/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #import "TBinaryProtocol.h" #import "TProtocolException.h" int32_t VERSION_1 = 0x80010000; int32_t VERSION_MASK = 0xffff0000; static TBinaryProtocolFactory * gSharedFactory = nil; @implementation TBinaryProtocolFactory + (TBinaryProtocolFactory *) sharedFactory { if (gSharedFactory == nil) { gSharedFactory = [[TBinaryProtocolFactory alloc] init]; } return gSharedFactory; } - (TBinaryProtocol *) newProtocolOnTransport: (id ) transport { return [[TBinaryProtocol alloc] initWithTransport: transport]; } @end @implementation TBinaryProtocol - (id) initWithTransport: (id ) transport { return [self initWithTransport: transport strictRead: NO strictWrite: NO]; } - (id) initWithTransport: (id ) transport strictRead: (BOOL) strictRead strictWrite: (BOOL) strictWrite { self = [super init]; mTransport = [transport retain]; mStrictRead = strictRead; mStrictWrite = strictWrite; return self; } - (int32_t) messageSizeLimit { return mMessageSizeLimit; } - (void) setMessageSizeLimit: (int32_t) sizeLimit { mMessageSizeLimit = sizeLimit; } - (void) dealloc { [mTransport release]; [super dealloc]; } - (id ) transport { return mTransport; } - (NSString *) readStringBody: (int) size { char * buffer = malloc(size+1); if (!buffer) { @throw [TProtocolException exceptionWithName: @"TProtocolException" reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Unable to allocate memory in %s, size: %i", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, size]];; } [mTransport readAll: (uint8_t *) buffer offset: 0 length: size]; buffer[size] = 0; NSString * result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: buffer]; free(buffer); return result; } - (void) readMessageBeginReturningName: (NSString **) name type: (int *) type sequenceID: (int *) sequenceID { int32_t size = [self readI32]; if (size < 0) { int version = size & VERSION_MASK; if (version != VERSION_1) { @throw [TProtocolException exceptionWithName: @"TProtocolException" reason: @"Bad version in readMessageBegin"]; } if (type != NULL) { *type = version & 0x00FF; } NSString * messageName = [self readString]; if (name != NULL) { *name = messageName; } int seqID = [self readI32]; if (sequenceID != NULL) { *sequenceID = seqID; } } else { if (mStrictRead) { @throw [TProtocolException exceptionWithName: @"TProtocolException" reason: @"Missing version in readMessageBegin, old client?"]; } if ([self messageSizeLimit] > 0 && size > [self messageSizeLimit]) { @throw [TProtocolException exceptionWithName: @"TProtocolException" reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Message too big. Size limit is: %d Message size is: %d", mMessageSizeLimit, size]]; } NSString * messageName = [self readStringBody: size]; if (name != NULL) { *name = messageName; } int messageType = [self readByte]; if (type != NULL) { *type = messageType; } int seqID = [self readI32]; if (sequenceID != NULL) { *sequenceID = seqID; } } } - (void) readMessageEnd {} - (void) readStructBeginReturningName: (NSString **) name { if (name != NULL) { *name = nil; } } - (void) readStructEnd {} - (void) readFieldBeginReturningName: (NSString **) name type: (int *) fieldType fieldID: (int *) fieldID { if (name != NULL) { *name = nil; } int ft = [self readByte]; if (fieldType != NULL) { *fieldType = ft; } if (ft != TType_STOP) { int fid = [self readI16]; if (fieldID != NULL) { *fieldID = fid; } } } - (void) readFieldEnd {} - (int32_t) readI32 { uint8_t i32rd[4]; [mTransport readAll: i32rd offset: 0 length: 4]; return ((i32rd[0] & 0xff) << 24) | ((i32rd[1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((i32rd[2] & 0xff) << 8) | ((i32rd[3] & 0xff)); } - (NSString *) readString { int size = [self readI32]; return [self readStringBody: size]; } - (BOOL) readBool { return [self readByte] == 1; } - (uint8_t) readByte { uint8_t myByte; [mTransport readAll: &myByte offset: 0 length: 1]; return myByte; } - (short) readI16 { uint8_t buff[2]; [mTransport readAll: buff offset: 0 length: 2]; return (short) (((buff[0] & 0xff) << 8) | ((buff[1] & 0xff))); return 0; } - (int64_t) readI64; { uint8_t i64rd[8]; [mTransport readAll: i64rd offset: 0 length: 8]; return ((int64_t)(i64rd[0] & 0xff) << 56) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[1] & 0xff) << 48) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[2] & 0xff) << 40) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[3] & 