(* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) exception Break;; exception Thrift_error;; exception Field_empty of string;; class t_exn = object val mutable message = "" method get_message = message method set_message s = message <- s end;; module Transport = struct type exn_type = | UNKNOWN | NOT_OPEN | ALREADY_OPEN | TIMED_OUT | END_OF_FILE;; exception E of exn_type * string class virtual t = object (self) method virtual isOpen : bool method virtual opn : unit method virtual close : unit method virtual read : string -> int -> int -> int method readAll buf off len = let got = ref 0 in let ret = ref 0 in while !got < len do ret := self#read buf (off+(!got)) (len - (!got)); if !ret <= 0 then raise (E (UNKNOWN, "Cannot read. Remote side has closed.")); got := !got + !ret done; !got method virtual write : string -> int -> int -> unit method virtual flush : unit end class factory = object method getTransport (t : t) = t end class virtual server_t = object (self) method virtual listen : unit method accept = self#acceptImpl method virtual close : unit method virtual acceptImpl : t end end;; module Protocol = struct type t_type = | T_STOP | T_VOID | T_BOOL | T_BYTE | T_I08 | T_I16 | T_I32 | T_U64 | T_I64 | T_DOUBLE | T_STRING | T_UTF7 | T_STRUCT | T_MAP | T_SET | T_LIST | T_UTF8 | T_UTF16 let t_type_to_i = function T_STOP -> 0 | T_VOID -> 1 | T_BOOL -> 2 | T_BYTE -> 3 | T_I08 -> 3 | T_I16 -> 6 | T_I32 -> 8 | T_U64 -> 9 | T_I64 -> 10 | T_DOUBLE -> 4 | T_STRING -> 11 | T_UTF7 -> 11 | T_STRUCT -> 12 | T_MAP -> 13 | T_SET -> 14 | T_LIST -> 15 | T_UTF8 -> 16 | T_UTF16 -> 17 let t_type_of_i = function 0 -> T_STOP | 1 -> T_VOID | 2 -> T_BOOL | 3 -> T_BYTE | 6-> T_I16 | 8 -> T_I32 | 9 -> T_U64 | 10 -> T_I64 | 4 -> T_DOUBLE | 11 -> T_STRING | 12 -> T_STRUCT | 13 -> T_MAP | 14 -> T_SET | 15 -> T_LIST | 16 -> T_UTF8 | 17 -> T_UTF16 | _ -> raise Thrift_error type message_type = | CALL | REPLY | EXCEPTION | ONEWAY let message_type_to_i = function | CALL -> 1 | REPLY -> 2 | EXCEPTION -> 3 | ONEWAY -> 4 let message_type_of_i = function | 1 -> CALL | 2 -> REPLY | 3 -> EXCEPTION | 4 -> ONEWAY | _ -> raise Thrift_error class virtual t (trans: Transport.t) = object (self) val mutable trans_ = trans method getTransport = trans_ (* writing methods *) method virtual writeMessageBegin : string * message_type * int -> unit method virtual writeMessageEnd : unit method virtual writeStructBegin : string -> unit method virtual writeStructEnd : unit method virtual writeFieldBegin : string * t_type * int -> unit method virtual writeFieldEnd : unit method virtual writeFieldStop : unit method virtual writeMapBegin : t_type * t_type * int -> unit method virtual writeMapEnd : unit method virtual writeListBegin : t_type * int -> unit method virtual writeListEnd : unit method virtual writeSetBegin : t_type * int -> unit method virtual writeSetEnd : unit method virtual writeBool : bool -> unit method virtual writeByte : int -> unit method virtual writeI16 : int -> unit method virtual writeI32 : Int32.t -> unit method virtual writeI64 : Int64.t -> unit method virtual writeDouble : float -> unit method virtual writeString : string -> unit method virtual writeBinary : string -> unit (* reading methods *) method virtual readMessageBegin : string * message_type * int method virtual readMessageEnd : unit method virtual readStructBegin : string method virtual readStructEnd : unit method virtual readFieldBegin : string * t_type * int method virtual readFieldEnd : unit method virtual readMapBegin : t_type * t_type * int method virtual readMapEnd : unit method virtual readListBegin : t_type * int method virtual readListEnd : unit method virtual readSetBegin : t_type * int method virtual readSetEnd : unit method virtual readBool : bool method virtual readByte : int method virtual readI16 : int method virtual readI32: Int32.t method virtual readI64 : Int64.t method virtual readDouble : float method virtual readString : string method virtual readBinary : string (* skippage *) method skip typ = match typ with | T_STOP -> () | T_VOID -> () | T_BOOL -> ignore self#readBool | T_BYTE | T_I08 -> ignore self#readByte | T_I16 -> ignore self#readI16 | T_I32 -> ignore self#readI32 | T_U64 | T_I64 -> ignore self#readI64 | T_DOUBLE -> ignore self#readDouble | T_STRING -> ignore self#readString | T_UTF7 -> () | T_STRUCT -> ignore ((ignore self#readStructBegin); (try while true do let (_,t,_) = self#readFieldBegin in if t = T_STOP then raise Break else (self#skip t; self#readFieldEnd) done with Break -> ()); self#readStructEnd) | T_MAP -> ignore (let (k,v,s) = self#readMapBegin in for i=0 to s do self#skip k; self#skip v; done; self#readMapEnd) | T_SET -> ignore (let (t,s) = self#readSetBegin in for i=0 to s do self#skip t done; self#readSetEnd) | T_LIST -> ignore (let (t,s) = self#readListBegin in for i=0 to s do self#skip t done; self#readListEnd) | T_UTF8 -> () | T_UTF16 -> () end class virtual factory = object method virtual getProtocol : Transport.t -> t end type exn_type = | UNKNOWN | INVALID_DATA | NEGATIVE_SIZE | SIZE_LIMIT | BAD_VERSION exception E of exn_type * string;; end;; module Processor = struct class virtual t = object method virtual process : Protocol.t -> Protocol.t -> bool end;; class factory (processor : t) = object val processor_ = processor method getProcessor (trans : Transport.t) = processor_ end;; end (* Ugly *) module Application_Exn = struct type typ= | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN_METHOD | INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE | WRONG_METHOD_NAME | BAD_SEQUENCE_ID | MISSING_RESULT | INTERNAL_ERROR | PROTOCOL_ERROR let typ_of_i = function 0l -> UNKNOWN | 1l -> UNKNOWN_METHOD | 2l -> INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE | 3l -> WRONG_METHOD_NAME | 4l -> BAD_SEQUENCE_ID | 5l -> MISSING_RESULT | 6l -> INTERNAL_ERROR | 7l -> PROTOCOL_ERROR | _ -> raise Thrift_error;; let typ_to_i = function | UNKNOWN -> 0l | UNKNOWN_METHOD -> 1l | INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE -> 2l | WRONG_METHOD_NAME -> 3l | BAD_SEQUENCE_ID -> 4l | MISSING_RESULT -> 5l | INTERNAL_ERROR -> 6l | PROTOCOL_ERROR -> 7l class t = object (self) inherit t_exn val mutable typ = UNKNOWN method get_type = typ method set_type t = typ <- t method write (oprot : Protocol.t) = oprot#writeStructBegin "TApplicationExeception"; if self#get_message != "" then (oprot#writeFieldBegin ("message",Protocol.T_STRING, 1); oprot#writeString self#get_message; oprot#writeFieldEnd) else (); oprot#writeFieldBegin ("type",Protocol.T_I32,2); oprot#writeI32 (typ_to_i typ); oprot#writeFieldEnd; oprot#writeFieldStop; oprot#writeStructEnd end;; let create typ msg = let e = new t in e#set_type typ; e#set_message msg; e let read (iprot : Protocol.t) = let msg = ref "" in let typ = ref 0l in ignore iprot#readStructBegin; (try while true do let (name,ft,id) =iprot#readFieldBegin in if ft = Protocol.T_STOP then raise Break else (); (match id with | 1 -> (if ft = Protocol.T_STRING then msg := (iprot#readString) else iprot#skip ft) | 2 -> (if ft = Protocol.T_I32 then typ := iprot#readI32 else iprot#skip ft) | _ -> iprot#skip ft); iprot#readFieldEnd done with Break -> ()); iprot#readStructEnd; let e = new t in e#set_type (typ_of_i !typ); e#set_message !msg; e;; exception E of t end;;