# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common code for the interpreter class websh.interpclass # $Id$ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc getDocFileName {filename} { return [file join [web::config document_root] websh $filename] } proc pageLink {url args} { set showName $url foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg \ -show { set showName $value} \ -pre { set url "http://$url" } } web::put "$showName" } proc emailLink {email {showName ""}} { if { [string compare $showName ""] == 0 } {set showName $email } pageLink mailto:$email -show $showName } proc headRow {type mainTitle {rightTitle ""}} { if {$type == 1} { return } web::putx { { if {$type == 2} { web::putx { {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } { web::putx {

{web::put $mainTitle}

} } else { web::putx { } }}
{if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } { web::putx {

{web::put $rightTitle}

} } else { web::putx { } }} } } if {$type == 3} { web::putx { {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } { web::putx {

{web::put $mainTitle}

} } else { web::putx { } }} } } if {$type == 4} { web::putx { {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } { web::putx {

{web::put $mainTitle}

} } else { web::putx { } }}
{if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } { web::putx {

{web::put $rightTitle}

} } else { web::putx { } }} } } } } } proc navBarElementSub {ref str flag} { if { $flag == 1 } { web::putx { - {web::put $str}
} return } if { $flag == 0 } { web::putx { - {web::put $str}
} return } if { $flag == 2 } { web::putx { - {web::put $str}
} return } } proc navBarElementOne {ref str flag} { if { $flag == 1 } { web::putx {{web::put $str}
} return } if { $flag == 0 } { web::putx {{web::put $str}
} return } if { $flag == 2 } { web::putx {{web::put $str}
} return } } proc navBarElement {ref str flag args} { web::putx { { navBarElementOne $ref $str $flag foreach {arg value isLink} $args { navBarElementSub $arg $value $isLink } }
} } proc navBarStart {} { web::putx { } } proc navBarEnd {} { web::putx {
} } proc redPointElement {text} { web::putx { {web::putx $text} } } proc newsBarElement {title {desc ""}} { web::putx { {web::putx $title}
{web::putx $desc} } } proc newsBarElementGrey {title {desc ""}} { web::putx { {web::putx $title}
{web::putx $desc} } } proc uppfeil {link args} { set aName "" set text "" foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg \ -aName { set aName $value} \ -text { set text $value } } web::putx { {navBarStart} {navBarEnd} { if {[string compare $aName ""] == 0 } { web::putx {

{web::putx $text}

} } else { web::putx {

{web::putx $text}

} } } } } ## ============================================================================ ## navigation bars ## ============================================================================ proc navbar_prod {{where 0}} { web::putx { {navBarStart} {navBarElement "/websh/product.ws3" "product description" [expr $where != 0] \ "#history" "history" 1 \ "#tcl" "based on Tcl" 1 \ "#design" "design" 1} {navBarEnd} } # {navBarElement "TBD" "Websh in action" 2} # {navBarElement "TBD" "success stories" 2} # {navBarElement "TBD" "comparison chart" 2} } proc navbar_docu {{where 0}} { web::putx { {navBarStart} {navBarElement "/websh/docu.ws3" "documentation" [expr $where != 0]} {navBarElement "/websh/whitepaper.ws3" "white paper" [expr $where != 1]} {navBarElement "/websh/quickref.ws3" "quick reference" [expr $where != 2]} {navBarElement "/websh/examples.ws3" "examples" [expr $where != 4]} {navBarEnd} } } proc navbar_supp {{where 0}} { web::putx {
{navBarElement "/websh/support.ws3" "support" [expr $where != 0]} {navBarElement "/websh/faq.ws3" "faq" [expr $where != 1] \ "/websh/faq.ws3#generic" "generic questions" 1 \ "/websh/faq.ws3#technical" "tech questions" 1} \ {navBarElement "/websh/subscribe.ws3" "mailing list" [expr $where != 2]} {navBarElement "http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/" "bug tracking system" [expr $where != 3]}
} } proc navbar_ress {{where 0}} { web::putx { {navBarStart} {navBarEnd} } } proc navbar_down {{where 0}} { web::putx { {navBarStart} {navBarEnd} } } proc navbar_null {} { web::putx {   } } ## ============================================================================ ## news bars ## ============================================================================ proc newsbar_supp {} { web::putx {
} } proc newsbar_ress {} { web::putx {
} } proc jslink {linkname generic onover onout width gif alt} { return "\"$alt\"" } proc startHtmlPage {} { web::putx { Websh - Welcome } } proc startHtmlBody {} { web::putx { } } proc putHeader {{mainSectionNr 0} {quickNaviNr 1}} { web::putx { } if {$quickNaviNr == 0} { web::putx { } } else { web::putx { } } web::putx {
} if {$mainSectionNr == 0} { web::putx { } } if {$mainSectionNr == 1} { web::putx { } } if {$mainSectionNr == 2} { web::putx { } } if {$mainSectionNr == 3} { web::putx { } } if {$mainSectionNr == 4} { web::putx { } } if {$mainSectionNr == 5} { web::putx { } } web::putx {
{web::put [jslink /websh/product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}

{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}
{web::put [jslink /websh/product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]} {web::put [jslink /websh/resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}
} } proc finishPage {{where 0}} { web::putx {

{ if {$where != 1 } { web::put {description |} } else { web::put {description |} } if {$where != 2 } { web::put { documentation |} } else { web::put { documentation |} } if {$where != 3 } { web::put { support |} } else { web::put { support |} } if {$where != 4 } { web::put { resources |} } else { web::put { resources |} } if {$where != 5 } { web::put { download |} } else { web::put { download |} } if {$where != 7 } { web::put { credits |} } else { web::put { credits |} } if {$where != 6 } { web::put { copyright} } else { web::put { copyright} } }

© Websh - an Apache Tcl project - part of the Apache Software Foundation
} }