# ============================================================================= # turn logging on # ============================================================================= web::logfilter add memory.-debug ## web::logdest add memory.alert-info file -unbuffered ../../logs/memory.log web::logdest add memory.-debug file /tmp/memory.log # ============================================================================= # utils # ============================================================================= # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # extract two letters from string, starting at position $pos # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc getImageFromArray {aString pos} { set res [string range $aString [expr $pos*2] [expr $pos*2 + 1]] return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # count image name in array # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc countImageNameInArray {aString aName} { set cnt 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [string length $aString] / 2]} {incr i} { set cur [getImageFromArray $aString $i] if { [string compare $cur $aName] == 0 } { incr cnt } } return $cnt } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # new random number, ensuring that it has not yet been used more than twice # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc newRandomNr {aString max} { set rnd [expr round(rand() * $max)] set nam [format "%2.2d" $rnd] while { [countImageNameInArray $aString $nam] > 1 } { set rnd [expr round(rand() * $max)] set nam [format "%2.2d" $rnd] } return $nam } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get status from status string. 0: closed. 1: open. 2: permanently open. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc getStat {aString pos} { set res [string index $aString $pos] return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set status in status string. 0: closed. 1: open. 2: permanently open. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc setStat {aString pos {new 0}} { set res [string range $aString 0 [expr $pos - 1]] set res $res$new set res $res[string range \ $aString [expr $pos + 1] [string length $aString]] return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # toggle status: switch 0->1 or 1->0, but keep 2 at 2 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc toggleStat {aString pos} { set cur [getStat $aString $pos] if {$cur == 0} { set res [setStat $aString $pos 1] } elseif { $cur == 1 } { set res [setStat $aString $pos 0] } elseif { $cur == 2 } { set res [setStat $aString $pos 2] } else { set res [setStat $aString $pos 0] } return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # count all pictures that are currently open (status == 1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc countStat {aString {val 1}} { set len [string length $aString] set cnt 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { if {[getStat $aString $i] == $val} { incr cnt } } return $cnt } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return positions of currently open pictures as list # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc listOpen {aString} { set len [string length $aString] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { if { [getStat $aString $i] == 1 } { lappend res $i } } return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # check status for matching images. If found: change status to 2. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc doMatch {aString imgArr} { if { [countStat $aString] > 1 } { set opens [listOpen $aString] set img1 [getImageFromArray $imgArr [lindex $opens 0]] set img2 [getImageFromArray $imgArr [lindex $opens 1]] if {[string compare $img1 $img2] == 0} { set res [list 1] lappend res [lindex $opens 0] lappend res [lindex $opens 1] } else { set res [list 0] lappend res [lindex $opens 0] lappend res [lindex $opens 1] } } return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # pickFromList # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc pickFromList {aList} { set len [llength $aList] set rnd [expr round(rand() * $len)] if {$rnd < 0 } {set rnd 0} set tmp [expr $len - 1] if {$rnd > $tmp } {set rnd $tmp} ## web::log memory.info "pickFromList: $rnd $aList" return [lindex $aList $rnd] } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # all images open # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc congratulate {curLevel} { set lev1 [list "Ok, that one was easy."] set lev2 [list \ "Cool !" \ "Super. Hey, let's do the next level."] set lev3 [list \ "Not many are as fast as you are." \ "You are used to play." \ "Super. Let's do the next level now." \ ] set lev4 [list \ "Wait. This one is difficult. Congratulation." \ "It is not easy to impress you." \ "This is playing at the speed of light. I'm impressed" \ "Cool ! Not many did it before." \ ] set lev5 [list \ "Congratulation. I think you like this game." \ "I am impressed." \ "Now you know what kind of a bear Winnie-the-Pooh is. This kind of a bear." \ "Super ! There are two more levels for you. Enjoy." \ "Cool ! Not many did it before." \ ] set lev6 [list \ "Congratulation !" \ "Congratulation. I think you like this game." \ "I am impressed." \ "Now you know what kind of a bear Winnie-the-Pooh is. This kind of a bear." \ "Super ! There are two more levels for you. Enjoy." \ "Cool ! Not many did it before." \ "Wait. This one is difficult. Congratulation." \ "It is not easy to impress you." \ "This is playing at the speed of light. I'm impressed" \ "Cool ! Not many did it before." \ ] set lev7 [list \ "You can't go higher from here. Congratulation." \ "Wait. This one is difficult. Congratulation." \ "It is not easy to impress you." \ "This is playing at the speed of light. I'm impressed" \ "Cool ! Not many did it before." \ ] set levlst [list none $lev1 $lev2 $lev3 $lev4 $lev5 $lev6 $lev7 none] set msg [pickFromList [lindex $levlst $curLevel]] web::put "


" } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # display table with memory # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc showMemory {status imgArr numX numY} { web::putx { {for {set i 0} {$i < $numX} {incr i} { web::put "\n" for {set j 0} {$j < $numY} {incr j} { set tmpCnt [expr $i * $numY + $j] ## web::put "\n" } }
" web::put "" set img [getImageFromArray $imgArr $tmpCnt] ## web::log memory.debug "image at $tmpCnt: $img" set curImgStat [getStat $status $tmpCnt] if {$curImgStat == 1} { web::put "" web::put "" } elseif {$curImgStat == 0} { web::put "" web::put "" } elseif {$curImgStat == 2} { web::put "" } else { web::put "" web::put "" } } web::put "
} } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # increase level up to ceiling # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc incrLevel {curLevel {increment 1} {floor 1} {ceiling 7}} { set loc $curLevel set res [incr loc $increment] if { $res < $floor } { set res $floor} if { $res > $ceiling } { set res $ceiling} return $res } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate links for options # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc showOptions {curLevel} { web::log memory.debug "show options. curLevel: $curLevel" web::putx { { web::log memory.debug "curLevel: $curLevel." set tmp [incrLevel $curLevel -1] web::put "| " web::put "< |" set tmp [incrLevel $curLevel 1] web::put " " web::put "> |" web::put " " web::put "new |" web::put " " web::put "× |" web::put " " web::put "? |" web::put " " web::put "+ |" web::put " " web::put "- |" }} } # -- doc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # getNumForLevel -- return NumX, NumY for level # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc getNumForLevel {level} { if { $level < 1 } { return [getNumForLevel 1] } if { $level > 7 } { return [getNumForLevel 7] } if { $level == 7 } { set res {6 9} } elseif { $level == 6} { set res {5 8} } elseif { $level == 5} { set res {4 7} } elseif { $level == 4} { set res {3 6} } elseif { $level == 3} { set res {2 5} } elseif { $level == 2} { set res {1 4} } elseif { $level == 1} { set res {1 2} } else { set res {6 9} } return $res } # ============================================================================= # set-up array of images # ============================================================================= set _numY 9 set _numX 6 set _num [expr $_numX * $_numY] set _half [expr $_num / 2] set _img "" set _stat "" set _doReset 0 set _curLevel 5 set _refreshTime 2 # ============================================================================= # commands # ============================================================================= web::command showHelp { web::putx { websh3 memory Help Text } web::put "" web::put "Memory -- find the matching images." web::put "

" web::put "You can see the hidden image by clicking on its back side. " web::put "When you found two matching images, they will remain open " web::put "from then on. If two images do not match, they will be " web::put "closed again." web::put "

" web::put "If the images close again too quickly on your system, " web::put "you can make the images stay open longer with the " web::put ""+" command ("-" to close them " web::put "more quickly)." web::put "

" web::put ""new" shuffels the images again. " web::put ""×" restarts the game from the beginning." web::put "

