# # webout.test -- test output handling # nca-073-9 # # Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG. # Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation. # All rights reserved. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # @(#) $Id$ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tcltest package # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} { package require tcltest namespace import ::tcltest::* } # ============================================================================= # eval # ============================================================================= test putx-1.0a {make sure we don't have an error message here} { set res [web::put \#_foo foo] unset _foo set res } {} test putx-1.0b {web::put to global var} { web::response -select #_tmp web::response -sendheader 0 web::put 1 web::put #_tmp 2 web::put 3 web::putx #_tmp 4 web::response -reset set res $_tmp unset _tmp set res } {1234} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # errors # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test putx-1.1 {websh3_eval: missing string} { catch {web::putx} msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::putx ?channel|#globalvar? extendedstring"} test putx-1.2 {websh3_eval: to many args} { catch {web::putx "a" "b" "c"} msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::putx ?channel|#globalvar? extendedstring"} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # normal operation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test putx-2.1 {web::putx Test} { if {[info exists bVar]} {unset bVar} web::response -select #bVar web::response -set Generator something catch {web::putx #bVar Test} msg # and destoy varchannel web::response -reset set bVar } "Content-Type: text/html\u0D Generator: something\u0D \u0D Test" test putx-2.2 {web::putx with command} { if {[info exists bVar]} {unset bVar} web::response -select #bVar web::response -sendheader 0 set tmp2 "try this {web::put Test} here" catch {web::putx #bVar $tmp2} msg # and destoy varchannel web::response -reset set bVar } {try this Test here} test putx-2.3 {web::putx nested} { if {[info exists bVar]} {unset bVar} web::response -select #bVar web::response -sendheader 0 catch { web::putx {test { for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { web::put $i } web::put end_for }} web::put end } # and destoy varchannel web::response -reset set bVar } {test 0123456789end_forend} test putx-2.4 {special syntax} { web::response -select #eval2_4 web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx #eval2_4 {*{web::put "\}"; web::put hallo}*} set eval2_4 } "*\}hallo*" test putx-2.5 {escaping} { web::response -select #eval2_5 web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx {*\{noeval\}{web::put "eval this"}*} set eval2_5 } {*{noeval}eval this*} test putx-2.6 {escaped paren} { web::response -select #eval2_6 web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx {\{ bla \}} set eval2_6 } "{ bla }" test putx-3.0 { syntax} { web::response -select #putx3_0 web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*{noeval}*} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0 } {*{noeval}eval this*} test putx-3.0a { syntax question mark} { web::response -select #putx3_0a web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*{noeval} what's the result?*} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0a } {*{noeval}eval this what's the result?*} test putx-3.0b { syntax question mark} { web::response -select #putx3_0b web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*{noeval} what's the result?} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0b } {*{noeval}eval this what's the result?} test putx-3.0c { syntax left over end tag} { web::response -select #putx3_0c web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*{noeval} end tag: ?>} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0c } {*{noeval}eval this end tag: ?>} test putx-3.0d { syntax escaping} { web::response -select #putx3_0d web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*{noeval}\ end tag: ?>} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0d } {*{noeval} end tag: ?