-module(test_disklog). -compile(export_all). t() -> {ok, TransportFactory} = thrift_disk_log_transport:new_transport_factory( test_disklog, [{file, "/tmp/test_log"}, {size, {1024*1024, 10}}]), {ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory( TransportFactory, []), {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link(ProtocolFactory, thriftTest_thrift), io:format("Client started~n"), % We have to make async calls into this client only since otherwise it will try % to read from the disklog and go boom. {ok, ok} = thrift_client:call(Client, testAsync, [16#deadbeef]), io:format("Call written~n"), % Use the send_call method to write a non-async call into the log ok = thrift_client:send_call(Client, testString, [<<"hello world">>]), io:format("Non-async call sent~n"), ok = thrift_client:close(Client), io:format("Client closed~n"), ok. t_base64() -> {ok, TransportFactory} = thrift_disk_log_transport:new_transport_factory( test_disklog, [{file, "/tmp/test_b64_log"}, {size, {1024*1024, 10}}]), {ok, B64Factory} = thrift_base64_transport:new_transport_factory(TransportFactory), {ok, BufFactory} = thrift_buffered_transport:new_transport_factory(B64Factory), {ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory( BufFactory, []), {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link(ProtocolFactory, thriftTest_thrift), io:format("Client started~n"), % We have to make async calls into this client only since otherwise it will try % to read from the disklog and go boom. {ok, ok} = thrift_client:call(Client, testAsync, [16#deadbeef]), io:format("Call written~n"), % Use the send_call method to write a non-async call into the log ok = thrift_client:send_call(Client, testString, [<<"hello world">>]), io:format("Non-async call sent~n"), ok = thrift_client:close(Client), io:format("Client closed~n"), ok.