// // TThreadPoolServer.cs // // Begin: Dec 3, 2007 // Authors: // Will Palmeri // // Distributed under the Thrift Software License // // See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at: // http://developers.facebook.com/thrift/using using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Thrift.Protocol; using Thrift.Transport; namespace Thrift.Server { /// /// Server that uses C# built-in ThreadPool to spawn threads when handling requests /// public class TThreadPoolServer : TServer { private const int DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS = 10; private const int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = 100; private volatile bool stop = false; public TThreadPoolServer(TProcessor processor, TServerTransport serverTransport) :this(processor, serverTransport, new TTransportFactory(), new TTransportFactory(), new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(), new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(), DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS, DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS, DefaultLogDelegate) { } public TThreadPoolServer(TProcessor processor, TServerTransport serverTransport, LogDelegate logDelegate) : this(processor, serverTransport, new TTransportFactory(), new TTransportFactory(), new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(), new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(), DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS, DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS, logDelegate) { } public TThreadPoolServer(TProcessor processor, TServerTransport serverTransport, TTransportFactory transportFactory, TProtocolFactory protocolFactory) :this(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, transportFactory, protocolFactory, protocolFactory, DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS, DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS, DefaultLogDelegate) { } public TThreadPoolServer(TProcessor processor, TServerTransport serverTransport, TTransportFactory inputTransportFactory, TTransportFactory outputTransportFactory, TProtocolFactory inputProtocolFactory, TProtocolFactory outputProtocolFactory, int minThreadPoolThreads, int maxThreadPoolThreads, LogDelegate logDel) :base(processor, serverTransport, inputTransportFactory, outputTransportFactory, inputProtocolFactory, outputProtocolFactory, logDel) { if (!ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(minThreadPoolThreads, minThreadPoolThreads)) { throw new Exception("Error: could not SetMinThreads in ThreadPool"); } if (!ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(maxThreadPoolThreads, maxThreadPoolThreads)) { throw new Exception("Error: could not SetMaxThreads in ThreadPool"); } } /// /// Use new ThreadPool thread for each new client connection /// public override void Serve() { try { serverTransport.Listen(); } catch (TTransportException ttx) { logDelegate("Error, could not listen on ServerTransport: " + ttx); return; } while (!stop) { int failureCount = 0; try { TTransport client = serverTransport.Accept(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.Execute, client); } catch (TTransportException ttx) { if (stop) { logDelegate("TThreadPoolServer was shutting down, caught " + ttx.GetType().Name); } else { ++failureCount; logDelegate(ttx.ToString()); } } } if (stop) { try { serverTransport.Close(); } catch (TTransportException ttx) { logDelegate("TServerTransport failed on close: " + ttx.Message); } stop = false; } } /// /// Loops on processing a client forever /// threadContext will be a TTransport instance /// /// private void Execute(Object threadContext) { TTransport client = (TTransport)threadContext; TTransport inputTransport = null; TTransport outputTransport = null; TProtocol inputProtocol = null; TProtocol outputProtocol = null; try { inputTransport = inputTransportFactory.GetTransport(client); outputTransport = outputTransportFactory.GetTransport(client); inputProtocol = inputProtocolFactory.GetProtocol(inputTransport); outputProtocol = outputProtocolFactory.GetProtocol(outputTransport); while (processor.Process(inputProtocol, outputProtocol)) { //keep processing requests until client disconnects } } catch (TTransportException) { // Assume the client died and continue silently //Console.WriteLine(ttx); } catch (Exception x) { logDelegate("Error: " + x); } if (inputTransport != null) { inputTransport.Close(); } if (outputTransport != null) { outputTransport.Close(); } } public override void Stop() { stop = true; serverTransport.Close(); } } }