## $Id$ startHtmlPage startHtmlBody putHeader 0 0 web::putx {



The Internet is growing rapidly. Daily you find new applications and new home-pages - new opportunities for success and profit. The basic technologies behind the Internet, however, have remained stable for years. Only on a solid base can you build new stuff.

Check out the {pageLink /websh/examples.ws3 -show "live examples"} of Websh applications on this site.

Changes in the latest Release: {pageLink http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tcl/websh/tags/3.6.0b5/CHANGES -show "Changes in Websh 3.6.0.b5"}

{newsBarElement "2009-09-24" \ {Websh 3.6.0b5 available: Pick the {pageLink http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tcl/websh/source/websh-3.6.0b5-src.tar.gz -show "tarball"} or browse the {pageLink /websh/download.ws3 -show "download area"}. } } {newsBarElement "2006-03-05" \ {Websh 3.6.0b4 available: Pick the {pageLink http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tcl/websh/source/websh-3.6.0b4-src.tar.gz -show "tarball"} or browse the {pageLink /websh/download.ws3 -show "download area"}. } } {newsBarElement "2005-11-24" \ {Websh 3.6.0b3 available: Pick the {pageLink http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tcl/websh/source/websh-3.6.0b3-src.tar.gz -show "tarball"} or browse the {pageLink /websh/download.ws3 -show "download area"}. } } {newsBarElement "2005-10-16" \ {Code repository moved to SVN: Check the {pageLink download.ws3 -show "download area"} for details.} }
} finishPage