" showOptions 5 web::putx { } } web::command default { set tim [clock seconds] web::log memory.debug "Starting at: $tim." web::log memory.debug "got stat: [web::param stat]" ::global env ::set envnames [array names env] # ......................................................................... # show query # ......................................................................... # ::if { [lsearch -exact $envnames QUERY_STRING] >= 0 } { # set qstr $env(QUERY_STRING) # if { [string length $qstr] > 1 } { # set qstr [web::querystring::toplaintext $qstr] # web::log memory.debug "qstr: $qstr" # } # } # ......................................................................... # level # ......................................................................... set _curLevel [web::param curLevel $_curLevel] set tmp [getNumForLevel $_curLevel] set _numX [lindex $tmp 0] set _numY [lindex $tmp 1] set _num [expr $_numX * $_numY] set _half [expr $_num / 2] web::cmdurlcfg -set curLevel $_curLevel # ......................................................................... # refresh rate # ......................................................................... set refreshChange [web::param refreshChange 0] set _refreshTime [web::param refreshTime $_refreshTime] set _refreshTime [incrLevel $_refreshTime $refreshChange 2 30] web::log memory.debug "refreshTime: $_refreshTime" web::cmdurlcfg -set refreshTime $_refreshTime # ......................................................................... # status # ......................................................................... set _stat [web::param stat $_stat] web::log memory.debug "_stat: $_stat" # ......................................................................... # images # ......................................................................... set _img [web::param img $_img] # ......................................................................... # reset (by flag or empty querystring) # ......................................................................... set _doReset [web::param doReset $_doReset] if { [lsearch -exact $envnames QUERY_STRING] >= 0 } { if { [string length $env(QUERY_STRING)] < 1 } { web::log memory.debug "no querystring -- reset" set _doReset 5 } } if { $_doReset > 0 } { set _curLevel $_doReset web::log memory.debug "resetting. Level: $_curLevel" set tmp [getNumForLevel $_doReset] set _numX [lindex $tmp 0] set _numY [lindex $tmp 1] set _num [expr $_numX * $_numY] set _half [expr $_num / 2] set _img "" set _stat "" for {set i 0} {$i < $_num} {incr i} { set new [newRandomNr $_img [expr $_half - 1]] set _img $_img$new set tmp 0 set _stat $_stat$tmp } set _doReset 0 web::log memory.debug "images: $_img" web::log memory.debug "stat: $_stat" } web::cmdurlcfg -set curLevel $_curLevel # ......................................................................... # get hitlist from cmdurl and change stat accordingly # ......................................................................... set hitlst [web::param hit ""] foreach tmp $hitlst { set _stat [toggleStat $_stat $tmp] } web::log memory.debug "_stat: $_stat" web::log memory.debug "hitlist: $hitlst" web::cmdurlcfg -set stat $_stat web::cmdurlcfg -set img $_img # ......................................................................... # more than two open ? (no tricks !) # ......................................................................... if { [countStat $_stat] > 2 } { web::log memory.debug "more than two open. Close !" set opens [listOpen $_stat] foreach tmp $opens { set _stat [toggleStat $_stat $tmp] } web::cmdurlcfg -set stat $_stat } # ......................................................................... # is it the second ? # ......................................................................... if { [countStat $_stat] == 2 } { # ..................................................................... # do they match ? # ..................................................................... set tmp [doMatch $_stat $_img] if { [lindex $tmp 0] == 1 } { web::log memory.debug "match ($tmp)" # ................................................................. # yes ! # ................................................................. set _stat [setStat $_stat [lindex $tmp 1] 2] set _stat [setStat $_stat [lindex $tmp 2] 2] web::cmdurlcfg -set stat $_stat } else { web::log memory.debug "no match ($tmp; hit: [web::param hit])" # ................................................................. # no. use the refresh feature # ................................................................. web::cmdurlcfg -set stat $_stat set opens [listOpen $_stat] set tmp [web::cmdurl "" hit [lindex $opens 0] \ hit [lindex $opens 1]] web::log memory.debug "no match: cmdurl: $tmp" web::response -lappend header "Refresh" "$_refreshTime;URL=$tmp" } } web::log memory.debug "stat now: $_stat" set tmp [web::cmdurl ""] set tmp [web::querystring::getfromurl $tmp] set tmp [web::decrypt $tmp] web::log memory.debug "new cmdurl: $tmp" # ......................................................................... # and send # ......................................................................... web::putx { websh3 memory H a v e F u n { showMemory $_stat $_img $_numX $_numY # at the end: say something if {[countStat $_stat 2] == $_num} { congratulate $_curLevel } showOptions $_curLevel } } set timd [expr [clock seconds] - $tim] web::log memory.debug "memory. Used: $timd seconds." } web::dispatch