
# This example shows how persistent sessions can be stored
# on the server.
# It shows two HTML forms which have one input field each.
# You can switch between these two forms using the submit
# buttons. All data given in the form

# Define a memory context to hold some configuration variables.
# The next statement makes a context called 'config' to hold
# these data. It is a cleaner way than making global variables
# because it declares them clearly to be configuration vars.
web::context config

# Now set some configuration variables. Usually put the session
# state files in a directory not accessible through the Web server.
config::cset stateDirectory /tmp/websh/state/

# Create a file counter that generates the session ids. We take
# here an easy number generator, which produces sequential numbers
# and stores the actual counter value in a file (only create one if 
# the current interpreter does not already have one)
if {![llength [info commands idGenerator]]} {
    web::filecounter idGenerator -filename [file join [config::cget stateDirectory] counter]

# Create a file context named 'state'. The option '-path' defines
# where the session contexts are stored. '-attachto' defines an
# URL parameter name that might contain an existing session.
# (This parameter name could in fact be extracted using
# 'web::param sid' whenever the session is initalized.)
web::filecontext state -path [file join [config::cget stateDirectory] %s] -attachto sid -idgen "idGenerator nextval"

# Make sure the session state directory exists
catch {file mkdir [config::cget stateDirectory]}

proc form {page code} {
    # Produces a HTML FORM tag. Nested form variables must be output
    # in 'code'.
    # The 'page' parameter describes the web::command to call when
    # the form is submitted.
    web::put "<html><head><title>Session Example</title></head>"
    web::put "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"
    # form starts here
    web::put "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
    uplevel $code
    web::put "</form>"
    web::put "</body></html>"

proc putErrorMessage {msg} {
    # emit an error message in red.
    web::put "<p><font color=\"\#ff0000\">[web::htmlify $msg]</font></p>"

proc pageOne {{errorMessage ""}} {
    # Display page one of our HTML form.
    form processPageOne {
        if {[string length $errorMessage]} {
            putErrorMessage $errorMessage
        web::put "Numbers only: <input type=\"text\" name=\"a\" value=\"[web::htmlify [state::cget a]]\">"
        web::put "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Page 2\">"

proc pageTwo {{errorMessage ""}} {
    # Display page two of our HTML form.
    form processPageTwo {
        if {[string length $errorMessage]} {
            putErrorMessage $errorMessage
        web::put "Not empty: <input type=\"text\" name=\"b\" value=\"[web::htmlify [state::cget b]]\">"
        web::put "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Page 1\">"

proc saveAllFields {} {
    # Save all form fields to state context.
    # web::formvar without parameters returns a list of HTML form
    # variables sent to this script. web::formvar with the name
    # of a field returns its value, if the field does not exist
    # it returns an empty list (or an optional 2nd parameter 'default
    # value').
    # For clarity, we do not handle multiple fields with the same
    # name correctly here. If a HTML field is given twice or more
    # 'web::formvar -count <fieldname>' would give us the field count
    # 'web::formvar <fieldname>' returns then a list of n values.
    foreach field [web::formvar -names] {
        state::cset $field [web::formvar $field]

# Define two dispatched commands to each show one page of the
# (mini) form. The names of theses application commands will
# be used in the submit action of the form with 'web::cmdurl'.
web::command processPageOne {
    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+$} [web::formvar a]]} {
        # The input field does not contain only digits, so show page one again
        # including an error message.
        pageOne "Please enter a number."
    } else {
        # Everything ok, so save the form field to persistant session
        # and proceed with page two.

web::command processPageTwo {
    if {![string length [web::formvar b]]} {
        # The input field is empty, so show page two again
        # including an error message.
        pageTwo "Please fill in field."
    } else {
        # Everything ok, so save the form field to persistant session
        # and proceed with page one.

# Define the default command to show page one.
web::command default {
    # Initialize a fresh state.
    # Show page one initially.

# Dispatch to one of the web::commands according to a parameter in the
# URL. This parameter was set using 'web::cmdurl' in the FORM tag in
# procedure 'form'.
# At the very beginning we don't have a command in the URL. Then the
# web::command default is called.
# The '-track' parameter is used to take over the URL parameter 'sid'
# from "incoming" URLs to "outgoing" URLs. This parameters holds
# the session id and makes a session survive
# web::dispatch processes the URL - i.e. extracts parameters from the
# URL - and handles HTML form input sent to this script.
web::dispatch -track sid

# cleanup state (so we have no session crosstalk)

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