/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ // Distributed under the Thrift Software License // // See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at: // http://developers.facebook.com/thrift/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Thrift.Collections; using Thrift.Test; //generated code using Thrift.Transport; using Thrift.Protocol; using Thrift.Server; namespace Test { public class TestServer { public class TestHandler : ThriftTest.Iface { public TServer server; public TestHandler() { } public void testVoid() { Console.WriteLine("testVoid()"); } public string testString(string thing) { Console.WriteLine("teststring(\"" + thing + "\")"); return thing; } public byte testByte(byte thing) { Console.WriteLine("testByte(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public int testI32(int thing) { Console.WriteLine("testI32(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public long testI64(long thing) { Console.WriteLine("testI64(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public double testDouble(double thing) { Console.WriteLine("testDouble(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public Xtruct testStruct(Xtruct thing) { Console.WriteLine("testStruct({" + "\"" + thing.String_thing + "\", " + thing.Byte_thing + ", " + thing.I32_thing + ", " + thing.I64_thing + "})"); return thing; } public Xtruct2 testNest(Xtruct2 nest) { Xtruct thing = nest.Struct_thing; Console.WriteLine("testNest({" + nest.Byte_thing + ", {" + "\"" + thing.String_thing + "\", " + thing.Byte_thing + ", " + thing.I32_thing + ", " + thing.I64_thing + "}, " + nest.I32_thing + "})"); return nest; } public Dictionary testMap(Dictionary thing) { Console.WriteLine("testMap({"); bool first = true; foreach (int key in thing.Keys) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Console.WriteLine(", "); } Console.WriteLine(key + " => " + thing[key]); } Console.WriteLine("})"); return thing; } public THashSet testSet(THashSet thing) { Console.WriteLine("testSet({"); bool first = true; foreach (int elem in thing) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Console.WriteLine(", "); } Console.WriteLine(elem); } Console.WriteLine("})"); return thing; } public List testList(List thing) { Console.WriteLine("testList({"); bool first = true; foreach (int elem in thing) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Console.WriteLine(", "); } Console.WriteLine(elem); } Console.WriteLine("})"); return thing; } public Numberz testEnum(Numberz thing) { Console.WriteLine("testEnum(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public long testTypedef(long thing) { Console.WriteLine("testTypedef(" + thing + ")"); return thing; } public Dictionary> testMapMap(int hello) { Console.WriteLine("testMapMap(" + hello + ")"); Dictionary> mapmap = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary pos = new Dictionary(); Dictionary neg = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { pos[i] = i; neg[-i] = -i; } mapmap[4] = pos; mapmap[-4] = neg; return mapmap; } public Dictionary> testInsanity(Insanity argument) { Console.WriteLine("testInsanity()"); Xtruct hello = new Xtruct(); hello.String_thing = "Hello2"; hello.Byte_thing = 2; hello.I32_thing = 2; hello.I64_thing = 2; Xtruct goodbye = new Xtruct(); goodbye.String_thing = "Goodbye4"; goodbye.Byte_thing = (byte)4; goodbye.I32_thing = 4; goodbye.I64_thing = (long)4; Insanity crazy = new Insanity(); crazy.UserMap = new Dictionary(); crazy.UserMap[Numberz.EIGHT] = (long)8; crazy.Xtructs = new List(); crazy.Xtructs.Add(goodbye); Insanity looney = new Insanity(); crazy.UserMap[Numberz.FIVE] = (long)5; crazy.Xtructs.Add(hello); Dictionary first_map = new Dictionary(); Dictionary second_map = new Dictionary(); ; first_map[Numberz.TWO] = crazy; first_map[Numberz.THREE] = crazy; second_map[Numberz.SIX] = looney; Dictionary> insane = new Dictionary>(); insane[(long)1] = first_map; insane[(long)2] = second_map; return insane; } public Xtruct testMulti(byte arg0, int arg1, long arg2, Dictionary arg3, Numberz arg4, long arg5) { Console.WriteLine("testMulti()"); Xtruct hello = new Xtruct(); ; hello.String_thing = "Hello2"; hello.Byte_thing = arg0; hello.I32_thing = arg1; hello.I64_thing = arg2; return hello; } public void testException(string arg) { Console.WriteLine("testException(" + arg + ")"); if (arg == "Xception") { Xception x = new Xception(); x.ErrorCode = 1001; x.Message = "This is an Xception"; throw x; } return; } public Xtruct testMultiException(string arg0, string arg1) { Console.WriteLine("testMultiException(" + arg0 + ", " + arg1 + ")"); if (arg0 == "Xception") { Xception x = new Xception(); x.ErrorCode = 1001; x.Message = "This is an Xception"; throw x; } else if (arg0 == "Xception2") { Xception2 x = new Xception2(); x.ErrorCode = 2002; x.Struct_thing = new Xtruct(); x.Struct_thing.String_thing = "This is an Xception2"; throw x; } Xtruct result = new Xtruct(); result.String_thing = arg1; return result; } public void testStop() { if (server != null) { server.Stop(); } } public void testOneway(int arg) { Console.WriteLine("testOneway(" + arg + "), sleeping..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(arg * 1000); Console.WriteLine("testOneway finished"); } } // class TestHandler public static void Execute(string[] args) { try { bool useBufferedSockets = false; int port = 9090; if (args.Length > 0) { port = int.Parse(args[0]); if (args.Length > 1) { bool.TryParse(args[1], out useBufferedSockets); } } // Processor TestHandler testHandler = new TestHandler(); ThriftTest.Processor testProcessor = new ThriftTest.Processor(testHandler); // Transport TServerSocket tServerSocket = new TServerSocket(port, 0, useBufferedSockets); TServer serverEngine; // Simple Server serverEngine = new TSimpleServer(testProcessor, tServerSocket); // ThreadPool Server // serverEngine = new TThreadPoolServer(testProcessor, tServerSocket); // Threaded Server // serverEngine = new TThreadedServer(testProcessor, tServerSocket); testHandler.server = serverEngine; // Run it Console.WriteLine("Starting the server on port " + port + (useBufferedSockets ? " with buffered socket" : "") + "..."); serverEngine.Serve(); } catch (Exception x) { Console.Error.Write(x); } Console.WriteLine("done."); } } }