0xff) << 32) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[4] & 0xff) << 24) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[5] & 0xff) << 16) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[6] & 0xff) << 8) | ((int64_t)(i64rd[7] & 0xff)); } - (double) readDouble; { // FIXME - will this get us into trouble on PowerPC? int64_t ieee754 = [self readI64]; return *((double *) &ieee754); } - (NSData *) readBinary { int32_t size = [self readI32]; uint8_t * buff = malloc(size); if (buff == NULL) { @throw [TProtocolException exceptionWithName: @"TProtocolException" reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Out of memory. Unable to allocate %d bytes trying to read binary data.", size]]; } [mTransport readAll: buff offset: 0 length: size]; return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: buff length: size]; } - (void) readMapBeginReturningKeyType: (int *) keyType valueType: (int *) valueType size: (int *) size { int kt = [self readByte]; int vt = [self readByte]; int s = [self readI32]; if (keyType != NULL) { *keyType = kt; } if (valueType != NULL) { *valueType = vt; } if (size != NULL) { *size = s; } } - (void) readMapEnd {} - (void) readSetBeginReturningElementType: (int *) elementType size: (int *) size { int et = [self readByte]; int s = [self readI32]; if (elementType != NULL) { *elementType = et; } if (size != NULL) { *size = s; } } - (void) readSetEnd {} - (void) readListBeginReturningElementType: (int *) elementType size: (int *) size { int et = [self readByte]; int s = [self readI32]; if (elementType != NULL) { *elementType = et; } if (size != NULL) { *size = s; } } - (void) readListEnd {} - (void) writeByte: (uint8_t) value { [mTransport write: &value offset: 0 length: 1]; } - (void) writeMessageBeginWithName: (NSString *) name type: (int) messageType sequenceID: (int) sequenceID { if (mStrictWrite) { int version = VERSION_1 | messageType; [self writeI32: version]; [self writeString: name]; [self writeI32: sequenceID]; } else { [self writeString: name]; [self writeByte: messageType]; [self writeI32: sequenceID]; } } - (void) writeMessageEnd {} - (void) writeStructBeginWithName: (NSString *) name {} - (void) writeStructEnd {} - (void) writeFieldBeginWithName: (NSString *) name type: (int) fieldType fieldID: (int) fieldID { [self writeByte: fieldType]; [self writeI16: fieldID]; } - (void) writeI32: (int32_t) value { uint8_t buff[4]; buff[0] = 0xFF & (value >> 24); buff[1] = 0xFF & (value >> 16); buff[2] = 0xFF & (value >> 8); buff[3] = 0xFF & value; [mTransport write: buff offset: 0 length: 4]; } - (void) writeI16: (short) value { uint8_t buff[2]; buff[0] = 0xff & (value >> 8); buff[1] = 0xff & value; [mTransport write: buff offset: 0 length: 2]; } - (void) writeI64: (int64_t) value { uint8_t buff[8]; buff[0] = 0xFF & (value >> 56); buff[1] = 0xFF & (value >> 48); buff[2] = 0xFF & (value >> 40); buff[3] = 0xFF & (value >> 32); buff[4] = 0xFF & (value >> 24); buff[5] = 0xFF & (value >> 16); buff[6] = 0xFF & (value >> 8); buff[7] = 0xFF & value; [mTransport write: buff offset: 0 length: 8]; } - (void) writeDouble: (double) value { // spit out IEEE 754 bits - FIXME - will this get us in trouble on // PowerPC? [self writeI64: *((int64_t *) &value)]; } - (void) writeString: (NSString *) value { if (value != nil) { const char * utf8Bytes = [value UTF8String]; size_t length = strlen(utf8Bytes); [self writeI32: length]; [mTransport write: (uint8_t *) utf8Bytes offset: 0 length: length]; } else { // instead of crashing when we get null, let's write out a zero // length string [self writeI32: 0]; } } - (void) writeBinary: (NSData *) data { [self writeI32: [data length]]; [mTransport write: [data bytes] offset: 0 length: [data length]]; } - (void) writeFieldStop { [self writeByte: TType_STOP]; } - (void) writeFieldEnd {} - (void) writeMapBeginWithKeyType: (int) keyType valueType: (int) valueType size: (int) size { [self writeByte: keyType]; [self writeByte: valueType]; [self writeI32: size]; } - (void) writeMapEnd {} - (void) writeSetBeginWithElementType: (int) elementType size: (int) size { [self writeByte: elementType]; [self writeI32: size]; } - (void) writeSetEnd {} - (void) writeListBeginWithElementType: (int) elementType size: (int) size { [self writeByte: elementType]; [self writeI32: size]; } - (void) writeListEnd {} - (void) writeBool: (BOOL) value { [self writeByte: (value ? 1 : 0)]; } @end