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Websh Mailing Lists

There is a mailing list for Websh users at websh-user@tcl.apache.org. You may subscribe by sending mail to websh-user-subscribe@tcl.apache.org, and unsubscribe via websh-user-unsubscribe@tcl.apache.org.
There is also a web interface to the archived websh-user list.

If you are interested in the development of Websh, there is also a list for the discussion of Websh work-in-progress. Use websh-dev@tcl.apache.org to post, websh-dev-subscribe@tcl.apache.org to subscribe, and websh-dev-unsubscribe@tcl.apache.org to unsubscribe from the list.
There is also a web interface to the archived websh-dev list.

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© Websh - an Apache Tcl project - part of the Apache Software Foundation