
# "order" form example
# The "customer" fills out a form, say an order form.
# The form data is validated and a confirmation page
# displayed. ALso, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the
# customer.
# In addition, logging is used.

# turn on logging
# web::logfilter determines which log messages will be sent to the log
# destination.  The rule here is: let all log messages pass which have
# facilities that match "*" and which have a level up to and including
# level "debug"
web::logfilter add *.-debug

# define where to send log messages to. Here we use a file
# and again define a log destination based filter, which is again
# "*.-debug" as above
web::logdest add *.-debug file /tmp/websh/emailform.log

# because log directory might not exist in this environment
# (note: in a production environment you make sure that this exists 
# at install time. You don't want to create that directory with every request)
catch {file mkdir /tmp/websh}

# utility command to handle an HTML page
proc page {title code} {
    web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
	<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
	<h1>{web::put $title}</h1>
    uplevel $code
    web::put "</body></html>\n"

# utility command to handle an html form
proc form {page code} {
    web::put "<form method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
    uplevel $code
    web::put "</form>"

# define the form where address is entered
proc showForm {error} {

    # generate a page with Title "Form"
    page "Order Form" {
	# generate a form with action "submit"
	form "submit" {
	    web::putx {
		<dt><b>Name:</b> {
		    # if "error" flag is set, show the red error message asking for input
		    if {$error == 1} {
			web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">Please enter your name</font>\n"
		<dd><input type="text" name="name" value="{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar name]]}" size="30"><p>
		<dd><textarea name="addr" rows="4" cols="30" wrap="auto">{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar addr]]}</textarea><p>
		<dt><b>E-Mail:</b> {
		    # if "error" flag is set, ask for valid e-mail address
		    if {$error == 2} {
			web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">Please enter a valid email addres</font>\n"
		<dd><input type="text" name="email" value="{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar email]]}" size="30"><p>
		<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">

# validator:
# make sure we have a name of non-zero length.
# Also, make sure the e-mail address is not completely wrong.
proc checkFormData {} {

    # check if a value is in the name field
    if  { [string length [web::formvar name]]  < 1} {
	# return error code
	return 1

    # log (facility: emailform, level: debug)
    web::log emailform.debug {name [web::formvar name] is valid}

    # check email
    set email [web::formvar email]

    # make sure we have alpha-numeric stuff separated by "@"
    if {![regexp -nocase {^([a-z._0-9-]+)@([a-z._0-9-]+)\.+([a-z]+)$} \
	      $email email name domain]} {
	# return error code
	return 2

    # check length of domain
    if {[string length $domain] < 3} {
	return 2

    web::log emailform.debug {email [web::formvar email] is valid}

    # looks good: no error
    return 0

# sendEmail
# create the e-mail message and send it to the given e-mail address
proc sendEmail {} {

    # disabled for security reasons, and because there is no 
    # sendmail on ;-)
    return 1

    set emailtxt {

Thank you for your submission.

We have recieved the following information:}

    append emailtxt "\nName:\n[web::formvar name]\n"
    append emailtxt "Address:\n"
    append emailtxt [web::formvar addr]
    append emailtxt {

Find more information about Webshell at

The team.
    # log message
    web::log emailform.debug "e-mail: $emailtxt"

    if { [catch {
	# Open pipe for e-mail
	set fh [open "| /usr/lib/sendmail [web::formvar email]" w]
	puts $fh "From:"
	puts $fh "Subject: websh3 sample application - sample confirmation"
	puts $fh ""
	puts $fh $emailtxt
	close $fh
    } cmsg ] } {
	return 0
    return 1

proc showErrorPage {} {

    page "Error" {

	web::putx {
	    An error occurred while processing your request.
	    Please {web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">try</a>"} again
	    If the problem persists, please contact the
	    {web::put "<a href=\"\">webmaster</a>"}.

proc showConfirmationPage {} {

    page "Confirmation" {

	web::putx {
	    <h3>Thank you for your order</h3>
	    We have recieved the following information:
	    <dd>{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar name]]}<p>
		# take care of linebreaks in address
		regsub -all "\r\n" [web::htmlify [web::formvar addr]] "<br>" addr
		web::put $addr
	    <dd>{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar email]]}<p>
	    You should recieve a confirmation by e-mail shortly.

	    <p><b>Note: to prevent misue, sending the actual email is disabled, so please don't wait for the mail ;-)</b></p>

	    {web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">Order more</a>"}
	    cool stuff.

# register the "default" command
# This command will be used whenever no specific command has been specified.
# We use it to show an empty form for address submission.
web::command default {
    showForm 0

# register command "submit"
# This is the "action" of our form. The form data is validated. If
# the formdata is incomplete or invalid, the form is re-displayed with
# an error info, where the original input is displayed as well.
# If the data is valid, the confirmation page is shown and
# an e-mail is sent to the specified address.

web::command submit {

    if { [set res [checkFormData]] == 0 } {
	if {[sendEmail]} {
	} else {
    } else {
	showForm $res


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