host_ = $host; $this->port_ = $port; $this->persist_ = $persist; $this->debugHandler_ = $debugHandler ? $debugHandler : 'error_log'; } /** * @param resource $handle * @return void */ public function setHandle($handle) { $this->handle_ = $handle; } /** * Sets the send timeout. * * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds. */ public function setSendTimeout($timeout) { $this->sendTimeout_ = $timeout; } /** * Sets the receive timeout. * * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds. */ public function setRecvTimeout($timeout) { $this->recvTimeout_ = $timeout; } /** * Sets debugging output on or off * * @param bool $debug */ public function setDebug($debug) { $this->debug_ = $debug; } /** * Get the host that this socket is connected to * * @return string host */ public function getHost() { return $this->host_; } /** * Get the remote port that this socket is connected to * * @return int port */ public function getPort() { return $this->port_; } /** * Tests whether this is open * * @return bool true if the socket is open */ public function isOpen() { return is_resource($this->handle_); } /** * Connects the socket. */ public function open() { if ($this->isOpen()) { throw new TTransportException('Socket already connected', TTransportException::ALREADY_OPEN); } if (empty($this->host_)) { throw new TTransportException('Cannot open null host', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); } if ($this->port_ <= 0) { throw new TTransportException('Cannot open without port', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); } if ($this->persist_) { $this->handle_ = @pfsockopen($this->host_, $this->port_, $errno, $errstr, $this->sendTimeout_/1000.0); } else { $this->handle_ = @fsockopen($this->host_, $this->port_, $errno, $errstr, $this->sendTimeout_/1000.0); } // Connect failed? if ($this->handle_ === FALSE) { $error = 'TSocket: Could not connect to '.$this->host_.':'.$this->port_.' ('.$errstr.' ['.$errno.'])'; if ($this->debug_) { call_user_func($this->debugHandler_, $error); } throw new TException($error); } stream_set_timeout($this->handle_, 0, $this->sendTimeout_*1000); $this->sendTimeoutSet_ = TRUE; } /** * Closes the socket. */ public function close() { if (!$this->persist_) { @fclose($this->handle_); $this->handle_ = null; } } /** * Uses stream get contents to do the reading * * @param int $len How many bytes * @return string Binary data */ public function readAll($len) { if ($this->sendTimeoutSet_) { stream_set_timeout($this->handle_, 0, $this->recvTimeout_*1000); $this->sendTimeoutSet_ = FALSE; } // This call does not obey stream_set_timeout values! // $buf = @stream_get_contents($this->handle_, $len); $pre = null; while (TRUE) { $buf = @fread($this->handle_, $len); if ($buf === FALSE || $buf === '') { $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle_); if ($md['timed_out']) { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: timed out reading '.$len.' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } else { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: Could not read '.$len.' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } } else if (($sz = strlen($buf)) < $len) { $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle_); if ($md['timed_out']) { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: timed out reading '.$len.' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } else { $pre .= $buf; $len -= $sz; } } else { return $pre.$buf; } } } /** * Read from the socket * * @param int $len How many bytes * @return string Binary data */ public function read($len) { if ($this->sendTimeoutSet_) { stream_set_timeout($this->handle_, 0, $this->recvTimeout_*1000); $this->sendTimeoutSet_ = FALSE; } $data = @fread($this->handle_, $len); if ($data === FALSE || $data === '') { $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle_); if ($md['timed_out']) { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: timed out reading '.$len.' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } else { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: Could not read '.$len.' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } } return $data; } /** * Write to the socket. * * @param string $buf The data to write */ public function write($buf) { if (!$this->sendTimeoutSet_) { stream_set_timeout($this->handle_, 0, $this->sendTimeout_*1000); $this->sendTimeoutSet_ = TRUE; } while (strlen($buf) > 0) { $got = @fwrite($this->handle_, $buf); if ($got === 0 || $got === FALSE) { $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle_); if ($md['timed_out']) { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: timed out writing '.strlen($buf).' bytes from '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } else { throw new TTransportException('TSocket: Could not write '.strlen($buf).' bytes '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } } $buf = substr($buf, $got); } } /** * Flush output to the socket. */ public function flush() { $ret = fflush($this->handle_); if ($ret === FALSE) { throw new TException('TSocket: Could not flush: '. $this->host_.':'.$this->port_); } } }