>} test putx-3.0e { syntax cross escaping} { web::response -select #putx3_0e web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {*\{noeval\}*} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_0e } {*\{noeval\}*} test putx-3.1 {nested syntax} { web::response -select #putx3_1 web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {pre}; web::putx {{noeval}"?>}?>post} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_1 } {pre{noeval}post} test putx-3.2 {gloabally switch to tag syntax} { web::response -select #putx3_2 web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {pre}; web::putx {{noeval}"?>}?>post} web::config putxmarkup brace set putx3_2 } {pre{noeval}post} test putx-3.3 {gloabally switch back to normal eval syntax} { web::response -select #putx3_3 web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx {pre{web::put {}; web::putx {\{noeval\}{web::put ""}}}post} set putx3_3 } {pre{noeval}post} test putx-3.3a {putx -foo} { catch { web::putx -foo foo bar } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::putx ?channel|#globalvar? extendedstring"} test putx-3.3b {putx -foo} { web::response -select #putx3_3b web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx -foo set putx3_3b } {-foo} # test putx-3.3d {putx -config} { # web::putx -tagisdefault 0 # set res [web::putx -tagisdefault] # web::putx -tagisdefault 1 # lappend res [web::putx -tagisdefault] # web::putx -tagisdefault 0 # lappend res [web::putx -tagisdefault] # set res # } {0 1 0} test putx-3.4 {putx tag stuff (all-in-one} { web::config putxmarkup brace web::response -select #putx3_4 web::response -sendheader 0 web::putx {Pre{web::put Hello}Post} web::config putxmarkup tag web::putx {PrePost} set res [web::config putxmarkup tag] web::putx {Pre{web::put Hello}Post} lappend res [web::config putxmarkup brace] web::putx {Pre{web::put Hello}Post} lappend putx3_4 $res web::response -select stdout set putx3_4 } {PreHelloPostPreHelloPostPre\{web::put Hello\}PostPreHelloPost {tag tag}} # test putx-3.5 {putx = syntax} { # web::response -select #putx3_5 # web::response -sendheader 0 # set a "Hello, world" # web::putx {Pre{=$a}Post} # set res $putx3_5 # web::response -select stdout # unset putx3_5 # set res # } {PreHello, worldPost} test putx-3.6 {putx of empty string before first brace does not send headers} { web::response -select #buf-putx-36 set res [web::putx {{web::response -sendheader 0}}] set ::buf-putx-36 } {} test putx-3.7 {putx of empty string before first brace does not send headers} { web::response -select #buf-putx-37 web::config putxmarkup tag set res [web::putx {}] web::config putxmarkup brace set ::buf-putx-37 } {} test putx-4.0 {putx nested escaping brace} { web::response -select #out web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup brace set out {} web::putx {\{web::putx "$"\}{web::putx ""}\{web::putx {web::putx {\{\}}}\}{web::putx { }}} set out } {{web::putx "$"}{web::putx {}} } test putx-4.1 {putx nested escaping tag} { web::response -select #out web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup tag set out {} web::putx {\\}?>\?>} set out } {?> } test putx-4.2 {putx nested escaping tag/brace mix} { web::response -select #out web::response -sendheader 0 web::config putxmarkup brace set out {} web::putx {}}} }3?>} ?>2}} }1?>} set out } {3?>2}1?>} # ============================================================================= # web::put # ============================================================================= test put-1.1 {websh3_puts: wrong num args} { catch {web::put pi pa po} msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::put ?channel|#globalvar? string"} test put-1.2 {websh3_puts: invalid channel} { catch {web::put pi pa} msg set msg } {error getting channel "pi"} #test put-1.3 {websh3_puts: write to stderr} { # web::put stderr "" # web::put stderr "yeah" # web::response stderr sendheader 1 #} {yeah} #test put-1.4 {websh3_puts: write to stdout} { # web::put stdout "" # web::put stdout "yeah" # web::response stdout sendheader 1 #} {yeah} test put-1.5 {websh3 put: write to a file with implicit channel creation} { set fn blablalbla set fh [open $fn w] catch {web::put $fh yeah} msg close $fh file delete $fn string compare $msg "" } {0} test put-2.0 {websh3_puts: writing to a global variable} { web::response -select #output2_0 web::response -unset Generator web::put #output2_0 "pipapo" web::put #output2_0 "more pipapo" web::response -set myHeader "this is my header" web::response -unset Generator web::response -sendheader yes web::put #output2_0 "do we see the header?" set output2_0 } "Content-Type: text/html\u0D \u0D pipapomore pipapoContent-Type: text/html\u0D myHeader: this is my header\u0D \u0D do we see the header?" #test output-2.1 (websh3_puts: writing to a file} { # set a a # puts a #} {bla} test put-3.0 {websh3_puts: write a long string to a global var} { web::response -select #puts_3_0 web::response -sendheader 0 set a "a" for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {lappend a $a} web::put #puts_3_0 $a string length $puts_3_0 } {3069} test put-3.1 {äöü (and test for global)} { web::response -select #web_output_test_3_1 web::response -sendheader 0 web::put #web_output_test_3_1 äöü set res [info global web_output_test_3_1] append res $web_output_test_3_1 } {web_output_test_3_1äöü} test put-3.2 {open file, put, close, open new} {unixOnly} { ## make sure that web::put does NOT buffer the Tcl_Channel set out1 [open [web::tempfile] w] web::response -select $out1 web::response -sendheader 0 web::put $out1 {out1-text} close $out1 set out2 [open [web::tempfile] w] web::response -select $out2 web::response -sendheader 0 web::put $out2 {out2-text} close $out2 set res [string compare $out1 $out2] } {0} test put-3.3 {put to file} { set fn [web::tempfile] set fh [open $fn w] web::response -select $fh web::response -sendheader 0 set tim "put-3.3[pid][clock seconds]" web::put $fh $tim close $fh ## now read it from the file set fh [open $fn r] gets $fh res close $fh string compare $res $tim } {0} # ============================================================================= # output # ============================================================================= test output-4.1 {reset a default header} { web::response -set Generator Websh web::response -set Generator } {Websh} test output-4.2 {httpresponse} { web::response -resetall web::response -set httpresponse } {} test output-4.3 {reset a httpresponse} { web::response -select #output4_3 web::response -unset Generator web::response -httpresponse "HTTP/1.1 200 OK (my httpresponse)" web::put #output4_3 "Hello, World !" set output4_3 } "HTTP/1.1 200 OK (my httpresponse)\u0D Content-Type: text/html\u0D \u0D Hello, World !" test output-4.4 {test Generator} { web::response -select #output4_4 web::put #output4_4 "Hello, World !" regsub -all {websh [0-9abp_\.-]*} $output4_4 "websh " output4_4 set output4_4 } "Content-Type: text/html\u0D Generator: websh \u0D \u0D Hello, World !" test output-4.5 {switch back channel in putx} { web::response -resetall web::putx #_foo bar set cmp $_foo web::put zoo expr {$_foo == $cmp} } {1} test output-4.6 {switch back channel in putx} { web::response -resetall set response [web::response] web::putx #_foo bar set cmp [web::response] expr {$response == $cmp} } {1} test output-4.7 {reset single channel} { web::response -resetall set fh [open [set fn [web::tempfile]] w] web::response -select $fh web::response -set Generator webshell web::put Test set res1 [web::response -bytessent] flush $fh set fs1 [file size $fn] web::response -reset web::put Test2 set res2 [web::response -bytessent] flush $fh set fs2 [file size $fn] close $fh set tmp 1 if { $res1 != $fs1 } { set tmp 0 } if { $res2 != [expr $fs2 - $fs1] } { set tmp 0 } set tmp } {1} test output-4.8 {bytes sent} { set fn [web::tempfile] set fh [open $fn w] web::response -select $fh web::response -reset web::response -sendheader no web::put "12345" close $fh expr [web::response -bytessent] == [file size $fn] } {1} test output-4.9 {bytes sent to var} { web::response -resetall web::response -select #output4_9 web::response -sendheader no web::put "12345" expr [web::response -bytessent] == [string length $output4_9] } {1} test output-4.10 {-lappend} { web::response -resetall web::response -select #output4_10 web::response -set "USER_AGENT" {browser/1.0 [lang] (system info; and more)} web::response -unset Content-Type web::response -unset Generator web::put "12345" set output4_10 } "USER_AGENT: browser/1.0 \[lang\] (system info; and