%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : thrift_processor.erl %%% Author : %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 28 Jan 2008 by %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(thrift_processor). -author('todd@lipcon.org'). -author('eletuchy@facebook.com'). -export([init/1]). -include("thrift_constants.hrl"). -include("thrift_protocol.hrl"). -record(thrift_processor, {handler, in_protocol, out_protocol, service}). init({Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler}) when is_function(ProtoGen, 0) -> {ok, IProt, OProt} = ProtoGen(), loop(#thrift_processor{in_protocol = IProt, out_protocol = OProt, service = Service, handler = Handler}). loop(State = #thrift_processor{in_protocol = IProto, out_protocol = OProto}) -> case thrift_protocol:read(IProto, message_begin) of #protocol_message_begin{name = Function, type = ?tMessageType_CALL} -> ok = handle_function(State, list_to_atom(Function)), loop(State); {error, timeout} -> thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto), ok; {error, closed} -> %% error_logger:info_msg("Client disconnected~n"), thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto), exit(shutdown) end. handle_function(State=#thrift_processor{in_protocol = IProto, out_protocol = OProto, handler = Handler, service = Service}, Function) -> InParams = Service:function_info(Function, params_type), {ok, Params} = thrift_protocol:read(IProto, InParams), try Result = Handler:handle_function(Function, Params), %% {Micro, Result} = better_timer(Handler, handle_function, [Function, Params]), %% error_logger:info_msg("Processed ~p(~p) in ~.4fms~n", %% [Function, Params, Micro/1000.0]), handle_success(State, Function, Result) catch Type:Data -> handle_function_catch(State, Function, Type, Data) end, after_reply(OProto). handle_function_catch(State = #thrift_processor{service = Service}, Function, ErrType, ErrData) -> IsAsync = Service:function_info(Function, reply_type) =:= async_void, case {ErrType, ErrData} of _ when IsAsync -> Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(), error_logger:warning_msg( "async void ~p threw error which must be ignored: ~p", [Function, {ErrType, ErrData, Stack}]), ok; {throw, Exception} when is_tuple(Exception), size(Exception) > 0 -> error_logger:warning_msg("~p threw exception: ~p~n", [Function, Exception]), handle_exception(State, Function, Exception), ok; % we still want to accept more requests from this client {error, Error} -> ok = handle_error(State, Function, Error) end. handle_success(State = #thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto, service = Service}, Function, Result) -> ReplyType = Service:function_info(Function, reply_type), StructName = atom_to_list(Function) ++ "_result", ok = case Result of {reply, ReplyData} -> Reply = {{struct, [{0, ReplyType}]}, {StructName, ReplyData}}, send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, Reply); ok when ReplyType == {struct, []} -> send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplyType, {StructName}}); ok when ReplyType == async_void -> %% no reply for async void ok end. handle_exception(State = #thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto, service = Service}, Function, Exception) -> ExceptionType = element(1, Exception), %% Fetch a structure like {struct, [{-2, {struct, {Module, Type}}}, %% {-3, {struct, {Module, Type}}}]} ReplySpec = Service:function_info(Function, exceptions), {struct, XInfo} = ReplySpec, true = is_list(XInfo), %% Assuming we had a type1 exception, we'd get: [undefined, Exception, undefined] %% e.g.: [{-1, type0}, {-2, type1}, {-3, type2}] ExceptionList = [case Type of ExceptionType -> Exception; _ -> undefined end || {_Fid, {struct, {_Module, Type}}} <- XInfo], ExceptionTuple = list_to_tuple([Function | ExceptionList]), % Make sure we got at least one defined case lists:all(fun(X) -> X =:= undefined end, ExceptionList) of true -> ok = handle_unknown_exception(State, Function, Exception); false -> ok = send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplySpec, ExceptionTuple}) end. %% %% Called when an exception has been explicitly thrown by the service, but it was %% not one of the exceptions that was defined for the function. %% handle_unknown_exception(State, Function, Exception) -> handle_error(State, Function, {exception_not_declared_as_thrown, Exception}). handle_error(#thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto}, Function, Error) -> Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(), error_logger:error_msg("~p had an error: ~p~n", [Function, {Error, Stack}]), Message = case application:get_env(thrift, exceptions_include_traces) of {ok, true} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("An error occurred: ~p~n", [{Error, Stack}])); _ -> "An unknown handler error occurred." end, Reply = {?TApplicationException_Structure, #'TApplicationException'{ message = Message, type = ?TApplicationException_UNKNOWN}}, send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_EXCEPTION, Reply). send_reply(OProto, Function, ReplyMessageType, Reply) -> ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, #protocol_message_begin{ name = atom_to_list(Function), type = ReplyMessageType, seqid = 0}), ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, Reply), ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, message_end), ok = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(OProto), ok. after_reply(OProto) -> ok = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(OProto) %% ok = thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto) .