
# This Example shows you how to handle checkboxes in a form.

# set flag
set first_load "on"

# see confirmation form example
proc page {title code} {
    web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
	<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
	<h3>{web::put $title}</h3>
    uplevel $code
    web::put "</body></html>\n"

# see confirmation form example
proc form {page code} {
    web::put "<form enctype=\"text/html\" method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
    uplevel $code
    web::put "</form>"

proc showForm {error} {
    global first_load
    # generate a page with Title "File upload example"
     page "checkbox example" {
	# generate a form with action "submit"
		# the return value of a checkbox is no value or "on"
	form "submit" {
# web::match is used to search the value "on" in the variables time_flag and firstload.
# If the value is found it returns a checked.
	    web::putx {
		<br>Please choose the information that should be displayed.<br><br>
 		<input name="time_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar time_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
		<input name="day_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar day_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
		<input name="date_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar date_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
		{set output [web::match "%T &nbsp;" [web::formvar time_flag $first_load] "on"]}
		{append output [web::match "%A &nbsp;" [web::formvar day_flag $first_load] "on"]}
		{append output [web::match "%d.%m.%Y" [web::formvar date_flag $first_load] "on"]}
		{web::put [clock format [clock seconds] -format $output]}
		<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">

# see confirmation form example
web::command default {
    showForm 0

# With the set first_load 0 we know that the showForm is not displayed
# the first time.
# See also confirmation form example.

web::command submit {
	set first_load 0
	showForm 0

#see dispatch example

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