "js", "no", "lib/js/thrift.js"], [ "node.js", "no", "lib/nodejs/package.json"], [ "ocaml", "no", ""], [ "perl", "no", "lib/perl/lib/Thrift.pm"], [ "" , "", "lib/perl/Makefile.PL"], [ "php", "no", ""], [ "py", "no", "lib/py/setup.py"], [ "rb", "no", "lib/rb/Rakefile"], [ "st", "no", ""], [ "Debian Packages", "no", "contrib/debian/changelog"] ]