more)\u0D \u0D 12345" test output-4.11 {-select} { web::response -resetall set res [web::response -select #output4_11] lappend res [web::response] } {stdout #output4_11} test output-4.12 {-set returns new value} { web::response -resetall web::response -select #output4_12 web::response -set ä ö } {ö} test output-5.0 {-names} { web::response -resetall web::response -set aheader 1 web::response -set bheader 2 web::response -set cheader 3 lsort [web::response -names] } {Content-Type Generator aheader bheader cheader} test output-5.1 {-exists} { web::response -resetall web::response -set apache_usessl 3 set res [web::response -count apache_usessl] lappend res [web::response -count foo] } {1 0} test output-5.2 {-unset} { web::response -resetall web::response -set {"funny} {value"""} web::response -set normal value set res [lsort [web::response -names]] web::response -unset normal lappend res [lsort [web::response -names]] lappend res [web::response -set \"funny] } "{\"funny} Content-Type Generator normal {{\"funny} Content-Type Generator} value\\\"\\\"\\\"" test output-5.3 {default channel name} { web::response -resetall web::response } {stdout} test output-6.1 {variable vs. channel names} { web::response -select \#stdout web::response -sendheader 0 web::put foo set stdout } {foo} test output-6.2 {error message -select} { catch { web::response -select } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::response -select channelName"} test output-6.2 {error message -bytessent} { catch { web::response -bytessent foo } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "web::response -bytessent"} test output-6.3 {default channel} { web::response -select default } {#stdout} # ============================================================================= # var channel # ============================================================================= test varchannel-1.1 {create} {emptyTest} { set tst [web::varopen vct1_1] puts $tst "hello, world" puts $tst "international: äöü" puts $tst "third line" close $tst set vct1_1 } {hello, world international: äöü third line } test varchannel-1.2 {use variable inbetween} {emptyTest} { set tst [web::varopen vct1_2] puts $tst "international: äöü" append vct1_2 "my own contribution\n" puts $tst "third line" close $tst set vct1_2 } {my own contribution international: äöü third line } test varchannel-1.3 {have a couple of "varchannels"} {emptyTest} { set v1 [web::varopen vct1_3a] set v2 [web::varopen vct1_3b] set v3 [web::varopen vct1_3c] puts -nonewline $v1 "a" puts -nonewline $v2 "b" puts -nonewline $v3 "c" puts -nonewline $v1 "d" puts -nonewline $v2 "e" puts -nonewline $v3 "f" puts -nonewline $v1 "g" puts -nonewline $v2 "h" puts -nonewline $v3 "i" flush $v1 flush $v2 flush $v3 set res ${vct1_3a}${vct1_3b}${vct1_3c} close $v1 close $v2 close $v3 set res } {adgbehcfi} # ============================================================================= # varchannel # ============================================================================= test varchannel-1.0 {juggle channels} { web::response -select \#_vc10_1 web::response -sendheader 0 web::response -select \#_vc10_2 web::response -sendheader 0 web::response -select \#_vc10_3 web::response -sendheader 0 web::put \#_vc10_1 [string repeat 1 10] web::put \#_vc10_2 [string repeat 2 10] web::put \#_vc10_3 [string repeat 3 10] set ::_vc10_1 ${::_vc10_1}_[string repeat 4 10] set ::_vc10_2 ${::_vc10_2}_[string repeat 5 10] set ::_vc10_3 ${::_vc10_3}_[string repeat 6 10] set tmp $::_vc10_1 web::put \#_vc10_1 _[string repeat 7 10] web::put \#_vc10_2 _[string repeat 8 10] web::put \#_vc10_3 _[string repeat 9 10] set ::_vc10_1 ${::_vc10_1}_[string repeat a 10] set ::_vc10_2 ${::_vc10_2}_[string repeat b 10] set ::_vc10_3 ${::_vc10_3}_[string repeat c 10] web::putx \#_vc10_1 _[string repeat d 10] web::putx \#_vc10_2 _[string repeat e 10] web::putx \#_vc10_3 _[string repeat f 10] set res "${::_vc10_1} ${::_vc10_2} ${::_vc10_3}" web::response -resetall unset ::_vc10_1 unset ::_vc10_2 unset ::_vc10_3 set res } {1111111111_4444444444_7777777777_aaaaaaaaaa_dddddddddd 2222222222_5555555555_8888888888_bbbbbbbbbb_eeeeeeeeee 3333333333_6666666666_9999999999_cccccccccc_ffffffffff} # cleanup ::tcltest::cleanupTests