# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common code for the interpreter class websh.interpclass # $Id$ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc getDocFileName {filename} { return [file join [web::config document_root] websh $filename] } proc pageLink {url args} { if {[string match "*.ws3" $url]} { regsub {\.ws3$} $url ".html" url } set showName $url foreach {arg value} $args { switch -- $arg \ -show { set showName $value} \ -pre { set url "http://$url" } } web::put "$showName" } proc emailLink {email {showName ""}} { if { [string compare $showName ""] == 0 } {set showName $email } pageLink mailto:$email -show $showName } proc headRow {type mainTitle {rightTitle ""}} { if {$type == 1} { return } web::putx {
} } else { web::putx { | } } web::putx { | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{ if {$where != 1 } { web::put {description |} } else { web::put {description |} } if {$where != 2 } { web::put { documentation |} } else { web::put { documentation |} } if {$where != 3 } { web::put { support |} } else { web::put { support |} } if {$where != 4 } { web::put { resources |} } else { web::put { resources |} } if {$where != 5 } { web::put { download |} } else { web::put { download |} } if {$where != 7 } { web::put { credits |} } else { web::put { credits |} } if {$where != 6 } { web::put { copyright} } else { web::put { copyright} } } | |
© Websh - an Apache Tcl project - part of the Apache Software Foundation |